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Springer Nature B.v. Frontiers In | ofertas similares hoy

Range Precio

- Springer Nature B.v. -
198.51 EUR 208.96 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Increasing Climate Variability And Change
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9781402033544
MPN: 9781402033544
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Increasing Climate Variability and Change (978-1-4020-3354-4) de James Salinger,Mannava VK Sivakumar,Raymond P. Motha (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .. This book reviews the latest assessments of climate variability and climate change, and their impacts on agriculture and forestry, and recommends appropriate adaptation strategies for reducing the vulnerability of agriculture and forestry to climate variability and climate change. Among other solutions, the text offers management strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from different agroecosystems, and proposes the use of seasonal climate forecasts to reduce climate risk. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
61.72 EUR 64.97 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Fractal Geometry And Number Theory
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9780817640989
MPN: 9780817640989
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Fractal Geometry and Number Theory (978-0-8176-4098-9) de Machiel Van Frankenhuysen,Michel L. Lapidus (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Matemáticas .álgebra .. A fractal drum is a bounded open subset of R. m with a fractal boundary. A difficult problem is to describe the relationship between the shape (geo metry) of the drum and its sound (its spectrum). In this book, we restrict ourselves to the one-dimensional case of fractal strings, and their higher dimensional analogues, fractal sprays. We develop a theory of complex di mensions of a fractal string, and we study how these complex dimensions relate the geometry with the spectrum of the fractal string. We refer the reader to [Berrl-2, Lapl-4, LapPol-3, LapMal-2, HeLapl-2] and the ref erences therein for further physical and mathematical motivations of this work. (Also see, in particular, Sections 7. 1, 10. 3 and 10. 4, along with Ap pendix B. ) In Chapter 1, we introduce the basic object of our research, fractal strings (see [Lapl-3, LapPol-3, LapMal-2, HeLapl-2]). A standard fractal string is a bounded open subset of the real line. Such a set is a disjoint union of open intervals, the lengths of which form a sequence which we assume to be infinite. Important information about the geometry of . c is contained in its geometric zeta function (c(8) = L lj. j=l 2 Introduction We assume throughout that this function has a suitable meromorphic ex tension. The central notion of this book, the complex dimensions of a fractal string . c, is defined as the poles of the meromorphic extension of (c. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
65.2 EUR 68.63 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Pro Javafx 2
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9781430268727
MPN: 9781430268727
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Pro JavaFX 2 (978-1-4302-6872-7) de James Weaver (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .Programación .. In Pro JavaFX 2: A Definitive Guide to Rich Clients with Java Technology , Jim Weaver, Weiqi Gao, Stephen Chin, Dean Iverson, and Johan Vos show you how you can use the JavaFX platform to create rich-client Java applications. You'll see how JavaFX provides a powerful Java-based UI platform capable of handling large-scale data-driven business applications. Covering the JavaFX API, development tools, and best practices, this book provides code examples that explore the exciting new features provided with JavaFX 2. It contains engaging tutorials that cover virtually every facet of JavaFX development and reference materials on JavaFX that augment the JavaFX API documentation. Written in an engaging and friendly style, Pro JavaFX 2 is an essential guide to JavaFX 2. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
195.52 EUR 205.81 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Games
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9781402093739
MPN: 9781402093739
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Games (978-1-4020-9373-9) de Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen,Ondrej Majer,Tero Tulenheimo (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Matemáticas .. OndrejMajer,Ahti-VeikkoPietarinen,andTeroTulenheimo 1 Games and logic in philosophy Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in the unifying methodo- gies over what have been perceived as pretty disparate logical systems, or else merely an assortment of formal and mathematical approaches to phi- sophical inquiry. This development has largely been fueled by an increasing dissatisfaction to what has earlier been taken to be a straightforward outcome of logical pluralism or methodological diversity. These phrases appear to re ect the everyday chaos of our academic pursuits rather than any genuine attempt to clarify the general principles underlying the miscellaneous ways in which logic appears to us. But the situation is changing. Unity among plurality is emerging in c- temporary studies in logical philosophy and neighbouring disciplines. This is a necessary follow-up to the intensive research into the intricacies of logical systems and methodologies performed over the recent years. The present book suggests one such peculiar but very unrestrained meth- ological perspective over the eld of logic and its applications in mathematics, language or computation: games. An allegory for opposition, cooperation and coordination, games are also concrete objects of formal study. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
140.84 EUR 148.25 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Solid Surfaces, Interfaces And Thin Films
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9783319107554
MPN: 9783319107554
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Solid Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films de Hans Luth Springer Nature B.V. 978-3-319-10755-4 p. 140,84 EUR Comprar Libros de Ciencias
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- Springer Nature B.v. -
52.72 EUR 55.49 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Geometrie Differentielle
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9783540067979
MPN: 9783540067979
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Geometrie Differentielle de E. Vidal Springer Nature B.V. 978-3-540-06797-9 p. 52,72 EUR Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
62.44 EUR 65.73 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9784431859079
MPN: 9784431859079
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (978-4-431-85907-9) de Kimitaka Kaga,Toshihisa Murofushi (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Medicina .Otorrinolaringología .. The vestibular labyrinth consists of ? ve compartments: the lateral, anterior, and posterior semicircular canals, the utricule, and the saccule. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Robert Bárány proposed the caloric test as a clinical test of the lateral semicircular canal. This test enabled clinicians to assess the individual lateral semicircular canal function easily by using the simple method of irrigating the external ear canal with cold or warm water and observing the induced nyst- mus. We believe that the caloric test was a breakthrough in the ? eld of vestibular research. However, as far as the other compartments were concerned, there was no simple clinical test equal to the caloric test for the lateral semicircular canal function. At the end of the twentieth century, the vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) test was proposed as a new method for assessing the individual saccule function. This test has some unique attributes. First, it uses sound stimulation, even though it is a test of the vestibular system. This appears to be a contradiction n- rophysiologically. As a result, in its early stages there were controversies conce- ing the origin of the responses. However, such controversies have been overcome by basic neurophysiological studies and clinical studies. Above all, sound sensit- ity of the saccular afferents shown in cats and guinea pigs with single-unit recording methods became the main supporting evidence. Nowadays, VEMP is one of the routine clinical tests for balance disorder. 0
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- Springer Nature B.v. -
245.71 EUR 258.64 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Ocular Pharmacology And Toxicology
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9781627037440
MPN: 9781627037440
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Ocular Pharmacology and Toxicology (978-1-62703-744-0) de Brian C. Gilger (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Medicina .Farmacología .. Covering ocular pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and toxicology, Ocular Pharmacology and Toxicology provides ophthalmologists, toxicologists, and pharmacologists with both an introduction to the proper methods for ocular pharmacology and toxicology as well as providing practical methodologies for conducting ocular studies. Expert authors have contributed detailed chapters on study design, analysis, and routes to regulatory approval for various types and routes of ophthalmic drugs. As a volume in the Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology series, chapters feature the kind of in-depth specifics and implementation advice to ensure successful results. Practical and authoritative, Ocular Pharmacology and Toxicology serves as an ideal basis of training in the proper design and conduct of essential studies to accurately determine pharmacokinetics and ocular toxicity from the systemic, topical, periocular, or intraocular administration of drugs or compounds, from the use of ocular medical devices and from ocular surgical procedures. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
41.49 EUR 43.67 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. In An Ideal Business
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9783030363819
MPN: 9783030363819
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: In an Ideal Business (978-3-030-36381-9) de Santiago Iñiguez (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Business decisions are not just based on abstract theories or models. They reflect a world view of how a company operates and the philosophy of management that it follows. Even denying any connection between management and values is a philosophical statement in itself. Santiago Iñiguez de Onzoño, President of the prestigious IE Business School, looks to the greatest female philosophers from modern history to help us bring purpose and meaning back into the workplace and management education. He shows how their pioneering work can be applied in specific situations, from Iris Murdochs emphasis on compassion to Hannah Arendts work on making the world more human, each philosopher can, in a very practical way, help inform your own approach to work and life. Packed with examples, personal stories and anecdotes from some of the worlds most influential companies and women in business, this book examines how the contributions from female philosophers stand up in the real world, helping to drive inclusion, diversity and ultimately, innovation. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
56.97 EUR 59.97 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Selecta Heinz Hopf
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9783662230794
MPN: 9783662230794
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Selecta Heinz Hopf (978-3-662-23079-4) de Heinz Hopf (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Matemáticas .. Am 19. November begeht Heinz Hopf seinen siebzigsten Geburtstag. Mit der Herausgabe dieser Selecta mochte die Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, welcher er den groBten Teil seiner akademischen Tatigkeit gewidmet hat, ihren Dank zum Ausdruck bringen fUr sein fruchtbares Wirken als Forscher und Lehrer; sie ist stolz darauf, in ihm einen der bedeutendsten Mathematiker unserer Zeit zu den Ihren zahlen zu durfen. Die Ehrung zu seinem Geburtstage konnte kaum in schonerer Weise geschehen als durch die Publikation einer Sammlung seiner eigenen Arbeiten, in denen sich sein ganzes Lebenswerk widerspiegelt; jede einzelne hat durch ihre Tiefe und Originalitat uber ihren Gegenstand hinaus die Entwicklung der Mathematik entscheidend beeinfluBt. Aus strahlend von geometrischer, topologischer und algebraischer Sicht hat das Gedankengut Heinz Hopfs in ganz erstaunlicher Weise den meisten Teilen mathematischer Forschung der letzten J ahrzehnte das Geprage gegeben. Wem es vergonnt war, als SchUler oder Kollege mit Heinz Hopf in naheren Kontakt zu treten, dem wird der starke EinfluB seiner Personlichkeit in menschlicher und mathematischer Beziehung stets unvergeBlich sein; daruber hinaus aber hat eine unabsehbare Zahl von Mathematikern aus seinem Schaffen direkt und indirekt Anregung geschopft und an seine Ideen angeknupft und wird es auch weiterhin tun. Die Herausgeber sind davon uberzeugt, daB die mathematische Welt den vorliegenden Ruckblick auf das uberragende wissenschaftliche Werk Heinz Hopfs mit groBer Freude begruBen wird. Die Auswahl der aufzunehmenden Arbeiten war nicht leicht; sie muBte dem Wunsche Rechnung tragen, daB das Buch moglichst vielen zuganglich, also nicht zu umfangreich sein soUte. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
186.47 EUR 196.28 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. European Cinema In The Streaming Era
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9783031421815
MPN: 9783031421815
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: European Cinema in the Streaming Era (978-3-031-42181-5) de Christopher Meir, Roderik Smits (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. This collection examines the impact of streaming platforms on European cinema. It is structured from three distinct points-of-view: the policy issues related to streaming platforms, equally at the European level and in individual countries; the impact of platforms on the circulation of European films, including some of the global players, multi-national and single-nation platforms operating in Europe; and the production activities of the platforms in the form of specific original films. By bringing together scholars working on various national cinemas, including those of France, Spain, Britain and other countries, this collection illuminates the many ways in which the European film industry is responding to the digital revolution. Chapter 5 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
124.56 EUR 131.12 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Building A Future On Peace And Justice
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9783540857532
MPN: 9783540857532
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Building a Future on Peace and Justice (978-3-540-85753-2) de Ambos, Kai ... [et al.] (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Derecho .Derecho Internacional .El Derecho Internacional .. Results of the 2007 Nuremberg Conference on Peace and Justice: Tensions between peace and justice have long been debated by scholars, practitioners and agencies including the United Nations, and both theory and policy must be refined for very practical application in situations emerging from violent conflict or political repression. Specific contexts demand concrete decisions and approaches aimed at redress of grievance and creation of conditions of social justice for a non-violent future. There has been definitive progress in a world in which blanket amnesties were granted at times with little hesitation. There is a growing understanding that accountability has pragmatic as well as principled arguments in its favour. Practical arguments as much as shifts in the norms have created a situation in which the choice is increasingly seen as "which forms of accountability" rather than a stark choice between peace and justice. It is socio-political transformation, not just an end to violence, that is needed to build sustainable peace. This book addresses these dilemmas through a thorough overview of the current state of legal obligations; discussion of the need for a holistic approach including development; analysis of the implications of the coming into force of the ICC; and a series of "hard" case studies on internationalized and local approaches devised to navigate the tensions between peace and justice. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
63.42 EUR 66.76 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Arakelov Geometry And Diophantine Applications
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9783030575588
MPN: 9783030575588
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Arakelov Geometry and Diophantine Applications (978-3-030-57558-8) de Emmanuel Peyre, Gal Rémond (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Otros Idiomas .Novela y Narrativa en Inglés .. Bridging the gap between novice and expert, the aim of this book is to present in a self-contained way a number of striking examples of current diophantine problems to which Arakelov geometry has been or may be applied. Arakelov geometry can be seen as a link between algebraic geometry and diophantine geometry. Based on lectures from a summer school for graduate students, this volume consists of 12 different chapters, each written by a different author. The first chapters provide some background and introduction to the subject. These are followed by a presentation of different applications to arithmetic geometry. The final part describes the recent application of Arakelov geometry to Shimura varieties and the proof of an averaged version of Colmezs conjecture. This book thus blends initiation to fundamental tools of Arakelov geometry with original material corresponding to current research. This book will be particularly useful for graduate students and researchers interested in the connections between algebraic geometry and number theory. The prerequisites are some knowledge of number theory and algebraic geometry. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
198.98 EUR 209.45 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Biotransformation Of Waste Biomass Into High Value Biochemicals
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9781461480044
MPN: 9781461480044
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Biotransformation of Waste Biomass into High Value Biochemicals (978-1-4614-8004-4) de Carlos Ricardo Soccol,Gurpreet Singh Dhillon,Satinder Kaur Brar (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Ecología y Medio Ambiente .. Agro-industrial wastes are end-products emerging after industrial processing operations and also from their treatment and disposal e.g. solid fruit wastes and sludge. The agro-industrial wastes are often present in multiphase and comprise multicomponent. Nevertheless, these wastes are a goldmine as they possess valuable organic matter which can be diverted towards high value products ranging from polymers to antibiotics to platform chemicals. There have been plenty of books published on bioenergy, enzymes and organic acids, among others. However, this emerging field of biochemical has not yet been covered so far which is an important entity of the biorefinery model from waste biomass and needs to be understood from fundamental, applied as well as commercial perspective which has been laid out in this book. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
126.17 EUR 132.81 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9781493938438
MPN: 9781493938438
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (978-1-4939-3843-8) de Christopher M. Bishop (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. This is the first textbook on pattern recognition to present the Bayesian viewpoint. The book presents approximate inference algorithms that permit fast approximate answers in situations where exact answers are not feasible. It uses graphical models to describe probability distributions when no other books apply graphical models to machine learning. No previous knowledge of pattern recognition or machine learning concepts is assumed. Familiarity with multivariate calculus and basic linear algebra is required, and some experience in the use of probabilities would be helpful though not essential as the book includes a self-contained introduction to basic probability theory. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
198.55 EUR 209 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Adaptation To Climate Change
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9781402093586
MPN: 9781402093586
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Adaptation to Climate Change de Rob Roggema Springer Nature B.V. 978-1-4020-9358-6 p. 198,55 EUR Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
64.92 EUR 68.34 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Pro Asp.net Mvc Framework
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9781430210078
MPN: 9781430210078
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework (978-1-4302-1007-8) de Steven Sanderson (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .Programación .. Steven Sanderson has seen the ASP.NET MVC framework mature from the start, so his experience, combined with comprehensive coverage of all its features, including those in the official MVC development toolkit, offers the clearest understanding of how this exciting framework could improve your coding efficiency?and you'll gain invaluable awareness of security, deployment, and interoperability challenges. The ASP.NET MVC Framework is the evolution of Microsoft's ASP.NET web platform. It introduced a radical high?productivity programming model that promotes cleaner code architecture, test?driven development, and powerful extensibility, combined with all the benefits of ASP.NET 3.5. An integral benefit of this book is that the core Model?View?Controller architectural concepts are not simply explained or discussed in isolation, but demonstrated in action. You'll work through an extended tutorial to create a working e?commerce web application that combines ASP.NET MVC with the latest C# 3.0 language features and unit?testing best practices. By gaining this invaluable, practical experience, you can discover MVCs strengths and weaknesses for yourself?and put your best learned theory into practice. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
322.93 EUR 339.93 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Functional Fractional Calculus
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9783642205446
MPN: 9783642205446
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Functional Fractional Calculus (978-3-642-20544-6) de Shantanu Das (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Matemáticas .. When a new extraordinary and outstanding theory is stated, it has to face criticism and skeptism, because it is beyond the usual concept. The fractional calculus though not new, was not discussed or developed for a long time, particularly for lack of its application to real life problems. It is extraordinary because it does not deal with 'ordinary' differential calculus. It is outstanding because it can now be applied to situations where existing theories fail to give satisfactory results. In this book not only mathematical abstractions are discussed in a lucid manner, with physical mathematical and geometrical explanations, but also several practical applications are given particularly for system identification, description and then efficient controls. The normal physical laws like, transport theory, electrodynamics, equation of motions, elasticity, viscosity, and several others of are based on 'ordinary' calculus. In this book these physical laws are generalized in fractional calculus contexts; taking, heterogeneity effect in transport background, the space having traps or islands, irregular distribution of charges, non-ideal spring with mass connected to a pointless-mass ball, material behaving with viscous as well as elastic properties, system relaxation with and without memory, physics of random delay in computer network; and several others; mapping the reality of nature closely. The concept of fractional and complex order differentiation and integration are elaborated mathematically, physically and geometrically with examples. The practical utility of local fractional differentiation for enhancing the character of singularity at phase transition or characterizing the irregularity measure of response function is deliberated. Practical results of viscoelastic experiments, fractional order controls experiments, design of fractional controller and practical circuit synthesis for fractional order elements are elaborated in this book. The book also maps theory of classical integer order differential equations to fractional calculus contexts, and deals in details with conflicting and demanding initialization issues, required in classical techniques. The book presents a modern approach to solve the 'solvable' system of fractional and other differential equations, linear, non-linear; without perturbation or transformations, but by applying physical principle of action-and-opposite-reaction, giving 'approximately exact' series solutions. Historically, Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wihelm Leibniz independently discovered calculus in the middle of the 17th century. In recognition to this remarkable discovery, J.von Neumann remarked, "...the calculus was the first achievement of modern mathematics and it is difficult to overestimate its importance. I think it defines more equivocally than anything else...
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
163.18 EUR 171.77 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Bioarchaeology
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9781461463771
MPN: 9781461463771
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Bioarchaeology (978-1-4614-6377-1) de Debra L. Martin, Ryan P. Harrod, Ventura R. Pérez (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Otros Idiomas .Novela y Narrativa en Inglés .. Bioarchaeology is the analysis of human remains within an interpretative framework that includes contextual information. This comprehensive and much-needed manual provides both a starting point and a reference for archaeologists, bioarchaeologists and others working in this integrative field. The authors cover a range of bioarchaeological methods and theory including: Ethical issues involved in dealing with human remains Theoretical approaches in bioarchaeology Techniques in taphonomy and bone analysis Lab and forensic techniques for skeletal analysis Best practices for excavation techniques Special applications in bioarchaeology With case studies from bioarchaeological research, the authors integrate theoretical and methodological discussion with a wide range of field studies from different geographic areas, time periods, and data types, to demonstrate the full scope of this important field of study. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
65.95 EUR 69.42 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Foundation Flash Applications For Mobile Devices
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9781590595589
MPN: 9781590595589
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Foundation Flash Applications for Mobile Devices de Richard Leggett,Scott Janousek,Weyert De Boer Springer Nature B.V. 978-1-59059-558-9 p.
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- Springer Nature B.v. -
387.2 EUR 407.58 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Polytopes
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9789401043984
MPN: 9789401043984
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Polytopes (978-940--104398-4) de Peter McMullen,Rolf Schneider,Tibor Bisztriczky (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Matemáticas .Geometría .. The aim of this volume is to reinforce the interaction between the three main branches (abstract, convex and computational) of the theory of polytopes. The articles include contributions from many of the leading experts in the field, and their topics of concern are expositions of recent results and in-depth analyses of the development (past and future) of the subject. The subject matter of the book ranges from algorithms for assignment and transportation problems to the introduction of a geometric theory of polyhedra which need not be convex. With polytopes as the main topic of interest, there are articles on realizations, classifications, Eulerian posets, polyhedral subdivisions, generalized stress, the Brunn--Minkowski theory, asymptotic approximations and the computation of volumes and mixed volumes. For researchers in applied and computational convexity, convex geometry and discrete geometry at the graduate and postgraduate levels. 0
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- Springer Nature B.v. -
70.14 EUR 73.83 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Thermal Energy Storage For Medium And High Temperatures
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9783658020033
MPN: 9783658020033
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Thermal Energy Storage for Medium and High Temperatures (978-3-658-02003-3) de Wolf Dieter Steinmann (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. This book provides a descriptive classification of the various concepts, giving characteristic performance data and design fundamentals. Systems based on sensible heat storage, latent heat storage and thermo-chemical processes are presented, including the state of maturity and innovative solutions. Essential for the effective integration of thermal storage systems is the optimal adaption to the specific requirements of an application. This is shown in the second part, where storage solutions for conventional and solar thermal power plants are described. Further examples show the integration into batch processes, mobile applications or options to support the utilization of waste heat. Systems using thermal energy storage for facility scale storage of electricity are also described. Storage systems for medium and high temperatures are an emerging option to improve the energy efficiency of power plants and industrial facilities. Reflecting the wide area of applications in the temperature range from 100 C to 1200 C, a large number of storage concepts has been developed. 0
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- Springer Nature B.v. -
124.21 EUR 130.75 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Gaussian Self-affinity And Fractals
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9780387989938
MPN: 9780387989938
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Gaussian Self-Affinity and Fractals (978-0-387-98993-8) de B. Mandelbrot,Benoit B. Mandelbrot,J. R. Wallis (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Matemáticas .Geometría .. This third volume of the Selected Works focusses on a detailed study of fraction Brownian motions. The fractal themes of "self-affinity" and "globality" are presented, while extensive introductory material, written especially for this book, precedes the papers and presents a number of striking new observations and conjectures. The mathematical tools so discussed will be valuable to diverse scientific communities. 0
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- Springer Nature B.v. -
63.4 EUR 66.74 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Finite Element Methods In Linear Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9783642867101
MPN: 9783642867101
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Finite Element Methods in Linear Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics (978-3-642-86710-1) de Ralf Gruber, Michel Rappaz (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. For more than ten years we have been working with the ideal linear MHD equations used to study the stability of thermonuc1ear plasmas. Even though the equations are simple and the problem is mathematically well formulated, the numerical problems were much harder to solve than anticipated. Already in the one-dimensional cylindrical case, what we called "spectral pollution" appeared. We were able to eliminate it by our "ecological solution". This solution was applied to the two-dimensional axisymmetric toroidal geometry. Even though the spectrum was unpolluted the precision was not good enough. Too many mesh points were necessary to obtain the demanded precision. Our solution was what we called the "finite hybrid elements". These elements are efficient and cheap. They have also proved their power when applied to calculating equilibrium solutions and will certainly penetrate into other domains in physics and engineering. During all these years, many colleagues have contributed to the construc tion, testing and using of our stability code ERATO. We would like to thank them here. Some ofthem gave partial contributions to the book. Among them we mention Dr. Kurt Appert, Marie-Christine Festeau-Barrioz, Roberto Iacono, Marie-Alix Secretan, Sandro Semenzato, Dr. Jan Vac1avik, Laurent Villard and Peter Merkel who kindly agreed to write Chap. 6. Special thanks go to Hans Saurenmann who drew most of the figures, to Dr. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
70.4 EUR 74.11 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Foundation 3ds Max 8 Architectural Visualization
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9781590595572
MPN: 9781590595572
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Foundation 3ds Max 8 Architectural Visualization de Brian L. Smith Springer Nature B.V. 978-1-59059-557-2 p. 70,40 EUR Comprar Libros de
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
98.07 EUR 103.23 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Applied Statistical Genetics With R
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9780387895536
MPN: 9780387895536
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Applied Statistical Genetics with R (978-0-387-89553-6) de Andrea S. Foulkes (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .. Statistical genetics has become a core course in many graduate programs in public health and medicine. This book presents fundamental concepts and principles in this emerging field at a level that is accessible to students and researchers with a first course in biostatistics. Extensive examples are provided using publicly available data and the open source, statistical computing environment, R. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

- Springer Nature B.v. -
114.74 EUR 120.78 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Misfit Sisters
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
EAN: 9780230000209
MPN: 9780230000209
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Misfit Sisters (978-0-230-00020-9) de Sue Short (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Misfit Sisters assesses female characterization in recent screen horror, examining how a female rite of passage can be seen to operate in such texts as Scream, The Craft, Ginger Snaps and The Ring. Drawing parallels with folk tales it evaluates the trials female protagonists undergo in their journey to womanhood, arguing that the focus given to female characters and experiences, the powers they are given, and the ways in which they are tested demand that the genre be critically re-appraised. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas

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