- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
27.55 EUR 29 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Gaudi
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484786641MPN: 9788484786641
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Gaudi (978-84-8478-664-1) de Vivas, Pere, Liz Rodríguez, Josep, Siliato, Maurizio (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Arquitectura .Monografías .. Encuadernación: Rústicanbsp; 1
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%2
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Costa Brava
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484787709MPN: 9788484787709
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Costa Brava (978-84-8478-770-9) de Puig Castellanos, Jordi, Varios autores (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. Con la mirada de Jordi Puig y las palabras de Vador Minobis, recorreremos toda la Costa Brava, desde Porbou hasta Blanes, deteniéndonos en las 100 mejores calas y playas, todas llenas de encanto y belleza.En el trayecto, nos acompañarán el escritor Sebasti Roig para explicarnos como llegó el glamur de Hollywood a estas costas de la mano de Ava Gardner, Orson Welles o Kirk Douglas, entre otras muchas estrellas y la ilustradora Ana Yael, quien llena de vida, arte y humor sus mapas del litoral más fascinante del Mediterráneo.Buen viaje! 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%3
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
11.4 EUR 12 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. @theblogfrom Barcelona
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484787488MPN: 9788484787488
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: @TheBlogFrom Barcelona (978-84-8478-748-8) de Silva de Villena, Luís Enrique, Cedar, Steve (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. Illustrator Luis Silva and Triangle Books bring you a beautiful and practical travel log to discover and enjoy the city with routes and maps of Barcelona to mark your itinerary and pages where you can take notes or write down your ideas and thoughts, along with special photos and beautiful watercolour illustrations. A smart gift for special people like you. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%4
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
18.52 EUR 19.49 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Cap De Creus
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484786894MPN: 9788484786894
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Cap de Creus (978-84-8478-689-4) de Roig, Sebasti, Puig Castellanos, Jordi, Puig, Jordi, Roig Casamitjana, Sebasti, Engler, Susanne (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. Cap de Creus is the most fascinating enclave of the Costa Brava, and constitutes the easternmost point of the Iberian Peninsula. It juts out at the exact place on the map where the Pyrenees, battered by the tramontana ? the wind from the north ? abandons the mainland to suddenly plunge into the Mediterranean Sea. This guidebook, recommended by the Cap de Creus Nature Park, includes 17 routes on foot to discover all the hidden spots along this beautiful yet rugged and rocky coastline, inviting the reader to discover its villages, coves and beaches. The guidebook includes a foldable map and tips on leisure, gastronomy, accommodation and activities. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%5
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
11.4 EUR 12 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Serra De Tramuntana
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484784036MPN: 9788484784036
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Serra de Tramuntana (978-84-8478-403-6) de Valero i Martí, Gaspar, Planas Badia, Imma, Engler, Susanne (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. The Guide-Map to the Serra de Tramuntana contains the keys for getting around one of the most beautiful and extensive natural spaces in Mallorca. It shows several routes, the enclaves with the greatest ecological and scenic value, and the hotels and accommodation most suited to the needs of the visitor. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%6
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. El Camí De Cavalls
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484785040MPN: 9788484785040
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: El Camí de Cavalls (978-84-8478-504-0) de Lara, Sergi, Mercadal Argimbau, Joan ... [et al.] (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Deportes .Montañismo, senderismo, espeleologiacute;a .. Encuadernación: Rústica Minorca, classed by the UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve, is a jewel in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea where the cultural and natural values have been especially well preserved. Together with Sergi Lara, a professional mountain guide who programs active travelling in all parts of the world, you can now discover over 200km of the GR 223 trail, the historical Camí de Cavalls, which goes around the perimeter of the island. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%7
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
16.1 EUR 16.95 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. La Ciudad De Gaudí
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484787204MPN: 9788484787204
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: La ciudad de Gaudí (978-84-8478-720-4) de Moix, Lltzer, Vivas, Pere (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Fotografía .. Barcelona is a mosaic of landscapes and atmospheres: the port and the Rambla, the Gothic route around Ciutat Vella, Eixample, Modernism and Gaudí, the Olympic urban planning, the museums and sculptures, leisure and night life? A complete visual report complemented with general and thematic maps of the city. Enjoy Barcelona in its larger new format, with a new design and new photographs. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%8
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
5.04 EUR 5.31 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Ibiza + Formentera
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484783299MPN: 9788484783299
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Ibiza + Formentera (978-84-8478-329-9) de Moreno Farres, Laia, Esteve, Juan (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Geografía .Cartografía .. Encuadernación: Rústica. Colección: Mapes. Medidas: - Cerrado: 13 x 21.5 cm. - Abierto: 87.5 x 63 cm. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%9
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
45.6 EUR 48 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Casa Batlló
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788410127036MPN: 9788410127036
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Casa Batlló (978-84-10-12703-6) de Vivas, Pere (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Arquitectura .Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura .. Aquest llibre celebra el geni portentós i la passió creativa de Gaudí. La joia arquitectnica que és Casa Batlló i limpacte emocional que sacseja els seus visitants es reflecteixen fidelment a Casa Batlló. La Casa de Barcelona a través, en primer lloc, dunes fotografies de Pere Vivas que són una finestra oberta al món prodigiós de larquitecte. I, en segon lloc, i de manera més reflexiva, duns textos de Daniel Giralt-Miracle, Mireia Freixa, Amilcar Vargas, Alfredo Ruiz, Joan Olona, Ignasi Villanueva, Mireia Bosch, Ana Atance i Xavier Villanueva que ens descobreixen el passat, el present, el llegat ocult, lart i la simbologia duna obra mestra, Patrimoni Mundial de la Unesco des de 2005. Benvinguts a Casa Batlló, des dara, Casa vostra (Nina Bernat, consellera delegada de Casa Batlló). 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%10
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
22.8 EUR 24 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Casa Navs I El Modernisme De Tota La Província De Tarragona
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484788980MPN: 9788484788980
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Casa Navs i el Modernisme de tota la província de Tarragona (978-84-8478-898-0) de Capdevila, Joan, Buqueras i Bach, Josep M., Duch Mas, Juan, Tarraco Translation (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. This book aims to highlight the Casa Navs and reflect the inventory of the architecture of Camp de Tarragona and Terres de lEbre between 1880 and 1930. Almost seven hundred references, most of them modernist, but also eclectic and noucentista structured by region Spectacular images and the corresponding infographics that suggest possible itineraries. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%11
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
14.72 EUR 15.49 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Gr 221 Serra De Tramuntana
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484786238MPN: 9788484786238
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: GR 221 Serra de Tramuntana (978-84-8478-623-8) de Rayó i Ferrer, Miquel, Sastre, Vicen, Sastre i Arrom, Joan (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. The comprehensive review of the route done by the authors of the text, together with changes to its layout, have been translated also to a new and detailed mapping, with 32 new pages and more pictures and drawings. The guide we present proposes to do the route in eight stages, each of which is divided into sections to make orientation easier. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%12
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
7.6 EUR 8 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Alhambra. Palacios Nazaríes
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788410127265MPN: 9788410127265
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Alhambra. Palacios Nazaríes (978-84-10-12726-5) de Vivas, Pere, Regs, Ricard (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Los Palacios Nazaríes son el auténtico corazón de la Alhambra, obra cumbre del arte universal y Patrimonio Mundial de la Unesco desde 1984. Construidos a lo largo del siglo xiv, el Mexuar, el Palacio de Comares y el Palacio de los Leones, residencias de los soberanos de la dinastía nazarí, sorprenden por el contraste entre sus austeros muros exteriores y unos patios interiores y unas estancias en las que los artistas dieron rienda suelta a su talento uniendo en consonancia los zócalos de alicatados, las yeserías murales y los artesonados de los techos, todos con motivos geométricos, epigráficos y vegetales. Este libro muestra cómo la armonía entre la arquitectura, la decoración y el agua alcanza las cotas más elevadas en los Palacios Nazaríes. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%13
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
7.6 EUR 8 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Alhambra
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788410127272MPN: 9788410127272
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Alhambra (978-84-10-12727-2) de Vivas, Pere, Regs, Ricard (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Los Palacios Nazaríes son el auténtico corazón de la Alhambra, obra cumbre del arte universal y Patrimonio Mundial de la Unesco desde 1984. Construidos a lo largo del siglo xiv, el Mexuar, el Palacio de Comares y el Palacio de los Leones, residencias de los soberanos de la dinastía nazarí, sorprenden por el contraste entre sus austeros muros exteriores y unos patios interiores y unas estancias en las que los artistas dieron rienda suelta a su talento uniendo en consonancia los zócalos de alicatados, las yeserías murales y los artesonados de los techos, todos con motivos geométricos, epigráficos y vegetales. Este libro muestra cómo la armonía entre la arquitectura, la decoración y el agua alcanza las cotas más elevadas en los Palacios Nazaríes. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%14
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
16.63 EUR 17.51 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Pavillon Mies Van Der Rohe
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484787839MPN: 9788484787839
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Pavillon Mies van der Rohe (978-84-8478-783-9) de Rovira Gimeno, Josep Maria (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Arquitectura .Monografías .. Mies van der Rohe gave a master class in modernity and style with his German Pavilion, built for the International Exhibition of Barcelona of 1929. The architect distilled his ?less is more? concept to create this singular space of light and shade, glass and marble, air and water. This monographic work describes it to us in all its plenitude. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%15
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
9.5 EUR 10 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Costa Blanca
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484784418MPN: 9788484784418
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Costa Blanca (978-84-8478-441-8) de Pérez Sánchez, Rafa (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. The more than 218 kilometres of coastline and its hours of sunlight during the year are the visiting card of a place, the Costa Blanca, which encompasses the entire province of Alicante. An attractive and diverse coastline of beaches and coves, a high inland that makes the province one of the most mountainous in Spain, and a series of perfumed orchards, make up a landscape that is pure Mediterranean essence. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%16
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Valence
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484787662MPN: 9788484787662
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Valence (978-84-8478-766-2) de Varios autores, Lataillade, Barbara (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. Valencia is a city that is 150% Mediterranean! It?s history, architecture, gastronomy and human relations ?that can bee seen in local markets and on the terraces of its bars, and on its sandy beaches? that can be defined as very ?Mediterranean?. Furthermore, Valencians have added an extra touch of creative exuberance, the best example being their famous festivity of the Fallas, declared UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage; their creativity can also bee seen in the city?s Gothic, Baroque and Art Nouveau buildings, and even in the ultra-modern City of Arts and Science. Absorb and enjoy two thousand years of motley Mediterranean life! 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%17
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
36.1 EUR 38 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Lluís Domnech I Montaner
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484789963MPN: 9788484789963
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Lluís Domnech i Montaner (978-84-8478-996-3) de Homs, Núria, Vélez, Pilar, Freixa, Mireia, Vivas, Pere, Ramon, Antoni, Granell, Enric, Siz, Carles, Casanova, Rossend (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. l'occasion du centenaire de la mort de Lluís Domnech i Montaner, Triangle Books a réuni dans un seul ouvrage les meilleurs spécialistes de Domnech en général et de ses édifices en particulier pour comprendre la personnalité aux multiples facettes et interpréter l'uvre d'un grand architecte de l'histoire de l'art européen. Le livre commence par des articles introductifs qui présentent l'architecte dans le contexte de l'Art nouveau européen et expliquent ses différentes facettes : civique, politique, académique... et se poursuit avec les monographies de ses btiments, de l'éditorial Montaner i Simon (1979- 1881) la Casa Fuster (1908-1911) ou au Palau de la Música ou l'Hpital de Sant Pau, tous deux inscrits au patrimoine mondial. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%18
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
12.82 EUR 13.49 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Salvador Dalí
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484783626MPN: 9788484783626
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Salvador Dalí (978-84-8478-362-6) de Puig Castellanos, Jordi (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Among the coves of Cap de Creus stands the secret refuge of Salvador Dalí and his muse Gala. It is a unique residence, full of surprises and untypical decorations constructed by the unbounded imagination of the genius. It is a journey to the very heart of the artist in a magnificent natural setting, which inspired the majority of his masterpieces. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%19
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
6.65 EUR 7 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Empúries
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484783497MPN: 9788484783497
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Empúries (978-84-8478-349-7) de Puig Castellanos, Jordi, Tremoleda, Joaquim (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. This PhotoGuide explains in detail the origins of the Greek and Roman presence in Empúries, the landing spot of the classical world on the Iberian Peninsula. The power of both cities turned Empúries into a meeting pot of cultures. A visual tour, illustrated by the main pieces that the museum houses, that enables us to appreciate the beauty of the Archaeological Site of Empúries. A classical treasure in the heart of LEmpord. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%20
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
9.5 EUR 10 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Natura Mallorca
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484781646MPN: 9788484781646
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Natura Mallorca (978-84-8478-164-6) de Rayó i Ferrer, Miquel, Compta González, Víctor, Torrens i Ramis, Sebasti (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Geografía .Geografía De España .. Mallorca, sol y playa... Mallorca, paraíso del turismo... Para superar los tópicos basta con alejarse un poco de los espacios más frecuentados. Se comprueba entonces que la isla es aún un paraíso natural en muchos de sus rincones. Las aves, en su viaje aéreo en busca del bienestar estacional, la ven y aún la escogen como refugio. Las orquídeas brotan en primavera para alegrar con sus colores lugares que, a dos pasos del cemento y el asfalto, aún resultan increíbles y maravilloso; el agua borbotea en rincones selváticos, los riscos aún se abrazan a las nubes. Y todo esto se puede descubrir en esta pequeña colección de fotografías que adentra en esos lugares que están a un paso de las zonas turísticas y que afortunadamente aún no han sido tocadas por la mano o la vista del hombre. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%21
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
12.83 EUR 13.51 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. El Conjunto Monumental De Sant Pere De Rodes
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484788652MPN: 9788484788652
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: El Conjunto monumental de Sant Pere de Rodes (978-84-8478-865-2) de Masanés, Cristina, Puig Castellanos, Jordi, Puig, Jordi, Tapia, Sonia (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. Surrounded by stunning natural scenery the views of the Mediterranean are truly unforgettable the monumental ensemble on the Rodes Massif encompasses the abbey of Sant Pere de Rodes, the castle of Sant Salvador de Verdera and the village of Santa Creu. Oratores, bellatores and laboratores were the three orders of the feudal society in medieval times and have left an indelible imprint. A visit to the monumental ensemble takes us on a journey to the mindset of medieval society. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%22
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
13.77 EUR 14.49 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Castillo Gala Dalí
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484788584MPN: 9788484788584
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Castillo Gala Dalí (978-84-8478-858-4) de Aguer, Montse, Puig Castellanos, Jordi, Pitxot, Antoni, Puig, Jordi (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Arte .. From what is known as the Dalí triangle, the castle of Púbol is the most austere and is linked to the last creative stage of the artist. It is the place Dalí offered to his dame, as a tribute. A place of isolation, evocative of the past, with a proustian atmosphere, in a search for a lost world, and subjective projection. This guide on the House-Museum Gala Dalí Castle completes the trilogy written by Antoni Pitxot and Montse Aguer, with photographs by Jordi Puig, which started with the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres and the Salvador Dalí House-Museum in Portlligat, dealing with the spaces where this outstanding artist from the Empord lived most of his daily life. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%23
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
12.35 EUR 13 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Barcelona: La Ciutat De Gaudí
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484788744MPN: 9788484788744
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Barcelona: la ciutat de Gaudí de Moix, Lltzer, Vivas, Pere Triangle Postals, S.L. 978-84-8478-874-4 240p. 12,35 EUR Comprar
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%24
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
13.77 EUR 14.49 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Chteau Gala Dalí
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484788607MPN: 9788484788607
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Chteau Gala Dalí (978-84-8478-860-7) de Aguer, Montse, Puig Castellanos, Jordi, Pitxot, Antoni, Puig, Jordi, Cohen, Laurent (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Arte .. From what is known as the Dalí triangle, the castle of Púbol is the most austere and is linked to the last creative stage of the artist. It is the place Dalí offered to his dame, as a tribute. A place of isolation, evocative of the past, with a proustian atmosphere, in a search for a lost world, and subjective projection. This guide on the House-Museum Gala Dalí Castle completes the trilogy written by Antoni Pitxot and Montse Aguer, with photographs by Jordi Puig, which started with the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres and the Salvador Dalí House-Museum in Portlligat, dealing with the spaces where this outstanding artist from the Empord lived most of his daily life. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%25
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
11.4 EUR 12 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Guia Menorca: Una Volta Per L'illa
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788489815162MPN: 9788489815162
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Guia Menorca: una volta per l'illa de Montserrat Ribalta, Joan Triangle Postals, S.L. 978-84-89815-16-2 128p. 11,40 EUR Comprar Libros de
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%26
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
5.7 EUR 6 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Castells. Menschentrme
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484784753MPN: 9788484784753
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Castells. Menschentrme (978-84-8478-475-3) de JOSEP ALMIRALL (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Castells (castles) are human towers built in Catalonia where men, women and children alike participate. These towers may reach a height of up to ten storeys and, since 2010, are Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. Castells. Touching the sky with the hand presents us a fun and rigorous explanation of the keys to understand and enjoy these ephemeral and fantastic constructions which, besides being an expression of the Catalan cultural identity, are also a metaphor and reality of brotherly work and of the sense of continuity within the community. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%27
- Triangle Postals, S.l. -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Guía Catedral De Tarragona
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484788768MPN: 9788484788768
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Guía Catedral de Tarragona (978-84-8478-876-8) de Puig Castellanos, Jordi, Puig, Jordi, Martínez Subias, Antonio P. (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Arquitectura .Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura .. The Metropolitan Primate Cathedral of Tarragona, dedicated to Saint Thecla, can be classified stylistically as proto-Gothic and was initially associated with the Romanesque style. The cathedrals sturdy architecture, monumental scale, austere elegance and rich ornamentation make it a truly unique compendium of styles with artworks that reflect the excellence of this iconic place of worship. The monumental scale and harmonious structure of the building have led it to be considered Catalonias most important Gothic cathedral. 0
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5.23 EUR 5.51 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Cartina Maiorca
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484787563MPN: 9788484787563
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Cartina Maiorca (978-84-8478-756-3) de Diversos (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Viajes .. Mallorca map, untearable water-resitant synthetic paper 0
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13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. L?alhambra De Grenade
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788489815766MPN: 9788489815766
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: L?Alhambra de Grenade (978-84-89815-76-6) de Bayón, Félix, Casals, Lluís, Bermúdez, Jesús, Heredia, Miguel (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Libros para niños .Libros Ilustrados para niños .. The photographer Lluís Casals and the novelist Félix Bayón guide us through a journey around the medieval city of the Alhambra of Granada, one of the masterpieces that Muslim culture erected on the Iberian Peninsula. The richness of contrasts of light and water, the colouring and exquisite ornamentation of its palaces, gardens and courtyards make it a pleasure for the senses. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%30
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12.25 EUR 12.89 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Monasterio De Pedralbes
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484789697MPN: 9788484789697
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Monasterio de Pedralbes (978-84-8478-969-7) de Vivas, Pere, Castellano, Anna, Aixal, Carme (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. El Reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Pedralbes és un dels millors exemples del gtic catal. Va ser fundat l'any 1327 per una reina, Elisenda de Montcada, la darrera muller de Jaume II el Just, per a una comunitat de dones que seguien la Regla de les clarisses, germanes espirituals dels franciscans. El monestir s'ha mantingut, des de la seva fundació fins al present, de forma prcticament inalterable, tant en la seva configuració arquitectnica com en els béns mobles que la comunitat ha anat atresorant al llarg dels segles. 0
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30.4 EUR 32 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Menorca Des De Larquitectura
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484788973MPN: 9788484788973
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Menorca des de larquitectura (978-84-8478-897-3) de Jiménez Jorquera, Carles, Liz Rodríguez, Josep, BCN Babel, Rodríguez, Joana-Helena, Vidal, Toni (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Fotografía .. The succession of photographs by Toni Vidal take us down memory lane to discover a rich architectural heritage that transcends any image. They remind us of a lifestyle and blending with the territory as a result of the work of many generations. Toni Vidal is the photographer that has best been able to portray the humanization of Menorca's landscapes through architecture -rural, urban or aristocratic. According to Miquel Declot, "Toni Vidal looks at a stone or a straw knowing he is really looking at a land or even the whole universe". 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas -5%32
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59.85 EUR 63 EUR
Triangle Postals, S.l. Esglésies D'eivissa I Formentera
Brand: Triangle Postals, S.l.
9788484789833MPN: 9788484789833
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Esglésies d'Eivissa i Formentera (978-84-8478-983-3) de Torres Tur, Elías, Moran, Michael (Triangle Postals, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Arqueología .. The churches of Ibiza and Formentera, the Islas Pitiusas, which are published in this book are built between the sigloes XIV and XIX. The common architectural characteristics and particularities of each of them are shown in new photos and plans, as well as texts describing their current status and their history, some of their data, in large part, have been disclosed. 0
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Triangle Postals, S.l. in Libros y revistas