Brand: Dismalibro S.l. EAN: 9781471525322 Categoría: Libros y revistas
Este Es Un Libro De Texto Para El Ciclo De Educacin Primaria Con Temas Seleccionados Para Consegui Compara precios desde: Dismalibro S.l. in Libros y revistas
- Express Publishing -
28.05 EUR 29.53 EUR
Express Publishing New Fairyland 3 Primary Education Activity Pack
Brand: Express Publishing EAN: 9781471525322 MPN: 9781471525322 Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: NEW FAIRYLAND 3 PRIMARY EDUCATION ACTIVITY PACK (978-1-4715-2532-2) de Express Publishing (obra colectiva) (Express Publishing ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Tercero .. Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue pupils Presentation of vocabulary through posters and flash cards Inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote active learning Craftwork, projects and portfolio activities Green sections promoting respect for the environment Cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure Activity Book in full colour Step-by-step interleaved Teacher's Book 0 Compara precios desde: Express Publishing in Libros y revistas
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