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Agapea.com Esic Editorial Business And Investments | ofertas similares hoy | varias ofertas hoy

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- Esic Editorial -
20.9 EUR 22 EUR
Esic Editorial Business Research Methods
Brand: Esic Editorial
EAN: 9788473569668
MPN: 9788473569668
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Business Research Methods (978-84-7356-966-8) de Pérez del Campo, Enrique, Rosendo Ríos, Verónica (ESIC Editorial ) Comprar Libros de Economía .Estrategia Empresarial .. Encuadernación: Rústica Colección: Libros profesionales The Industrial Revolution favored the growth of supply, until its surplus with regards to demand led to the paradigm shift from focusing on the product ("a good product sells itself"), or production ("a cheap product sells itself"), to the emphasis on customer relationships ("understanding consumer needs through market research"). Therefore, economic and technological development facilitated the incorporation of the business research discipline into the process of decision making in the beginning and business intelligence processes these days in order to make well informed decisions at lower economic risks (Méndez del Río, 2006). Thus, this book provides managers and students alike, with a clear analysis of business research methods, combining the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to complete a successful research project. Readers will learn from proven examples and case studies based on real life situations, which complement theoretical concepts and clearly illustrate how to do an appropriate market research. With each chapter, the reader is guided through all the stages of a market research process -from problem recognition to final report writing. This book offers both a deep understanding and at the same time permits judgment and analysis from a financial-audit perspective. It reviews and develops easy-to-follow theoretical and practical concepts in a simple, concise and clear structure that facilitate the application of business research methods to a wide variety of business sectors. 0 Contents Introduction. PART I: GATHERING THE DATA. Nature and Characteristics of Marketing Research.- Marketing Research Organization and Planning.- Sources and Tools of Market Research Data.- Measurement Scales and Questionnaire.- Surveys.- Panels.- Marketing Experimental Research.- Observation.- Qualitative Tools.- Theory and Practice of Sampling.- Fieldwork. PART II: ANALYSING THE DATA. Survey Code and Tabulation.- Hypothesis Testing. PART III: THE REPORT. The Report.- Figure Index.- Table Index .
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Esic Editorial in Libros y revistas

- Esic Editorial -
20.9 EUR 22 EUR
Esic Editorial Business And Investments In Asia
Brand: Esic Editorial
EAN: 9788473568104
MPN: 9788473568104
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Business and Investments in Asia (978-84-7356-810-4) de Mongay Hurtado, Jorge (ESIC Editorial ) Comprar Libros de Economía .Inversiones/futuros Financiero .. Today's globalization is changing the gravity center of Business on a worlwide basis. The classic triangle New York-London-Paris has been substituted by new strategic axis located in emerging nations. Asian countries are changing the dimensions of international trade and investments from a Global perspective. Locations like the Strait of Malacca in Malaysia or APEC will become extremely strategic in trade and commerce for the next 20 years and the most relevant demographic growth will be located in Asian nations. Asia is moving quickly and it does it in the right direction. Governments are facilitating investment processes to local and foreign companies. Not only China and India must be taken into consideration, other new Challengers are increasing very rapidly (Vietnam, Thailand or Malaysia), which, despite some internal problems like lack of democratic maturity and transparency, show very admirable values in Business activities. Social order, respect, family orientation or hard work are some of these assets. This book offers an in-depth analysis of ten Asian nations (China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Japan, Laos, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, India and Hong Kong) in order to help western managers and investors to do Business efficiently in this dynamic economic region. La globalización actual está cambiando el centro de gravedad de los negocios en todo el mundo. El clásico triángulo York-Londres-París ha sido sustituido por un nuevo eje estratégico localizado en los países emergentes. Los países asiáticos están cambiando las dimensiones del comercio internacional y las inversiones desde una perspectiva global. Lugares como el Estrecho de Malacca en Malasia o en APEC se convertirá en un alto valor estratégico en el comercio para los próximos 20 años y el crecimiento demográfico más relevante se encuentra en los países asiáticos. Asia se está moviendo rápidamente, y lo hace en la dirección correcta. Los gobiernos están facilitando los procesos de inversión a las empresas locales y extranjeras. No sólo China e India deben ser tenidos en cuenta, otros nuevos "rivales" están creciendo muy rápidamente (Vietnam, Tailandia o Malasia), que, a pesar de algunos problemas internos como la falta de madurez democrática y la transparencia, muestran valores muy admirables en los negocios. Orden social, el respeto, la orientación de la familia o el trabajo duro son algunos de estos activos. Este libro ofrece un profundo análisis de diez países asiáticos (China, Camboya, Vietnam, Japón, Laos, Corea del Sur, Singapur, Tailandia, India y Hong Kong) con el fin de ayudar a los directivos e inversores occidentales para hacer negocios de manera eficiente en esta dinámica región económica. 0 INDEX Brief Introduction.- Acknowledgements.- Investments and Business in China.- Investments and Business in Cambodia .-...
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Esic Editorial in Libros y revistas

- Esic Editorial -
7.6 EUR 8 EUR
Esic Editorial International Business Plan
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Esic Editorial
EAN: 9788473569385
MPN: 9788473569385
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: International Business Plan (978-84-7356-938-5) de Centenera, Jesús (ESIC Editorial ) Comprar Libros de Economía .Negocios .Estrategia E Innovación .. Colección: Cuadernos de Documentación This document is a methodological guide designed to help students achieve the objectives described above. The guide is organized in phases, so that students can limit the work to be done in an orderly manner through time, and its progress can be contrasted with the help of a tutor, but taking into account the overall unity of the Project. Furthermore, this document may be useful for companies and executives who will like to get a basic knowledge and a guide with the main steps to internationalize. This preparation guide to International Business Plan has been planned in a broad way, in order to serve both for export and import projects or for foreign investments, as well as for different sectors. Taking this into account, students should be flexible in developing the presented phases, depending on the specific Project by sectors or by scope of application. 0 1. Introduction and Objectives 2. Structure of the International Business Plan 3. Development of the plan
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Esic Editorial in Libros y revistas

- Esic Editorial -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Esic Editorial Estableciendo Puentes En Una Economía Global. Xxii Congreso Aedem
Brand: Esic Editorial
EAN: 9788473565561
MPN: 9788473565561
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Estableciendo puentes en una economía global. XXII Congreso AEDEM (978-84-7356-556-1) de European Academy of Management and Business Economics. Congreso Anual (ESIC Editorial ) Comprar Libros de Economía .Economia De Empresas .. La Universidad de Salamanca acogió la organización del XXII Congreso Anual de la Academia Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa (AEDEM) y el VI Internacional Conference de la Inernational Academy of Business Disciplines (IABD). Este Congreso constituye una nueva oportunidad para compartir e impulsar el desarrollo del conocimiento. Más de 500 investigadores y docentes europeos y americanos han participado con sus trabajos de investigación, y han enriquecido con sus comentarios y discusión las sesiones del Congreso, proporcionando nuevas perspectivas que permiten desarrollar las teorías básicas, mejorar la competitividad de las empresas y favorecer el desarrollo económico y el bienestar social. En este siglo XXI donde la complejidad es la nota diferenciadora, se genera una paradoja: operar con una lógica global en mercados heterogéneos. El tamaño y el valor del nuevo mercado van a constituir ambos la piedra angular de la nueva estrategia global de la empresa, desplazándose el objeto de estudio, al movimiento de fondos, a los beneficios, al capital, a los bienes, a los servicios, al acceso y a las personas. (Dr. Camilo Prado, Presidente de AEDEM) ESIC Editorial ha recogido en esta obra las más de 150 ponencias y comunicaciones que fueron presentadas en el Congreso, en idioma inglés o español. En el libro se encuentra una sinopsis de cada trabajo y en el CD que acompaña a la publicación aparecen los textos completos. íNDICE Introducción.- Consejo Científico.- Comité organizador.- Comité evaluador.- Premios y distinciones.- índice alfabético de trabajos.- Ponencias y comunicaciones agrupadas por áreas temáticas.- índice alfabético de autores.- 0 Introducción.- Consejo Científico.- Comité organizador.- Comité evaluador.- Premios y distinciones.- índice alfabético de trabajos.- Ponencias y comunicaciones agrupadas por áreas temáticas.- índice alfabético de autores.-
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Esic Editorial in Libros y revistas

- Esic Editorial -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Esic Editorial Principles Of Marketing
Brand: Esic Editorial
EAN: 9788417024352
MPN: 9788417024352
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Principles of marketing (978-84-17-02435-2) de Calvo Porral, Cristina, Stanton, John L. (ESIC Editorial ) Comprar Libros de Economía .Marketing .. Mrketing reversed prior business logic 50 years ago and said the customer is king, and the companies began to recognize that it was not just the product that was the most important aspect of their business. Companies recognized that consumers had a myriad of choices of product offerings and marketing was responsible to ensure that the companys products had the benefits and attributes that customers wanted and were willing to pay for. Today, considering the technology development, which influences every function of the company, the focus of the successful marketing oriented companies has changed the customer is king to the customer is a dictator!!!. However, and despite the new trends in marketing, like any social science, marketing has basic principles, and these principles need to be considered when making any type of marketing decisions. So, the major step of a student of marketing, whether it is a young university student or an experienced business executive, is to understand the principles of marketing, and reading the present book will be the first step in accomplishing this task. This book describes these basic principles of marketing, and while the authors recognize that each decision may be slightly different any previous decision, the rules or principles remain the same. The present book presents these basic marketing principles and tries to capture the essence of practical and modern marketing today. Therefore, the purpose of Principles of Marketing is to introduce readers to the fascinating world of marketing today, in an easy, enjoyable and practical way, offering an attractive text which to learn about and teach marketing. 0
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Esic Editorial in Libros y revistas

- Esic Editorial -
57 EUR 60 EUR
Esic Editorial English For Successful International Communication
Brand: Esic Editorial
EAN: 9788417513436
MPN: 9788417513436
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: English for Successful International Communication (978-84-17-51343-6) de Schlosser, Matthew J. (ESIC Editorial ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Otros Libros de Texto .Idiomas .. English for Successful International Communication (B2), specially designed for young adults studying Business English at B2 level in Spain, is divided into fifteen 10-page units. Each main unit is divided into three sections: Reading, Listening and Looking at Language, while Put it into Practice tasks, involving students in research and presentation projects, are intended to conclude each unit in a meaningful way. In addition to the main units, after every three units there is a Revision Extension section, students revise and further develop their understanding of important vocabulary and language items previously dealt with. Interspersed throughout the book are five Business Skills mini-units and five Work on Writing mini-units. In the former, students are introduced to a topic, given advice experts in the field and then asked to practice each skill through role plays and informal presentations; in the latter, students are provided with writing tips and asked to analyze a work?related text type before being given the chance to write a similar text of their own. English for Successful International Communication (B2) was born out of ESIC?s 5 Cultures Program, which incorporates the areas of Service to Stakeholders, Excellence, Responsibility, Diversity and Innovation. The innovative content and subject matter of each unit was selected with Business students ?specifically, ESIC stakeholders? in mind, and is intended to reflect material they deal with in their degree program coursework. The diverse range of topics is designed to help students not only to further develop their linguistic skills, but also to think more critically about the world around them. In an effort to promote increased excellence, E.S.I.C. (B2) includes professional guidance and practical insights into emerging topics in the world of Business, Marketing and Advertising (e.g. Corporate Social Responsibility, Big Data and Influencers). 0
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Esic Editorial in Libros y revistas

- Esic Editorial -
28.5 EUR 30 EUR
Esic Editorial Mercados Internacionales
Brand: Esic Editorial
EAN: 9788473563628
MPN: 9788473563628
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Mercados internacionales (978-84-7356-362-8) de Gómez Cáceres, Diego (ESIC Editorial ) Comprar Libros de Economía .Española y Mundial .. Este libro está especialmente enfocado para dar a conocer a través de un Business Game-Simulador, la posición de un inversor nacional (local) de cualquier país que se enfrenta al reto de decidir donde puede invertir sus ahorros en el corto plazo, independientemente de las formas domésticas usuales y de las bolsas nacionales e internacionales. 0 Tipo de cambio monedas extranjeras. Intereses de la inversión inicial. Mejor moneda extranjera de la inversión. Decisiones del inversor.
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Esic Editorial in Libros y revistas

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