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Documenta Universitaria New Scenarios For | ofertas similares hoy

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- Documenta Universitaria -
61.75 EUR 65 EUR
Documenta Universitaria New Scenarios For The Touristic European Maritime Coast
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499842660
MPN: 9788499842660
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: New scenarios for the touristic European maritime coast (978-84-9984-266-0) de García Vergara, Marisa (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Turismo .. Encuadernación: Rústica con solapas "New Scenarios for the Touristic European Maritime Coast" is the title of the Lifelong Learning Programme held on 14th-24th June 2014 at the University of Girona (Girona, Spain). This was an intensive programme in architecture, urban planning, urban design, landscape, construction and tourism and was funded by the European Union as part of its objective to produce innovative thinking to meet the challenges of the new tourism modalities and behaviours in order to plan how to integrate the territory into a low impact multi-scale territorial project. An Intensive Programme is a short term (10 days) study programme designed to bring together students and professors from higher educational institutions in the EU with a view to increasing the quality and the volume of multilateral cooperation between higher educational establishments in Europe. Around fifty diploma and graduate students, along with nine professors from the four universities partnering the programme (Universitat de Girona, Univesit de la Sapienza, Rome, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Yeni Yu#776;zyil University, Istanbul, Universidade Luso#769;fona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon), took part in the intensive course. The topics of the IP have since been incorporated into the teaching and research programmes of the partner schools, and assume an experimental and innovative design approach. 0
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
31.35 EUR 33 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Revisiting The Coast: New Practices In Maritime Heritage
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499842455
MPN: 9788499842455
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Revisiting the coast: new practices in maritime heritage (978-84-9984-245-5) de Joan Lluís Alegret Tejero (ed. lit.), Eliseu Carbonell Camós (ed. lit.) (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Ecología y Medio Ambiente .. Encuadernación: Rústica conn solapas Els textos recollits en aquest volum ofereixen una visió general sobre els processos de patrimonialització de les formes culturals vinculades al mar. Més enll de lestat del patrimoni marítim en sí, el llibre sinteressa per la manera en que sest construint aquest patrimoni i com sutilitza en lactualitat. Els autors plantegen les seves propostes teriques a partir de casos etnogrfics i histrics situats a Catalunya, País Basc, Galícia, Andalusia, així com el Yucatán a Mxic i la Bretanya a Frana. Les múltiples mirades sobre els processos actuals de patrimonialització de la cultura marítima que conté aquest volum pretenen encetar un camí de collaboració entre la teoria i la prctica del patrimoni marítim. 1
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
22.8 EUR 24 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Museums Of Today: The New Museums Of Society
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499841243
MPN: 9788499841243
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Museums of today: The new museums of society (978-84-9984-124-3) de Roigé Ventura, Xavier ... [et al.] (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Antropología .. Un nombre elevat de persones, prop de 250, varen poder debatre a les Jornades "Museus avui. Els nous museus de societat", que varen tenir lloc a l'Aula Magna de la Facultat de Geografia i Histria de la Universitat de Barcelona els dies 11 i 12 de febrer de 2010, sobre la situació general dels museus de societat i també sobre la proposta del museu nacional d?histria, arqueologia i etnologia de Catalunya. Amb la voluntat de possibilitar una major difusió dels continguts d?aquestes jornades, es publica aquest llibre on es reuneixen els textos relacionats amb les comunicacions presentades. El conjunt dels textos ens mostren una excellent reflexió sobre l?evolució i reptes de tots aquests museus i ens ofereixen pistes que poden ser tingudes en compte en el cas de Catalunya. \n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
20.9 EUR 22 EUR
Documenta Universitaria L'activitat Docent
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707751
MPN: 9788492707751
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: L'activitat docent (978-84-92707-75-1) de JOAN VALLES VILLANUEVA (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. The 1990 was in Western Europe a period of structural and curricular changes in institutions and training centers for teachers, changes articulated by two basic goals that have enabled new dynamic in this formation and continue to evolve and strengthen in the picture education:\n\n The first objective of these institutions has led to training and qualifications at university level. The second objective, directly linked to the above, has to be a "professionalisation" of university courses, characterized mainly by the inclusion of training modules directly related to "land" and "practices" of the teaching profession.\n 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Documenta Universitaria De La Vanitat A La Saviesa - From Vanity To Wisdom
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742697
MPN: 9788496742697
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: De la vanitat a la saviesa - From vanity to wisdom (978-84-96742-69-7) de Sola, Tomislav, Serra i Arús, Esteve, Serra Armegol, Maria de Lluc (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Arte .. The new paradigm suggests that museums are not any more necessarily perceived as part of the plot, even if an unconscious one. They seemingly can be part of the solution, on, say, our side, if our side would mean free-minded, thinking individuals and groups, unbiased by the manipulated particular interests and aware of the context.\n 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
23.75 EUR 25 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Fontanellana
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707195
MPN: 9788492707195
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Fontanellana (978-84-92707-19-5) de Sansano Belso, Gabriel, Valsalobre Palacios, Pep, Sansano Belso, Gabriel, Valsalobre Palacios, Pep (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Historia y Crítica de la Literatura .. In the last three or four years have seen a new burst of enthusiastic researchers and scholars more or less novice in the field who have promoted activities and publications around Barcelona writer of the baroque. A resume can be said that starts with the international symposium was dedicated by the University of Girona in 2006. It was the first time the figure of Francesc Fontanella received attention in a scientific monograph. Attended by specialists in various fields connected with Fontanella and their context, historians, legal historians, philologists Catalan, Hispanic and classical historians of literature and language, and so on. It gives also an extremely interesting fact, namely that most of the researchers on the writer Fontanella come from outside Barcelona and even Catalan: Girona, Alicante ... and even Russia! Today it is encouraged by the observation of the roster of scholars who are now the subject of investigation as the figure and work of poet Barcelona, beyond the names traditionally associated with the figure mentioned above Fontanella: Alegret, Buenaventura, Capdeferro, Clarasó, Ettinghausen, Feliu, García, Herrero, Teachers, Miralles, Portula Raventos, Rossich, Streltsova, Torres, with the enthusiastic cooperation of the two editors of this volume. \n 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
20.9 EUR 22 EUR
Documenta Universitaria L'aprenentatge Basat En Problemes En Els Estudis D'infermeria
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707690
MPN: 9788492707690
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: L'aprenentatge basat en problemes en els estudis d'Infermeria (978-84-92707-69-0) de Ballester Ferrando, David, Fuentes Pumarola, Concepció, Ballester Ferrando, David (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Medicina .. Problem-based learning is a new methodology, in fact reflects an ancient philosophical discourse, that the lectures may have been lost in large part by the unique importance that is given to content, students can now easily get from anywhere thanks to information technology and communication, through laptops, IPAD, ebooks or even mobile phones. PBL includes principles on which it is based learning with the following characteristics: reflexive, critical and autonomous, and where again the leader of the student. However, the expert teacher and tutor in which lies the importance of good mentoring and guidance for students to get good learning outcomes. \n 1
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
23.75 EUR 25 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Actes Del I Congrés Internacional De Neologia De Les Llenges Romaniques
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707089
MPN: 9788492707089
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Actes del I Congrés Internacional de Neologia de les llenges romaniques (978-84-92707-08-9) de Lorente i Casafont, Merc, Estop, Rosa, Domnech Bagaria, Ona (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filología Española .. This new volume in the series activities of the Institut Universitari de Lingística Aplicada presents the results of the First International Conference on Romance Languages Neology (CINE 2008) held in Barcelona, at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, from 7 to 10 May 2008, organized by the Observatori de Neologia and IULATERM research group, under the honorary presidency of Bernard Quémada and Antoni M. Badia i Margarit.\nThe volume of paper included five plenary sessions, the letter of tribute to Professor Jean-Claude Boulanger, the eight units in the round tables, and summary of the congress by the president of the Philological Section of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Inside the CD-ROM have included a total of 47 papers presented orally and 28 communications corresponding to poster presentations. The language of the texts are Catalan, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Galician, Italian and Romanian.\n \n \n 0
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

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