- Documenta Universitaria -
26.6 EUR 28 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Maria Aurlia Capmany. Escriptora I Pensadora
- Documenta Universitaria -
58.9 EUR 62 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Cogitare Aude: Miscellnia D'homenatge A Josep-maria Terricabras
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499843483MPN: 9788499843483
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Cogitare aude: MIscellnia d'homenatge a Josep-Maria Terricabras (978-84-9984-348-3) de Alcoberro, Ramon, et al., (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. The book in your hands is a miscellany of diverse contributions. We have grouped them into two parts. In the first, there is a set of eminently academic texts - many of them, but, thought for the occasion. In the second, a set of texts evocative of the person we honor. Overall, fifty writings that demonstrate how Terricabras footprint is deep, beautiful and admired.(From the "Preface" by José Luis Prades)\n 0
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16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Ramon Turró, Científic I Pensador
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788496742413MPN: 9788496742413
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Ramon Turró, científic i pensador (978-84-96742-41-3) de Alcoberro, Ramon, et al.,, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Friend, amongst others, of Ruyra and of Verdaguer, Turró wrote about questions of psychology and philosophy. He himself said that he was a defender of "critical realism", rigorous in investigation, demanding in method. He defended that "to know is to foresee", but he also knew that a good experimental method can not only be trusted by the senses, as these can be deceived. Here is shown the truly incisive and efficient way of looking at things of Turró: we realize that, to know that there is an outside, to understand well where the senses come from, it is necessary an internal confirmation, that which comes from our organism. Turró has, therefore, a global vision, complete, of the human organism, without rigid distinctions between the interior and exterior world. Here indeed is the root of his celebrated work "The Origins of Knowledge": the hunger, and the most basic nucleus of his thought. And also here there is another element of modernity in his conception, that in his day was pioneering and that now continues offering many aspects of current relevance.\n 0
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19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria El Derecho De Propiedad En Domingo De Soto Y Mancio
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499845890MPN: 9788499845890
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: El derecho de propiedad en Domingo de Soto y Mancio de Copado Guardiola, María Documenta Universitaria 978-84-9984-589-0 164p. 19 EUR
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15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Recerca En Psicologia De La Salut
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499841007MPN: 9788499841007
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Recerca en Psicologia de la salut (978-84-9984-100-7) de Planes Pedra, Montserrat, Gras Pérez, María Eugenia (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Medicina .. This book is a compilation of the research group's main Health Psychology at the University of Girona, directed by Dr. Montserrat Planas and Dr. Ma Eugenia Gras.\nThe aim of the publication is to disseminate the results of investigations into the academic and scientific community and society in general. With a special interest to bring the masters and doctoral students in theoretical frameworks and methodologies used in the work group in order to facilitate understanding and promote interest.\nAreas of research include the prevention of risky sexual behaviors, the road accidents and drug addiction, as well as the influence of stress and emotions on health and quality of life of people. It also includes an introductory chapter that explains the origins and evolution of the group and a final compilation of the major publications.\n 1
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20.9 EUR 22 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Lletres De Carles Hac Mor, Imatges D'un Iconoclasta
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499844718MPN: 9788499844718
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Lletres de Carles Hac Mor, imatges d'un iconoclasta (978-84-9984-471-8) de Sala Valldaura, Josep Maria, Altaió, Vicen, Bonet i Albero, Eugeni, Pons, Margalida, Claps, Antoni, Calvo Guardiola, Lluís (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Libros de Poesía .. This is a book written by many hands: Vicen Altaió, Maria Josep Balsach, Eugeni Bonet, Lluís Calvo, Anna Carreras Aubets, Antoni Clapés, Eduard Escoffet, Francesc Gelonch, Manuel Guerrero Brullet, Carles Hac Mor, Miguel ángel Marín Ribes, Dolors Miquel , Margalida Pons, Joaquim Sala-Sanahuja, Josep M. Sala-Valldaura and Ester Xargay. A diverse, inflamed and choral book. As Carles Hac Mor says in the " Dietari del pic de l?estiu ", ?Si tu tens fred, jo puc tenir calor. / Tinc una llar de foc a l?aixella esquerra / i a prop del cor un feix de nervis em fa nosa? (" If you have cold, I can have heat. / I have a chimney in the left armpit / and near the heart one nervousness hurt me "). 0
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19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Els Molins Empordanesos Baixmedievals
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499842578MPN: 9788499842578
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Els molins empordanesos baixmedievals (978-84-9984-257-8) de Josep Maria Gironella i Granés (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Historia .Historia local de España .. In 1935, the French historian Marc Bloch stated that, despite being an old invention, the water mill was medieval in their real expansion. His great generalization coincided with the end of antiquity and later with feudalization of European society. Since then, several authors have addressed this issue and, although recently some have suggested that it was a more gradual process and less rapid than Bloch said, we are still far from knowing in some detail how it developed.\n\nIn the late thirteenth century and first half of XIV, rivers and streams of the Empord land hundreds of water mills are documented, most of which dedicated to grinding grain. In this book, several questions about these facilities are discussed: what were the characteristics, who were the owners, how came these to its operation, and what was the oversight by the stately and municipal authorities in the activities carried out.\n 0
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11.4 EUR 12 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Idea D'un Film
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788496742826MPN: 9788496742826
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: La idea d'un film (978-84-96742-82-6) de Angelopoulos, Theo, Stathi, Irini, Rollet, Sylvie, Ponsatí-Murl, Oriol, Terricabras, Josep Maria, Ponsatí-Murl, Oriol (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Cine y Televisión .Cine .. Introductory studies of ngel Quintana and Pere Alberó\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Documenta Universitaria L'amor A L'edat Mitjana: Experincies I Invencions = El Amor En La Edad Media: Experiencias E Invenciones
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499841809MPN: 9788499841809
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: L'amor a l'edat mitjana: experincies i invencions = El amor en la Edad Media: experiencias e invenciones (978-84-9984-180-9) de Boto Varela, Gerardo, Varela-Rodríguez, Maria Elisa (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Historia y Crítica de la Literatura .. Encuadernación: Rústica con solapas Edición Plurilinge: Español, Catalán, Italiano En aquest llibre, que tracta de lamor, de les seves experincies i invencions, entenem lamor com una multiplicitat de formes de relació que es varen manifestar i es manifesten entre criatures humanes al llarg de la histria i en el present. Lamor és una relació que es dóna entre persones i en la qual és difícil precisar el propsit o la finalitat més enll de la relació amorosa en si mateixa. Quan parlem de relacions amores entenem relacions molt diverses: relacions sexuals i/o relacions sentimentals i/o espirituals, relacions instintives o ritualitzades, relacions efímeres o duradores, relacions heterosexuals o homosexuals, relacions sempre voluntries perqu a lamor no sel pot obligar, perqu neix molt endins, amb llibertat. Per totes aquestes relacions diferents donen compte de prctiques molt diverses dictades per exigncies contradictries de cada persona i cada societat. Lamor és la principal experincia mediadora. Ho és perqu les dones que el trien permeten arrelar la vida als seus dintres i per amor la deixen créixer en el seu cos fins que la donen a llum quan és viable fora dell. Les criatures humanes han fet de lamor, de les seves formes dentendrel, i de les seves prctiques un element fundador de la civilització. 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
21.85 EUR 23 EUR
Documenta Universitaria El Després D?ara: Als Sis Amics Que, En Jubilar?se, Es Volen Deixar Créixer
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499844923MPN: 9788499844923
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: El després d?ara: Als sis amics que, en jubilar?se, es volen deixar créixer (978-84-9984-492-3) de Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Historia y Crítica de la Literatura .. Aquesta publicació recull, en primer lloc, el discurs que el doctor Terricabras va pronunciar el dia 7 de juny en motiu de l'acte d'homenatge als professors i membres de la Facultat de Lletres de la UdG jubilats aquest curs 2019: i, en segon lloc, la seva "lectio ultima" (17 de novembre de 2016). 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19.95 EUR 21 EUR
Documenta Universitaria El Pensament D'eugeni D'ors
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499840963MPN: 9788499840963
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: El pensament d'Eugeni d'Ors (978-84-9984-096-3) de Siguán Soler, Miguel, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. In fact, if any work may be subject to different interpretations, it is not surprising that Ors has been and is still "subject to many summoned, many views and reflections, critical voices with different modulations. The Mora Chair of Contemporary Thought Ferrater that, for years, calls the study and reflect on some of the biggest names in contemporary Catalan thought, brought together in this volume fifteen recognized voices rigorously examining the work of a man who was able to maintain the basic flow of ideas, whether liked or not.\n The success and failure, in Catalonia or away, Ors was consistent with himself in the bottom and forms. It was a proud and independent spirit that he felt called to a great task that could never perform. Far from his beloved Goethe, to whom is attributed the "Light, more light! " before dying, Ors wanted to hold until the end of a fight for the light, his heliomquia.\n 0
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16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Intemprie Metafísica De Macedonio Fernández
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788492707126MPN: 9788492707126
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: La intemprie metafísica de Macedonio Fernández (978-84-92707-12-6) de Uy Puigmartí, Josep Maria, Uy Puigmartí, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Macedonio Fernández (Buenos Aires, 1874-1952) is an not well know author, even now, more than fifty years after his death. Who has heard of him, the reference is invariably by Jorge Luis Borges. Now, but, have read the work of Macedonio is of a height and complexity much higher than those of the son of his friend Jorge Borges, and that this is an entirely metaphysical, whether in prose, novel or poetry, whether in humor or aphorism. The ten volumes of his complete works edited by Corregidor, Buenos Aires, is a monument reflective devastating to put the metaphysical question not in God (it was theological), or being (was rationalist), but in the mystery (it was really metaphysics, current), an insoluble mystery to which he devoted all the single life, married with four children, and widowed, with the same persistence and ruthlessness that made his contemporary Fernando Pessoa, one sitting in remote large pension Buenos Aires, and another sitting on a trade office "a baixa" Lisbon. This essay aims to be a presentation of his life, work and thought.\n 0
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15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Entre El Somni I La Ironia
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499843339MPN: 9788499843339
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Entre El Somni I La Ironia (978-84-9984-333-9) de Pla Barbero, Xavier (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Biblioteconomía y Documentación .. Act of receiving the documentary background of Dr. Josep Maria Nadal in the Gothic Room of the Barri Vell Library of the University of Girona, on March 11, 2016. With the participation of Sergi Bonet (Rector of the University of Girona), Francesc Roca (Vice Chancellor for Academic Policy and teaching of the University of Girona), Xavier Pla, Gemma Rigau, Avellina Suner, Josep M. Fonalleras, Francesc Feliu and finally the same Josep M. Nadal.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
28.5 EUR 30 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Proceedings Of The Second European Iafl Conference On Forensic Liguistics / Language And The Law
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788496742284MPN: 9788496742284
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Proceedings of the Second European IAFL Conference on Forensic Liguistics / Language and the Law (978-84-96742-28-4) de IAFL European Conference on Forensic Linguistics, Turell Juli, María Teresa, Cicres Bosch, Jordi, Spassova, Maria, Turell Juli, María Teresa (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. This volume contains several of the papers presented at the Second European IAFL Conference on Forensic Linguistics/Language and the Law, held at the Institut Universitari de Lingística Aplicada (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain)) on September 14-16, 2006. This conference responded to the long-felt need to bring together scholars from Europe, but also from other regions of the world, who conduct research and act as expert witnesses in court in a series of dimensions of Forensic Linguistics/Language and the Law. It includes 5 plenary lectures, 22 papers, 3 papers submitted to the Colloquium on Law and Cognition, 3 papers submitted to the Colloquium on Comprehensibility in Legal Contexts and 2 posters, all of them evaluated on the basis of a) conceptual and methodological relevance to the study of Forensic Linguistics/Language and the Law, b) empirical and conceptual substance, c) quality of argumentation and d) originality.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Al Otro Lado De La Mesa: Relatos De Personas Expertas Por La Experiencia
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499846064MPN: 9788499846064
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Al otro lado de la mesa: relatos de personas expertas por la experiencia (978-84-9984-606-4) de Calvo, Fran; Pallisera, María; Planas, Anna, (coords.) (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Sociología .. Encuadernación: Tapa blanda con solapas Las voces, las razones, las experiencias y los conocimientos de muchos y diversos ciudadanos desfilan en este libro, que es, sin lugar a duda, un auténtico aprendizaje. Una forma de aprendizaje que queda magistralmente recogida en las palabras de Benjamin Barber, uno de los grandes teóricos contemporáneos de la democracia: El autor del lenguaje, el pensamiento, la filosofía, la ciencia y el arte, así como de la ley, los pactos, los derechos individuales, la autoridad y la libertad no es el hombre sino los hombres. (Quim Brugué, Prólogo) 0
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16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Filosofia De Ferrater Mora
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788496742390MPN: 9788496742390
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: La filosofia de Ferrater Mora (978-84-96742-39-0) de Cohn, Priscilla ... [et al.], et al.,, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Often we have to pay the price for the fact of not belonging to a specific school of thought or for not being able to be easily identifiable. The danger that faces an independent thinker is that their thinking could go "down the drain", as they say: their writings could be ignored or insufficiently taken into account and unappreciated. Ferrater had present this possibility and accepted it: He wanted his work to be read, but he was not disposed to compromise his ideas only to gain more readers or earn more.\n \nThe volume that is presented by the initiative of the Cátedra Ferrater Mora of the University of Girona shows that Ferrater has not had to pay the price that threatens the independent thinker, perhaps because his Dictionary of Philosophy has obtained such widespread recognition. An examination of the contents of this volume does not only reveal a great deal about the thinking of Ferrater, although perhaps not in the line that might be expected. The great variety of topics discussed show a diverse group of thinkers from different generations, different countries, speakers of different languages, which underline many different aspects of the thinking of Ferrater: his ontology, psychology and ethics, his use of history, the treatment that he gives to the mind, his notion of "judgement", his preoccupation for style, his early development in Chile, some of the similarities or differences with the thinking of Dewey and G.E.Moore, etc.\n 0
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14.82 EUR 15.6 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Anlisi Numrica Per A L'enginyeria Tic. Guia D'estudi
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499840178MPN: 9788499840178
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Anlisi numrica per a l'enginyeria TIC. Guia d'estudi de Gaspar, álvaro; Martorell, Josep Maria; Vilasís, Xavier
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17.1 EUR 18 EUR
Documenta Universitaria L'obra D'eusebi Colomer
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788496742406MPN: 9788496742406
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: L'obra d'Eusebi Colomer (978-84-96742-40-6) de Terricabras, Josep Maria, et al.,, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. En la gran producción filosófica de Eusebi Colomer, se pueden distinguir tres grandes centros de interés particularmente destacados. En primer lugar, su dedicación al estudio del pensamiento de Ramon Llull y de Nicolás de Cusa. Su tesis doctoral mostró las influencias de Llull en la obra de Nicolás de Cusa a partir de las anotaciones autgrafes en que el joven Nicolás se hacía resonancia de las cosas a las cuales más le interesaban de Llull. El segundo gran centro de interés lo constituyeron, naturalmente, las grandes corrientes de la filosofía alemana moderna y contemporánea. ?Finalmente, su tercer centro de interés fue el diálogo filosfico-teolgic. Colomer lamentaba profundamente el divorcio producido entre la filosofía y la teología. Adaptando una conocida formulación de Kant, pensaba que la teología sin filosofía es ciega, pero que la filosofía sin teología está vacía. Formado en la tradición metafísica espiritualista y defensor del humanismo cristiano, Colomer se encontraba, sin embargo, a las antípodas de cualquier sectarismo o dogmatismo. Su formación, su talante y, seguramente, sus enormes conocimientos de la historia de la filosofía, le habían conferido una gran capacidad para el diálogo. él no veía el diálogo como un recurso o como una táctica, sino como un elemento constitutivo del ser humano. \n 0
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16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Desde, Para Y Con La Confianza Shirkutée
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499846026MPN: 9788499846026
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Desde, para y con la confianza SHIRKUTéE (978-84-9984-602-6) de Polo Pujadas, Maria Ignsia (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Religión .Teología Natural. Filosofía Religiosa .. In the content of this book you will find inspiring texts that will help the reader to activate the link with his/her Soul, the repository of all his/her information in this space/time and, thanks to it, to get closer and closer to the Self. Especially useful when feeling sadness, discouragement and lack of confidence in life and in oneself, enhancing the feeling of loving energy. The reader can read sequentially or allow the Universe to show the most appropriate text for the Now. 0
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13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Filosofia Deduard Nicol
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499840956MPN: 9788499840956
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: La Filosofia dEduard Nicol (978-84-9984-095-6) de Siguán Soler, Miguel, Terricabras, Josep Maria, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. What always happens (because the exile is a breach of irreparable consequences) in the case of Nicol has been in superlative. We can say that even today is virtually unknown to our teachers and students of philosophy. And not because his production has been small or irrelevant. In contrast, Nicol has built a theoretical framework of great ambition and great quality. He was aware and, if anything he regretted, was not reaching even the greatest thinkers in the history of philosophy. The fact is that the magnitude of the ignorance that we have here of his work is inversely proportional to the enormous recognition and influence it had in Mexico. Witnessed by the contributions that make this volume some of his former students and colleagues in Mexico, deeply marked by his understanding of philosophy and practice.\n 0
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24.7 EUR 26 EUR
Documenta Universitaria El Plurilingismo En España
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788496742178MPN: 9788496742178
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: El plurilingismo en España (978-84-96742-17-8) de Turell Juli, María Teresa, Turell Juli, María Teresa (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Novela y Narrativa Española e Hispanoamericana .. Encuadernación: Rústica con solapas Colección: Monografies El plurilingisme a Espanya tracta dels aspectes sociolingístics i psicolingístics dels grups minoritaris establerts i de nova migració a Espanya. Tres línies d'investigació principals permeten analitzar les minories presents a Espanya: la llengua, la migració i la discriminació. Algunes minories es caracteritzen per la llengua, la migració i la discriminació; altres comunitats es defineixen solament per la llengua i la migració, per els seus membres no sofrixen discriminació; altre grup de comunitats no es caracteritza per una migració recent, per els seus membres són discriminats i les seves llenges no estan si més no reconegudes de forma oficial. I finalment, hi ha algunes comunitats que no troben el suficient suport legal i institucional i les llenges del qual poden ser objecte de discriminació o trobar-se en una relació asimtrica pel que fa a la llengua espanyola. L'objectiu principal d'aquest llibre és contribuir a la descripció de totes aquestes llenges i comunitats presents a Espanya, en particular, aquelles que mai han estat descrites. Un objectiu secundari consisteix a conixer millor les diferents llenges i comunitats presents a Espanya amb la finalitat de contribuir al sempre necessari enteniment entre la gent i els pobles, immigrants i amfitrions, en un món canviant el futur del qual solament pot concebre's en clau dinterculturalitat. 1
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11.4 EUR 12 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Filosofia De Kant Dos-cents Anys Després
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788496742864MPN: 9788496742864
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: La filosofia de Kant dos-cents anys després (978-84-96742-86-4) de Martínez Marzoa, Felipe, Duque, Félix, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. From the Ctedra Ferrater Mora thought the bicentenary of Kant's death was a great excuse to meet five of the most familiar with his work and to ask them to show again the validity of his legacy. This volume contains contributions, which addresses some of the major issues kantians thinking and know the concept, the pleasure of reflection, aesthetic pleasure metaphysical theory about space and time. Five lessons to be rooted in the thinking of an author who died two hundred years ago, but continues to raise issues of a force and now indisputable. As often happens in these cases, the symposium was not necessary to confirm that Kant is a classic, but it has been extremely positive to return to verify that we can still learn a lot when reading and rethinking their texts. After all, it is Kant who said that there is no proper philosophy but to philosophize.\n 0
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26.6 EUR 28 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Producció Audiovisual A Catalunya 2008-2009
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499840932MPN: 9788499840932
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: La producció audiovisual a Catalunya 2008-2009 (978-84-9984-093-2) de Corbella Cordomí, Joan Maria, Gifreu, Josep, Corbella Cordomí, Joan Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. The 2008-2009 biennium that we take as the subject of this report the Audiovisual Production Centre (OPA), will probably audiovisual history as a period of transition. A transition between growth and recession, between stability and uncertainty, including the assurances of the traditional business model and the new challenges of the digital age. Due to the multiple challenges, from a part of the paradigm shift in the processes of creation, production and distribution of cultural industries, and other universal impact of economic crisis, the Catalan audiovisual production and related sectors have experimented with different intensity the effects of the new situation. The first report of the OPA, dedicated to audiovisual production in Catalonia in the period 2005-2007, noted a progression still growing in almost all sectors. This second report of the Observatory for the years 2008-2009 recorded lines of continuity, but also of stagnation, with prospects rather problematic.\n 0
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20.9 EUR 22 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Carol: Bellesa Subversiva Del Desig
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499844800MPN: 9788499844800
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Carol: Bellesa subversiva del desig (978-84-9984-480-0) de Casas, Quim, Antich, Xavier, García Iglesias, Luis, Rabaseda i Matas, Joaquim, Miró i Coromina, Josep Maria, Merino, Imma ... [et al.], Kovacsics Grisolía, Violeta (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Tiempo Libre .Cine y Televisión .. "Carol" fa visible d'una manera radicalment subtil, com pocs cops un film ho ha fet amb aquesta intensitat, l'enamorament entre dues dones, a través de totes les fases d'una profunda transformació: des del descobriment, en el fulgor d'una mirada, fins a l'entrega final, ja només insinuada. I entremig, un dileg de mirades i una gestualitat elaboradíssima de les mans que donen a veure, de manera increblement refinada, l'aparició, l'emergncia, el desplegament i l'efusió del desig amorós, així com una cartografia complexa de passions connectades, des de l'espera, el neguit, el calfred, la tremolor, la por o la desolació. La pellícula ha provocat uns efectes gens habituals: la irrupció d'una legió de carolistes. A la Universitat de Girona s'hi van aplegar d'eminents, en resposta a una convocatria de la professora Imma Merino, el gener de 2017, en la primera edició del cicle Pensar una pellícula, organitzat pel Cinema Truffaut i i el projecte de recerca IMCOFOTO: va ser una jornada extraordinriament rica i estimulant, pel rigor i la qualitat de les intervencions i per la vitalitat dels debats i dilegs que s'hi van generar. Que aquelles paraules, afegints'hi a més d'altres, esdevinguin ara paraules escrites i, de nou, compartides no és només testimoni d'aquell seminari memorable, sinó sobretot invitació a tornarhi, un cop més, a aquesta pellícula prodigiosa per provar de pensarla de nou, en múltiples direccions. 0
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15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Documenta Universitaria El Vol I La Corda
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499845364MPN: 9788499845364
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: El vol i la corda (978-84-9984-536-4) de Sala Valldaura, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Libros de Poesía .. explains the work of one of the fundamental authors of 20th century Catalan poetry. This work has been written by one of the most important scholars of Vinyoli's work, the poet and essayist Josep M. Sala-Valldaura, who had already published Joan Vinyoli in 1985. In this new work, Sala-Valldaura delves so deeply into the poetics as in the verses, pointing out the foundations of its conception and the weight of the post-symbolist tradition. Thus, the book highlights the importance of silence and sleep in Vinyoli's poems, the influence of the thought of Bremond, Pfeiffer, Rassa and Jacques Maritain or Paul Valéry and the imprint of Rainer Maria Rilke and Carles Riba. 0
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17.1 EUR 18 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Deu Assaigs Filosfics I Una Diatriba Exasperada
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788496742383MPN: 9788496742383
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Deu assaigs filosfics i una diatriba exasperada (978-84-96742-38-3) de Bunge, Mario Augusto, Pineda, David, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Translation: David Pineda \n\n \nIn this volume, Bunge tackles philosophy. It consists of, as the title says, ten essays and a diatribe against post-modernism. When we were planning, however, his lessons, he began by offering the title "A New Philosophy". Because this is what he intended to present: A serious and rigorous look at philosophical concepts. According to which, this is not a new look into the matter, because the scientific mentality is not either, but rather it seems new, above all because philosophers hide too often from the light that is projected by science and they try to avoid criticism. For this reason Bunge rejects subjectivism and defends realism, a critical realism.\n \nThe position of Bunge also has a strong component of social preoccupation, as can be seen from the first pages of this volume. This, however, does not have to be understood in him as a more or less arbitrary complement, but rather as another element of his global vision. Rationality must also concern itself with dealing with world issues. For this reason, he proposes that the hard technology now in existence should be incorporated into what he calls "philosophical technology", which could help to heighten moral consciousness and social responsibilty among scientists and among the public at large.\n 1
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15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Lewerentz
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499843193MPN: 9788499843193
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Lewerentz (978-84-9984-319-3) de Maria Pia Fontana (ed.lit.) ; José Quintanilla Chala (ed.lit.) (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Arquitectura .Monografías .. Idioma pluringe: Catalán, español e italiano Aquí tienen entre las manos un pequeño homenaje a Lewerentz... cada uno de ustedes tendrá la libertad de escoger qué camino tomar y hacía qué puerta dirigirse. Ambos obligan a entrar con respeto y, a la vez, con la seguridad de encontrar algo misterioso e inesperado. La misma sensación que transmite la obra de Lewerentz, la promesa de un viaje hacía el descubrimiento a través de nuevos ojos, de los ojos de otros y de los tantos universos de cada mirada. 0
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23.12 EUR 24.34 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Lgica Matemtica I Programació Lgica. Guia D'estudi
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17.09 EUR 17.99 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Guía De Tecnologías De Rapid Manufacturing
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788496742185MPN: 9788496742185
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Guía de Tecnologías de Rapid Manufacturing (978-84-96742-18-5) de Asociación Española de Rapid Manufacturing, Fernández Cuello, Angel, Ciurana Gay, Joaquim de ... [et al.], Monzón Verona, Mario (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Ingeniería .Ingeniería Mecánica .. With this guidebook, ASERM (Asociación Española de Rapid Manufacturing) wants its users to get to know the different technologies of Rapid Manufacturing (RM) that are offered nowadays in Spain.\n 0
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14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Escrits Darquitectura
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788499840864MPN: 9788499840864
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Escrits darquitectura (978-84-9984-086-4) de Cosenza, Luigi, Fava, Nadia, Fontana, María Pía, Mayorga Cárdenas, Miguel Yuri, Fava, Nadia (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Arquitectura .Monografías .. THE ARCHITECT: If I wanted to be intransigent and to take a radical line with you, I would say that to live a simple fishermans life in Positano like you want to, you dont need a house. All you need is a woollen blanket, a fishing line and a few things to grill a white seabream or a mullet... \n THE CLIENT: But all thats just poetry! You want to make houses with a bit of sea here, a little smell of fried fish there, and a red rose behind your ear! \n THE ARCHITECT: Thats exactly right! Thats exactly the way our profession should go about things....\n 1
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26.6 EUR 28 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Literalidad Y Dinamicidad En El Discurso Económico
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788496742680MPN: 9788496742680
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Literalidad y dinamicidad en el discurso económico (978-84-96742-68-0) de Simposio Internacional de Terminología, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Grupo Iulaterm, CABRé CASTELLVí, MARIA TERESA, Cabré, M. Teresa, Tebé Soriano, Carles, Bach Martorell, Carme (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Lingistica .. During the first half of July 2007 were held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra the VI Activities of the Summer IULATERM: the International Summer School on Terminology and the International Symposium of Terminology. The sixth edition of the symposium was devoted to the interrelationships of the terminology with the economy, centered on the axis literalism and dynamism, the economic discourse itself.In this new volume of the series Activitats are included in a first part, the texts of the three presentations of the central VI International Symposium on Terminology: Dificultades prácticas en el desarrollo de la terminología económica orientada a la traducción, by Adriana Russo; The English Language and Economic Terminology: An Application to Catalan by Joaquim Silvestre; and tLa terminologie au service du discours en anglais economique, by Catherine Resche. In a second block are shown in many communications that took place over the days of the symposium, headed by prominent specialists. In the latter part of the volume, is the round table which closed the symposium, attended by Ieda Maria Alves, Mariangela de Araujo, Catherine Resche and Josefa Gomez of Enterría, under the coordination of Lisa Gilbert. And the volume ends with the closing conference of the Sixth International Summer School on Terminology, neologism and fields of specialization in the press, which presented Gloria Guerrero. \n\n 1
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13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Documenta Universitaria De La Vanitat A La Saviesa - From Vanity To Wisdom
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
9788496742697MPN: 9788496742697
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: De la vanitat a la saviesa - From vanity to wisdom (978-84-96742-69-7) de Sola, Tomislav, Serra i Arús, Esteve, Serra Armegol, Maria de Lluc (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Arte .. The new paradigm suggests that museums are not any more necessarily perceived as part of the plot, even if an unconscious one. They seemingly can be part of the solution, on, say, our side, if our side would mean free-minded, thinking individuals and groups, unbiased by the manipulated particular interests and aware of the context.\n 1
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