- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
9.5 EUR 10 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Cabo De Gata Nijar
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484783015MPN: 9788484783015
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Cabo de Gata Nijar (978-84-8478-301-5) de Serrat Comerma, Jaume, Vallecillos Molero, Lucas, Morales Molina, Marga, Engler, Susanne, Serrat Comerma, Jaume, Vallecillos Molero, Lucas, Morales Molina, Marga (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. Practical guide of beaches, parks, monuments, Muslim architecture, museums, festivals and accommodation. Includes suggestions for routes itineraries around the districts of Almeria, and detailed maps and routes. 1
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%2
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
10.45 EUR 11 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Sitges
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484783329MPN: 9788484783329
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Sitges (978-84-8478-332-9) de Marqus Virgili, Carles; Vivas Ortiz, Pere; Puig Castellano, Jordi; Pla Boada, Ricard (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. At the end of the 19th century, Sitges experienced a period of great splendour. On the return of the prosperous traders from America, the disembarkation was joined by Modernist artists. Since then, Sitges has become a cultural, leisure and tourist pole of attraction. The current presence of museums and festivals keeps it at the head. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%3
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
6.65 EUR 7 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. L?escala
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484783442MPN: 9788484783442
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: L?Escala (978-84-8478-344-2) de Roig, Sebasti, Puig Castellanos, Jordi, Roig Casamitjana, Sebasti, Cedar, Steve, Puig Castellanos, Jordi (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. This PhotoGuide shows the corners, customs and daily life of a town that exists facing the sea. Scenery, culture, heritage and gastronomy make up the personality of this seafaring town. The colourful palette of mountains, hills, coves and beaches will pass on to you the serenity and harmony that, many centuries before, gratified the senses of the Greek and Roman civilisations. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%4
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
9.5 EUR 10 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Roses
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484782063MPN: 9788484782063
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Roses (978-84-8478-206-3) de Roig, Sebasti, Puig Castellanos, Jordi, Roig Casamitjana, Sebasti, Cohen, Laurent, Engler, Susanne, Siliato, Maurizio, Puig Castellanos, Jordi (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Libros de Poesía .. Roses, a coastal town close to France, has become one of the most common destinations in Catalonia. Its landscape forms part of the Parc dels Aiguamolls de lEmpord and the Natural Park of Cap de Creus. Throughout the 20th century, the small fishermens village has been transformed into a tourist centre of great interest, where the gastronomic creations of the chef Ferran Adri have materialised. 1
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%5
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Majorque
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484786931MPN: 9788484786931
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Majorque (978-84-8478-693-1) de Font, Marga, Lataillade, Barbara de (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. Mallorca, in the heart of the western Mediterranea, trasures a large diversity of landscapes. The rugged profile of the Serra de Tramuntana is lined with peaks that, in wintertime, emerge at dawn with a sprinkling of snow. The large inland plains are dotted with villages and tows, perched on hills and proudly watching over their traditions and gastronomy. Wetlands, seabeds and protected areas make up valuable ecosystems in many places around the territory. The island?s coastline is lined with heavenly beaches and coves hidden between cliffs, kissed by pristine-clear turquoise and emerald waters. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%6
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
5.23 EUR 5.51 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Mapa Mallorca
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484787556MPN: 9788484787556
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Mapa Mallorca (978-84-8478-755-6) de Diversos (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. Mallorca map, untearable water-resitant synthetic paper 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%7
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
41.8 EUR 44 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Casa Navs I El Modernisme Del Sud De Catalunya
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484789284MPN: 9788484789284
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Casa Navs i el Modernisme del sud de Catalunya (978-84-8478-928-4) de Buqueras i Bach, Josep M. (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Aquest llibre vol posar en valor la Casa Navs, reusenca i domenequiana, sens dubte, una autntica joia del Modernisme europeu. Alhora, reflecteix linventari de larquitectura del Camp de Tarragona i de les Terres de lEbre entre 1880 i 1930. Trobareu gairebé set-centes referncies, la majoria modernistes, per també declctiques i noucentistes. Estan estructurades per comarques, amb obres dAntoni Gaudí, Lluís Domnech i Montaner, Josep Maria Jujol, Csar Martinell, Joan Rubió, Francesc Berenguer, Pere Caselles, Josep Maria Pujol de Barber, Pau Monguió o Ramon Salas entre altres. Espectaculars imatges i les corresponents infografies que us proposen possibles itineraris. Gaudiu duna enriquidora lectura acompanyada per evocadores fotografies. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%8
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
16.62 EUR 17.49 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Pavelló Mies Van Der Rohe
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788410127012MPN: 9788410127012
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Pavelló Mies van der Rohe (978-84-10-12701-2) de Rovira Gimeno, Josep Maria (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Mies van der Rohe gave a master class in modernity and style with his German Pavilion, built for the International Exhibition of Barcelona of 1929. The architect distilled his less is more concept to create this singular space of light and shade, glass and marble, air and water. This monographic work describes it to us in all its plenitude. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%9
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
28.03 EUR 29.51 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. 1 Dia1 Foto
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484786535MPN: 9788484786535
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: 1 dia1 foto (978-84-8478-653-5) de Babel Traductors (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Fotografía .. Encuadernación: Cartoné 31 fotoperiodistas ha realizado 365 fotografías, 1 por cada día del año, para hacer de la luz (foto) escritura (grafía) y componer un relato que habla de toda una comunidad revelado en una exposición en el Arts Santa Mnica y que este libro publicado por Triangle Books refleja aquí, ahora y para siempre. Además, 12 escritores, periodistas, filósofos o historiadores prologan cada mes de este año trascendental. 2014 ha sido un año histórico para Cataluña, la celebración del Tricentenario de la Guerra de Sucesión, la convocatoria de la consulta por la independencia, la abdicación del rey de España, acontecimientos históricos ineludibles. Pero este libro también retrata los hechos cotidianos protagonizados por personas ignoradas por los medios. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%10
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
17.1 EUR 18 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Catalogna
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484783138MPN: 9788484783138
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Catalogna (978-84-8478-313-8) de Roig, Sebasti, Vivas, Pere, Pla, Ricard ... [et al.], Puig Castellanos, Jordi, Roig Casamitjana, Sebasti, Siliato, Maurizio, Vivas, Pere, Puig Castellanos, Jordi (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. Catalonia is a thousand-year-old nation, which has been enriched by the passing through and contributions of very diverse cultures throughout its history. The book proposes a trip around the Catalan counties, with the intention of transcending the usual and commonplace spots. 1
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%11
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
12.82 EUR 13.49 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Dalí : El Triangle De Lempord
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484787303MPN: 9788484787303
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Dalí : El triangle de lEmpord (978-84-8478-730-3) de Roig, Sebasti, Puig Castellanos, Jordi, Roig Casamitjana, Sebasti (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Arte .. Encuadernación: Rústica 1
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%12
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
16.63 EUR 17.51 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Pabellón Mies Van Der Rohe
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484787808MPN: 9788484787808
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Pabellón Mies van der Rohe (978-84-8478-780-8) de Rovira Gimeno, Josep Maria (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Arquitectura .Monografías .. Mies van der Rohe gave a master class in modernity and style with his German Pavilion, built for the International Exhibition of Barcelona of 1929. The architect distilled his less is more concept to create this singular space of light and shade, glass and marble, air and water. This monographic work describes it to us in all its plenitude. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%13
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
8.27 EUR 8.71 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Cycle Tourism Map Mallorca
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484788546MPN: 9788484788546
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Cycle Tourism Map Mallorca (978-84-8478-854-6) de Puig Ventura, Biel, Esteve, Juan, Cedar, Steve (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. The islands particular terrain, its winding roads, astonishing landscapes, the mighty Serra de Tramuntana mountain range; its soft southern plateau; the welcoming coastline; the enthusiastic tourism infrastructure services...all of this and much more make Majorca a paradise for cyclists. This map comes with 22 cycling routes, for both road cycling and mountain biking and for all levels! Perfect to enjoy this wonderful island on wheels. Happy cycling! 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%14
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
11.3 EUR 11.89 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Quins Animalons Hi Trobem A La Mar Mediterrnia?
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484789970MPN: 9788484789970
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Quins animalons hi trobem a la mar Mediterrnia? (978-84-8478-997-0) de Triangle Postals, S.L. (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Libros para niños .Libros para niños de más de 6 años .Lecturas para niños de 6 a 7 años .. In the Mediterranean Sea, we find many little animals. Discover which ones are in this small book while you learn languages! Which little creatures can you find in the Mediterranean Sea? is a recycled thick cardboard book that takes children on a journey to discover the mysteries of the sea in an enjoyable and fun way, highlighting the natural and cultural elements of the Mediterranean. Designed for early readers using uppercase characters it also manages to spark interest in other languages, as it allows reading a similar text in three languages in each of its versions (Spanish-English-French / Cata- lan-Spanish-English). 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%15
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
11.4 EUR 12 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Tarragone
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484787624MPN: 9788484787624
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Tarragone (978-84-8478-762-4) de Pla, Ricard ... [et al.], Cohen, Laurent (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. Tarragona, the ancient Tarraco, was the first Roman city outside Italy and the residence of Emperor Augustus, who made the city the capital of Hispania. Later on, Emperor Hadrian dedicated these words to the city: Tarraco, the city where spring is eternaló. We can see the traces of the classic civilization in its walls, towers, forum, circus and amphitheatre, all of which have been declared as World Heritage by UNESCO, Today, however, Tarragona is about its human heritage: its culture, festivities, gastronomyéwhich is equally worthy of recognition as are its stones. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%16
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
5.04 EUR 5.31 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Ibiza + Formentera
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484783299MPN: 9788484783299
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Ibiza + Formentera (978-84-8478-329-9) de Moreno Farres, Laia, Esteve, Juan (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Geografía .Cartografía .. Encuadernación: Rústica. Colección: Mapes. Medidas: - Cerrado: 13 x 21.5 cm. - Abierto: 87.5 x 63 cm. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%17
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
14.72 EUR 15.49 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Gr 221 Serra De Tramuntana
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484786238MPN: 9788484786238
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: GR 221 Serra de Tramuntana (978-84-8478-623-8) de Rayó i Ferrer, Miquel, Sastre, Vicen, Sastre i Arrom, Joan (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. The comprehensive review of the route done by the authors of the text, together with changes to its layout, have been translated also to a new and detailed mapping, with 32 new pages and more pictures and drawings. The guide we present proposes to do the route in eight stages, each of which is divided into sections to make orientation easier. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%18
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
45.6 EUR 48 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Casa Batlló
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788410127036MPN: 9788410127036
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Casa Batlló (978-84-10-12703-6) de Vivas, Pere (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Arquitectura .Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura .. Aquest llibre celebra el geni portentós i la passió creativa de Gaudí. La joia arquitectnica que és Casa Batlló i limpacte emocional que sacseja els seus visitants es reflecteixen fidelment a Casa Batlló. La Casa de Barcelona a través, en primer lloc, dunes fotografies de Pere Vivas que són una finestra oberta al món prodigiós de larquitecte. I, en segon lloc, i de manera més reflexiva, duns textos de Daniel Giralt-Miracle, Mireia Freixa, Amilcar Vargas, Alfredo Ruiz, Joan Olona, Ignasi Villanueva, Mireia Bosch, Ana Atance i Xavier Villanueva que ens descobreixen el passat, el present, el llegat ocult, lart i la simbologia duna obra mestra, Patrimoni Mundial de la Unesco des de 2005. Benvinguts a Casa Batlló, des dara, Casa vostra (Nina Bernat, consellera delegada de Casa Batlló). 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%19
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
7.6 EUR 8 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Alhambra. Palacios Nazaríes
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788410127265MPN: 9788410127265
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Alhambra. Palacios Nazaríes (978-84-10-12726-5) de Vivas, Pere, Regs, Ricard (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Los Palacios Nazaríes son el auténtico corazón de la Alhambra, obra cumbre del arte universal y Patrimonio Mundial de la Unesco desde 1984. Construidos a lo largo del siglo xiv, el Mexuar, el Palacio de Comares y el Palacio de los Leones, residencias de los soberanos de la dinastía nazarí, sorprenden por el contraste entre sus austeros muros exteriores y unos patios interiores y unas estancias en las que los artistas dieron rienda suelta a su talento uniendo en consonancia los zócalos de alicatados, las yeserías murales y los artesonados de los techos, todos con motivos geométricos, epigráficos y vegetales. Este libro muestra cómo la armonía entre la arquitectura, la decoración y el agua alcanza las cotas más elevadas en los Palacios Nazaríes. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%20
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
22.8 EUR 24 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Casa Navs I El Modernisme De Tota La Província De Tarragona
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484788980MPN: 9788484788980
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Casa Navs i el Modernisme de tota la província de Tarragona (978-84-8478-898-0) de Capdevila, Joan, Buqueras i Bach, Josep M., Duch Mas, Juan, Tarraco Translation (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. This book aims to highlight the Casa Navs and reflect the inventory of the architecture of Camp de Tarragona and Terres de lEbre between 1880 and 1930. Almost seven hundred references, most of them modernist, but also eclectic and noucentista structured by region Spectacular images and the corresponding infographics that suggest possible itineraries. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%21
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Guia Catedral De Barcelona
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484788287MPN: 9788484788287
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Guia Catedral de Barcelona (978-84-8478-828-7) de Vivas, Pere, Regs, Ricard, Puig, Teresa (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. A prime example of Catalan Gothic architecture, Barcelona Cathedral was mostly built between the 14th and 15th centuries and is one of the citys most iconic landmarks due to its importance as a heritage site and enormous impact on the history of Catalonia and the spiritual life of the local community. Its three vast naves, with side chapels nestling among buttresses, showcase the breathtaking verticality of the Gothic style which can also be seen on the faade and spires. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%22
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
26.6 EUR 28 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. La Sagrada Família
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484788928MPN: 9788484788928
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: La Sagrada Família (978-84-8478-892-8) de Vivas, Pere, Curti, Chiara (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Arquitectura .. Chiara Curti is an architect with a PhD in Art History. She specialisses in the life and work of Gaudí and has worked on the crypt and the Nativity faade of the Sagrada Família. In this book, The Sagrada Família, the Cathedral of Light , Curti and Gaudí lead us through the basilica on a visit that transcends the very essence of the building and reveals to us the light that illuminates it on a path towards beauty or truth because, as the author says, ?beauty is matter illuminated?, and Gaudí shows us that ?beauty is the splendour of truth? . And on this path, Curti reveals aspects and images of the basilica that have never been mentioned or seen before and now, thanks to the magnificent photographs by Pere Vivas , we can all share in. A book by Chiara Curti Photograhs by Pere Vivas Prologue by Jordi Faulí and Marko Ivan Rupnik High-quality and full-color images 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%23
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
36.1 EUR 38 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Lluís Domnech I Montaner
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484789963MPN: 9788484789963
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Lluís Domnech i Montaner (978-84-8478-996-3) de Homs, Núria, Vélez, Pilar, Freixa, Mireia, Vivas, Pere, Ramon, Antoni, Granell, Enric, Siz, Carles, Casanova, Rossend (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. l'occasion du centenaire de la mort de Lluís Domnech i Montaner, Triangle Books a réuni dans un seul ouvrage les meilleurs spécialistes de Domnech en général et de ses édifices en particulier pour comprendre la personnalité aux multiples facettes et interpréter l'uvre d'un grand architecte de l'histoire de l'art européen. Le livre commence par des articles introductifs qui présentent l'architecte dans le contexte de l'Art nouveau européen et expliquent ses différentes facettes : civique, politique, académique... et se poursuit avec les monographies de ses btiments, de l'éditorial Montaner i Simon (1979- 1881) la Casa Fuster (1908-1911) ou au Palau de la Música ou l'Hpital de Sant Pau, tous deux inscrits au patrimoine mondial. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%24
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
16.63 EUR 17.51 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Pavillon Mies Van Der Rohe
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484787839MPN: 9788484787839
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Pavillon Mies van der Rohe (978-84-8478-783-9) de Rovira Gimeno, Josep Maria (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Arquitectura .Monografías .. Mies van der Rohe gave a master class in modernity and style with his German Pavilion, built for the International Exhibition of Barcelona of 1929. The architect distilled his ?less is more? concept to create this singular space of light and shade, glass and marble, air and water. This monographic work describes it to us in all its plenitude. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%25
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
9.5 EUR 10 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Costa Blanca
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484784418MPN: 9788484784418
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Costa Blanca (978-84-8478-441-8) de Pérez Sánchez, Rafa (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. The more than 218 kilometres of coastline and its hours of sunlight during the year are the visiting card of a place, the Costa Blanca, which encompasses the entire province of Alicante. An attractive and diverse coastline of beaches and coves, a high inland that makes the province one of the most mountainous in Spain, and a series of perfumed orchards, make up a landscape that is pure Mediterranean essence. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%26
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
7.6 EUR 8 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Alhambra
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788410127272MPN: 9788410127272
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Alhambra (978-84-10-12727-2) de Vivas, Pere, Regs, Ricard (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Los Palacios Nazaríes son el auténtico corazón de la Alhambra, obra cumbre del arte universal y Patrimonio Mundial de la Unesco desde 1984. Construidos a lo largo del siglo xiv, el Mexuar, el Palacio de Comares y el Palacio de los Leones, residencias de los soberanos de la dinastía nazarí, sorprenden por el contraste entre sus austeros muros exteriores y unos patios interiores y unas estancias en las que los artistas dieron rienda suelta a su talento uniendo en consonancia los zócalos de alicatados, las yeserías murales y los artesonados de los techos, todos con motivos geométricos, epigráficos y vegetales. Este libro muestra cómo la armonía entre la arquitectura, la decoración y el agua alcanza las cotas más elevadas en los Palacios Nazaríes. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%27
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Valence
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484787662MPN: 9788484787662
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Valence (978-84-8478-766-2) de Varios autores, Lataillade, Barbara (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. Valencia is a city that is 150% Mediterranean! It?s history, architecture, gastronomy and human relations ?that can bee seen in local markets and on the terraces of its bars, and on its sandy beaches? that can be defined as very ?Mediterranean?. Furthermore, Valencians have added an extra touch of creative exuberance, the best example being their famous festivity of the Fallas, declared UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage; their creativity can also bee seen in the city?s Gothic, Baroque and Art Nouveau buildings, and even in the ultra-modern City of Arts and Science. Absorb and enjoy two thousand years of motley Mediterranean life! 0
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41.8 EUR 44 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Casa Navs Y El Modernismo Del Sur De Cataluña
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484789291MPN: 9788484789291
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Casa Navs y el Modernismo del sur de Cataluña (978-84-8478-929-1) de Buqueras i Bach, Josep M. (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Este libro quiere poner en valor la Casa Navs, reusenca y domenequiana, sin duda, una auténtica joya del Modernismo europeo. Asimismo, refleja el inventario de la arquitectura del Camp de Tarragona y de las Terres de lEbre entre 1880 y 1930. Encontraréis casi setecientas referencias, la mayoría modernistas, pero también eclécticas y novecentistas. Están estructuradas por comarcas, con obras de Antoni Gaudí, Lluís Domnech i Montaner, Josep Maria Jujol, César Martinell, Joan Rubió, Francesc Berenguer, Pedro Caselles, Josep Maria Pujol de Barber, Pau Monguió o Ramon Salas entre otros. Espectaculares imágenes y las correspondientes infografías que os proponen posibles itinerarios. Disfrutad de una enriquecedora lectura acompañada por evocadoras fotografías. 0
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16.1 EUR 16.95 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Die Stadt Gaudís
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484787235MPN: 9788484787235
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Die Stadt Gaudís (978-84-8478-723-5) de Moix, Lltzer, Vivas, Pere, Engler, Susanne (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Fotografía .. Barcelona is a mosaic of landscapes and atmospheres: the port and the Rambla, the Gothic route around Ciutat Vella, Eixample, Modernism and Gaudí, the Olympic urban planning, the museums and sculptures, leisure and night life? A complete visual report complemented with general and thematic maps of the city. Enjoy Barcelona in its larger new format, with a new design and new photographs. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%30
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18.52 EUR 19.49 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. La Travessa De La Costa Brava
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484784173MPN: 9788484784173
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: La travessa de la Costa Brava (978-84-8478-417-3) de Lara, Sergi, Puig Castellanos, Jordi (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Novela y Narrativa Extranjera .. Sergi Lara accompanies you through the most attractive landscapes of the Catalan coastline. Go along the walkways or the coastal paths in 230 kilometres of exceptional views. The crossing is divided into 10 stages with detailed maps and information about the walkways, the GR routes and smaller paths. It also includes 2 extra stages that will enable you to walk from Portbou to Cotlliure in order to discover the charms of the Cte Vermeille. 1
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30.18 EUR 31.77 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. El Palau De La Música Catalana
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484780953MPN: 9788484780953
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: El Palau de la Música Catalana (978-84-8478-095-3) de Carandell, José María, Vivas, Pere, Pla, Ricard ... [et al.], Cedar, Steve, Montserrat Ribalta, Joan, Sutcliffe, David, Vivas, Pere, Pla, Ricard ... [et al.] (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Música .. The architectural work of Lluís Domnech i Montaner culminates in the Palau de la Música Catalana, a Modernist jewel and musical centre of Barcelona since 1908. If its faade is stunning, the concert hall, with its curious structure of temple and theatre, is one of the most beautiful in the world. 0
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13.77 EUR 14.49 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Gala Dalí Castle
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484788591MPN: 9788484788591
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Gala Dalí Castle (978-84-8478-859-1) de Aguer, Montse, Puig Castellanos, Jordi, Pitxot, Antoni, Puig, Jordi, Cedar, Steve (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Arte .. From what is known as the Dalí triangle, the castle of Púbol is the most austere and is linked to the last creative stage of the artist. It is the place Dalí offered to his dame, as a tribute. A place of isolation, evocative of the past, with a proustian atmosphere, in a search for a lost world, and subjective projection. This guide on the House-Museum Gala Dalí Castle completes the trilogy written by Antoni Pitxot and Montse Aguer, with photographs by Jordi Puig, which started with the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres and the Salvador Dalí House-Museum in Portlligat, dealing with the spaces where this outstanding artist from the Empord lived most of his daily life. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas