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- Documenta Universitaria -
30.43 EUR 32.03 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Arquitectura De Computadors. Guia D'estudi
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499840185
MPN: 9788499840185
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Arquitectura de computadors. Guia d'estudi de Escudero, Francesc; Luengo, Sonia Documenta Universitaria 978-84-9984-018-5 290p. 30,43 EUR
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- Documenta Universitaria -
20.9 EUR 22 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Mots D'avui, Mots De Dem
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499843261
MPN: 9788499843261
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Mots d'avui, mots de dem (978-84-9984-326-1) de Observatori de Neologia (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filología Española .. Many words today were words yesterday and will be tomorrow words because they are the leitmotif of our history. There will, however, disappear because words have been supporting characters, ephemeral neologisms. In this volume we talk both about as the other, because they all have been part of these 25 years of the Neology Observatory.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
12.35 EUR 13 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Crisi Digital. Llio Inaugural De La Facultat De Lletres 2016-2017
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499844046
MPN: 9788499844046
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La Crisi digital. Llio inaugural de la Facultat de Lletres 2016-2017 de Roca, Genís, Genís Roca i Verard Documenta
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- Documenta Universitaria -
27.07 EUR 28.49 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Terminología Y Derecho
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742000
MPN: 9788496742000
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Terminología y derecho (978-84-96742-00-0) de Simposio Internacional de Terminología, Cabré, M. Teresa, Martí Llobet, Jaume ... [et al.], Bach Martorell, Carme (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Lingistica .. Terminología y derecho: complejidad de la comunicación multilinge inclou, en una primera part, els textos de les ponncies del V Simposi Internacional de Terminologia, així com les comunicacions i la taula rodona de clausura i, en la segona part, les conferncies d'obertura i de clausura de la V Escola Internacional d'Estiu de Terminologia impartides per Luis González i Josefa Gómez de Enterría respectivament. El simposi, en la seva cinquena edició, es va dedicar a les interrelacions de la terminologia amb el dret, centrades en el tema Terminologia i dret: complexitat de la comunicació multilinge. Aquest volum recull les ponncies de Rosalind Greenstein, Dénotation et connotation dans le domaine du droit; M. Teresa Castiñeira, Precisión del lenguaje y principio de legalidad; i Laura Santamaría, Términos frágiles y conceptos sólidos; així com comunicacions externes de temtica relacionada que es van presentar en el simposi. El simposi es va clausurar amb una taula rodona, que s'inclou també en aquest volum, en la qual van participar Natividad Gallardo, Rosalind Greeinstein, Laura Santamaria, Elena Ferran i Agustí Pou. 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria El Derecho De Propiedad En Domingo De Soto Y Mancio
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499845890
MPN: 9788499845890
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: El derecho de propiedad en Domingo de Soto y Mancio de Copado Guardiola, María Documenta Universitaria 978-84-9984-589-0 164p. 19 EUR
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- Documenta Universitaria -
12.35 EUR 13 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Gestió Del Patrimoni Cultural En Lmbit Local. Mster Oficial
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707072
MPN: 9788492707072
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La Gestió del Patrimoni Cultural en lmbit Local. Mster oficial (978-84-92707-07-2) de Abadia Roqueta, Cristina ... [et al.], Carbonell Esteller, Eduard, Gaitán Rentero, Anna (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Arqueología .. This master is a training program specifically designed to provide professionals and individuals interested in the cultural heritage of the conceptual and practical background necessary to manage, while giving the necessary tools to initiate research in cultural heritage. With this master is to achieve a good balance between academia and the professional to give a quality response to demands raised by society on issues related to cultural heritage at the local level.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria V Workshop In G/mpls Networks
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788493482398
MPN: 9788493482398
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: V Workshop in G/MPLS Networks (978-84-934823-9-8) de Workshop in G/MPLS Networks, Marzo i Lzaro, Josep Lluís (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Proceedings of the V Workshop held at the Universitat de Girona on the 30th and 31st of March 2006, with the aim of providing a platform for researchers from academia, research laboratories and industry.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
21.85 EUR 23 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Acción Didáctica Conjunta
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499842219
MPN: 9788499842219
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La acción didáctica conjunta (978-84-9984-221-9) de Roser Juanola (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Pedagogía .Investigación Educativa .. Encuadernación: Cartoné El text presenta tres dilegs agrupats per articles d'autors de la Universitat de Girona, Ginebra, Rovira i Virgili, i Colmbia que formen equip amb educadors de diferents escoles i nivells educatius. Com reflexió de fons subjau el fet que ja entrats en la segona dcada del segle XXI, cal preguntar-se sobre la interdisciplinarietat i el rol dels docents i la seva repercussió en totes les disciplines. Una mirada retrospectiva ens s'adona que en la immediata postguerra i fins als anys 1980 del segle XX, l'aula va ser considerada essencialment com un terreny d'aplicació dels avenos obtinguts en els camps acadmics. Amb la consolidació acadmic de les cincies humanes i socials comencen a sorgir, des dels anys 80, paradigmes que permeten pensar de manera més complexa les relacions entre teoria i prctica. Fins arribar a la situació de considera l'activitat docent cada vegada més com un veritable camp professional en qu els seus membres no són únicament executors d'un saber, sinó productors de sabers experts i actors dels processos investigadors. 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Els Cortals Empordanesos, Del Segle Xiii Al Xxi: Sis Estudis
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499844978
MPN: 9788499844978
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Els cortals empordanesos, del segle XIII al XXI: Sis estudis (978-84-9984-497-8) de Congost i Colomer, Rosa, Saguer i Hom, Enric ... [et al.] (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Historia .. The "cortals" (pens) are a variant of the most Catalan that we find along the coastal strip of the Bay of Roses, specifically in the towns of Castelló d'Empúries and Sant Pere Pescador. They are characterized by their size, the presence of wetlands and livestock dedication. Its origins date back to the low middle ages and were advancing over a territory of lagoons and wetlands. In their evolution, they gave rise to a cultivation system based on the wheat-corn-alfalfa trilogy, which characterized and identified them from the 19th century. Since the mid-twentieth century, however, agrarian abandonment and coastal urbanization colonization pushed them back and a part has disappeared. This book brings together six studies that analyze specific periods and aspects of the pens, but that emphasize, above all, the human group that inhabited them: the "cortalers". 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
20.9 EUR 22 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Lletres De Carles Hac Mor, Imatges D'un Iconoclasta
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499844718
MPN: 9788499844718
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Lletres de Carles Hac Mor, imatges d'un iconoclasta (978-84-9984-471-8) de Sala Valldaura, Josep Maria, Altaió, Vicen, Bonet i Albero, Eugeni, Pons, Margalida, Claps, Antoni, Calvo Guardiola, Lluís (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Libros de Poesía .. This is a book written by many hands: Vicen Altaió, Maria Josep Balsach, Eugeni Bonet, Lluís Calvo, Anna Carreras Aubets, Antoni Clapés, Eduard Escoffet, Francesc Gelonch, Manuel Guerrero Brullet, Carles Hac Mor, Miguel ángel Marín Ribes, Dolors Miquel , Margalida Pons, Joaquim Sala-Sanahuja, Josep M. Sala-Valldaura and Ester Xargay. A diverse, inflamed and choral book. As Carles Hac Mor says in the " Dietari del pic de l?estiu ", ?Si tu tens fred, jo puc tenir calor. / Tinc una llar de foc a l?aixella esquerra / i a prop del cor un feix de nervis em fa nosa? (" If you have cold, I can have heat. / I have a chimney in the left armpit / and near the heart one nervousness hurt me "). 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
28.5 EUR 30 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Termodinmica Química. Segona Edició
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707669
MPN: 9788492707669
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Termodinmica Química. Segona edició (978-84-92707-66-9) de Besalú LLor, Emili (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Pedagogía .Varios .. Chemical Thermodynamics is a fundamental and basic discipline for students of varying degrees in science and technology. However, the intellectual level required to fully understanding not just the preparation of students, especially in the first-degree courses, where it has to teach the subject. Overall, the study of Thermodynamics requires that degree of care and, above all, for reflection. This is a perfectly orderly and consistent discipline that cannot be learned based on known concepts scattered but knowing precisely the link.\nThis is a book of theory with embedded problems (almost all of them resolved or commented). However, the main feature will find that the reader wants to read to imply that it will decide on several issues and reflect and do consistency checks on what is learned each time. Learning of Thermodynamics requires continuous reflection and checking on the new knowledge acquired. \n 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Ecosystem Services: Concepts, Methodologies And Instruments For Research And Applied Use
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499843087
MPN: 9788499843087
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Ecosystem Services: Concepts, methodologies and instruments for research and applied use (978-84-9984-308-7) de Castañer, Margarida (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Economía .Economía política .. El marc de "Serveis dels Ecosistemes" (ES) obre la porta a un terreny comú entre l'ecologia i l'economia davant el repte de la sostenibilitat planetria. L'aplicació de les metodologies i instruments disponibles revela tant l'alt potencial com les controvrsies relacionades amb aquest nou enfocament de la gestió socio-ecolgica. A partir de les investigacions i treballs presentats en la XV International Summer School on Environment (ISSE) de la Universitat de Girona (2015), aquesta publicació mostra els principals conceptes relacionats amb l'enfocament d'ES i els resultats dels estudis que s'ocupen de la seva posada en funcionament amb l'objectiu final de canviar la mentalitat i la sensibilització de la població fins al punt d'installar-hi els nous valors socio-ecolgics, és a dir, els models econmics en qu els éS s'entenen com a premissa de subsistncia i , per tant, un component intrínsec dels guanys econmics. \n\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
18.05 EUR 19 EUR
Documenta Universitaria El Gerencialisme En La Gestió De Serveis Públics
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788493468569
MPN: 9788493468569
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: El gerencialisme en la gestió de serveis públics (978-84-934685-6-9) de Sales Pardo, Francesc Xavier (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Derecho .Derecho Administrativo .La Actividad de la Administración .. Public management as a modernising element of public administration is one of the key elements of the Nova Gestió Pública (NGP, New Public Management). This figure was introduced in the local public administration of Catalunya through regional management, a compulsory organ, professionalized and non-elected, to which was delegated the management of services and of regional administration, executive functions which until then exclusively belonged to elect organs in the local ordinary regime. The incorporation and adaptation of the organization and management tools of the private world to the public organizations represents a challenge in the modernization and in the new efficiency aims of the public institutions. This book collects the empiric research about the expansion of the managerial model in public organizations (the local associations) especially favourable with its adoption and shows it to be much more limited than would be expected from the dominant speech. The study develops an analysis model of the expansion of managerialism from identification of the Regional Director?s management functions in the management organs of the local Catalan associations, which have the organizational autonomy that is necessary to incorporate the manager. The research analyses not only the statutory reality, but also the real functioning of all the local Catalan associations. \n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Documenta Universitaria El Análisis De Intervalos En España
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788493434915
MPN: 9788493434915
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: El análisis de intervalos en España (978-84-934349-1-5) de Bondia Company, Jorge, Vehí Casellas, Josep (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Ingeniería .Otros Títulos De Interés .. Im Dezember 2001 wurde in Spanien das von der Universitt Girona gefrderte thematische Netzwerk INTERVALNET (Thematisches Netzwerk fr die Entwicklung von Intervallmethoden und deren Anwendungen in den Ingenieurwissenschaften) initiiert. Dieses Netzwerk wurde entworfen mit dem Ziel, in einem gemeinsamen Projekt die verschiedenen, von einem theoretischen oder anwendungsbezogenen Standpunkt aus an der Intervalltechnologie interessierten Forschungsgruppen zusammenzufhren, und die Verbreitung dieser Technologie auf dem Gebiet der Ingenieurswissenschaften zu frdern.\n 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
17.1 EUR 18 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Creatividad Y Diseño De Producto
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499840901
MPN: 9788499840901
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Creatividad y diseño de producto (978-84-9984-090-1) de Espinach Orús, Xavier, Julián Pérez, Fernando (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Ciencias de la Información .. Generally we believe that rational thought is the only way to knowledge, but this kind of thinking works well when we have complete information. The scientific field it is possible that these conditions are met reasonably well, but do not usually show a significant in industrial product design. Exclusively rational approach does not allow to take into account factors related to human behavior, factors closely linked to the generation of new product concepts. To be creative is also necessary to address this new approach, which also replaces the intuitive idea, still tied to the artistic and romantic way to solve a problem. Creativity is maintained between the limits of knowledge and fantasy. To this fundamental question is to observe the world with different eyes. \n 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
28.06 EUR 29.54 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Sistemes Gestors De Bases De Dades. Guia D'estudi
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499840079
MPN: 9788499840079
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Sistemes gestors de bases de dades. Guia d'estudi de Climent, August Documenta Universitaria 978-84-9984-007-9 264p. 28,06 EUR Comprar
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- Documenta Universitaria -
14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Psicologia De La Salut
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707157
MPN: 9788492707157
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Psicologia de la salut (978-84-92707-15-7) de Planes Pedra, Montserrat (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Normal.dotm 0 0 1 168 963 Edicions A Petició SL 8 1 1182 12.0 0 false 21 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ascii-font-family:Cambria; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Cambria; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Manual for introductory psychology students, and also by other health-related careers, who wish to have basic knowledge about scientific and professional. In the different chapters and sections present different problems and conditions characteristic of the area of Health Psychology: drug addiction, chronic pain and mild specific phobias. Because these disorders are fairly widespread among the population and are therefore easy to understand for readers who have no previous training specialist, we can explain clearly enough the assessment strategies and treatment techniques that are commonly used to overcome or at least alleviate them. In the case of interventions in specific phobias, a thorough description of the therapeutic process, almost step by step, which can serve as a practical scenario for students. It has also been sought to make available to readers some basic methodological knowledge, to ensure the quality of therapeutic interventions and to increase scientific knowledge. Also, the book covers various aspects of the therapist-patient relationship and issues of ethics and professional practice related to the practice of Health Psychology.\n \n 1
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
23.75 EUR 25 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Del Carrer A Les Urnes. El Dret A Decidir, En Campanya
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499842608
MPN: 9788499842608
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Del carrer a les urnes. El dret a decidir, en campanya (978-84-9984-260-8) de Pont Sorribes, Carles (ed.lit.) ; Capdevila Gómez, Arantxa (ed.lit.) (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Ciencias Políticas .. Encuadernación: Rústica El fracs de la temptativa de negociació duna millora del finanament per Catalunya entre la Generalitat i el Govern d'Espanya així com el recolzament multitudinari a la manifestació de la Diada de lonze de setembre de 2012, van precipitar el final de la legislatura iniciada al 2010 i que havia suposat la tornada al Govern de Convergncia i Unió (CiU). El gir cap al sobiranisme de la formació nacionalista va dificultar les relacions entre el Govern i el Partit Popular (PP) del qual rebia suport, un altre motiu que, afegit als dos anteriors, va portar al President, Artur Mas, a convocar eleccions anticipades. L'avanament electoral va ser lorigen duna campanya que es va articular al voltant de les aspiracions nacionals de Catalunya, posant en un compromís aquells partits més ambigus amb la qestió va ser el cas, per exemple, del PSC o aquells que haguessin preferit no haver-la de tenir en compte com podria ser el cas de PP i Cs. Leix econmic, que havia estat el prioritari en la campanya de 2010, degut a la profunda crisi que domina les economies occidentals des de 2008, va quedar en un segon pla. En aquest estudi s'analitzen tots aquests aspectes i altres que tenen com a marc teric i metodolgic la comunicació política. L'Estudi de la campanya electoral del 2012 al Parlament de Catalunya és fruit duna línia interdisciplinria de recerca al voltant de les campanyes electorals iniciada pel grup de recerca UNICA del Departament de Comunicació de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, amb la collaboració del Departament de Cincies Polítiques de la mateixa universitat, i la participació dinvestigadors daltres centres de recerca: Universitat Rovira i Virgili de Tarragona, Universitat Ramon Llull, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya i Universidad de Deusto. 0
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
38 EUR 40 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Estudis De Llengua Catalana
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499844916
MPN: 9788499844916
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Estudis de llengua catalana (978-84-9984-491-6) de Jané, Albert, Ferrer i Costa, Joan, Alegret i Teijeiro, scar (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filología Española .. This volume includes the articles on language that Carmen Gil has published between 1997 and 2017, in a constant way, in the plains of the magazine Llengua Nacional. Previous series of his language articles had been collected in the book -which are today an inexcusable reference for any professional of the Catalan language-, but all these, although a good part of them can be accessed from the website of the Philological Section of the IEC, they were still dispersed, and deserved to be gathered, ordered and reviewed to facilitate their consultation with specialists. Albert Jané's task in the field of grammatical reflection on Catalan and in the dissemination of contemporary normative criteria has been tireless, and enormous. But it is, in fact, part of a current that comes from farther away, and that has had such illustrious predecessors as Pompeu Fabra himself, that with the famous Converses filolgiques it marked a very effective path for the dissemination of usage patterns of the Catalan language of our time. The language sections that have been, since then, so abundant in all kinds of newspapers, magazines and periodicals in our country are truly a kind of literary genre that must be studied as a whole and properly valued. 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
15.41 EUR 16.22 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Projectes D'enginyeria. Guia D'estudi
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499840246
MPN: 9788499840246
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Projectes d'enginyeria. Guia d'estudi de Cubeles, Albert; Ros, ngel; Maicas, scar Documenta Universitaria 978-84-9984-024-6
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- Documenta Universitaria -
34.2 EUR 36 EUR
Documenta Universitaria El Convenio Arbitral En El Derecho Español
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499843414
MPN: 9788499843414
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: El convenio arbitral en el derecho español (978-84-9984-341-4) de Esbrí Montoliu, Miguel ángel (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Aquest llibre és una dissecció jurídica de la institució del conveni arbitral, ja sigui domstic com internacional, cridant l'atenció sobre les netajas de la seva correcta utilització per al posterior desenvolupament d'un bon procés arbitral. 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Documenta Universitaria European Manufacturing Survey
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742772
MPN: 9788496742772
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: European Manufacturing Survey (978-84-96742-77-2) de Castro Vila, Rodolf de, Bikfalvi, Andrea, Llach Pags, Josep (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Economía .Economía política .. The present volume synthesizes the results of one of the most significant international projects that investigators of the GITASP have taken part in: the European Manufacturing Survey. This survey has its origins in the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) with headquarters in Karlsruhe (Germany) that developed the methodology and has lead the constituted European network since 2003. From the edition of the survey of 2006 the GITASP, through some of investigators appointed academically to the Department of Organization, Business Management and Design of Product of the Universitat de Girona (2006) was accepted as the Spanish member of the network. \nThis participation in the survey of 2006 has given rise to research results that we have grouped together in the present volume. We think that it is material of current academic interest. We hope that the document is able to contribute to a diffusion of this initiative among the community of investigators that, particularly in Spain and in Latin America, show interest in the study of innovation.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
10.45 EUR 11 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Organització De La Producció
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788493434984
MPN: 9788493434984
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Organització de la producció (978-84-934349-8-4) de Casadesús Fa, Martí, Ferrer Real, Inés, Castro Vila, Rodolfo de ... [et al.] (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Training Manual from the Departament dOrganització, Gestió Empresarial i Disseny de Producte of the Universitat de Girona.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Recerca En Psicologia De La Salut
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499841007
MPN: 9788499841007
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Recerca en Psicologia de la salut (978-84-9984-100-7) de Planes Pedra, Montserrat, Gras Pérez, María Eugenia (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Medicina .. This book is a compilation of the research group's main Health Psychology at the University of Girona, directed by Dr. Montserrat Planas and Dr. Ma Eugenia Gras.\nThe aim of the publication is to disseminate the results of investigations into the academic and scientific community and society in general. With a special interest to bring the masters and doctoral students in theoretical frameworks and methodologies used in the work group in order to facilitate understanding and promote interest.\nAreas of research include the prevention of risky sexual behaviors, the road accidents and drug addiction, as well as the influence of stress and emotions on health and quality of life of people. It also includes an introductory chapter that explains the origins and evolution of the group and a final compilation of the major publications.\n 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
11.4 EUR 12 EUR
Documenta Universitaria El Castell De La Trinitat
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499845098
MPN: 9788499845098
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: El castell de la Trinitat de Palahí Grimal, Lluís, Burch, Josep, HERNNDEZ CARDONA, FRANCESC XAVIER, Burch, Josep
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- Documenta Universitaria -
18.52 EUR 19.49 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Sistemas Productivos Locales En México
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742154
MPN: 9788496742154
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Sistemas productivos locales en México (978-84-96742-15-4) de Paunero Amigo, Francesc Xavier, Corona Treviño, Leonel, Paunero Amigo, Francesc Xavier (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Economía .Española y Mundial .. Des d'una perspectiva de les experincies europees es proposa comparar el perfil d'especialització que caracteritza i identifica alguns territoris sobre el conjunt nacional, com són els sistemes productius locals mexicans inclosos al present llibre. Aix és només un punt de partida que prendr forma en la mesura que s'impulsi l'anlisi cap a l'mbit de les polítiques regionals que es dinamitzin els avantatges revelats en aquestes regions. 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Ramon Turró, Científic I Pensador
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742413
MPN: 9788496742413
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Ramon Turró, científic i pensador (978-84-96742-41-3) de Alcoberro, Ramon, et al.,, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Friend, amongst others, of Ruyra and of Verdaguer, Turró wrote about questions of psychology and philosophy. He himself said that he was a defender of "critical realism", rigorous in investigation, demanding in method. He defended that "to know is to foresee", but he also knew that a good experimental method can not only be trusted by the senses, as these can be deceived. Here is shown the truly incisive and efficient way of looking at things of Turró: we realize that, to know that there is an outside, to understand well where the senses come from, it is necessary an internal confirmation, that which comes from our organism. Turró has, therefore, a global vision, complete, of the human organism, without rigid distinctions between the interior and exterior world. Here indeed is the root of his celebrated work "The Origins of Knowledge": the hunger, and the most basic nucleus of his thought. And also here there is another element of modernity in his conception, that in his day was pioneering and that now continues offering many aspects of current relevance.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Políticas Culturales Y Gestión Cultural
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742437
MPN: 9788496742437
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Políticas culturales y gestión cultural (978-84-96742-43-7) de Martinell, Alfons, López Cruz, Taína (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Sociología .. The creation of methodologic materials and professional references has in itself the option of making our trade more efficient, through an ordered recycling of experience. The consolidation of the professional field of the manager and cultural promoter requires the configuration of conceptual references constructed from a particular logic and an interactive process with the different related disciplines from their respective fields. The present study has been conceived as a system of related concepts that arise from the necessity to order a great number of experiences in the cultural field of cultural management. It has arisen from the need to contribute a dynamic instrument for training services, investigation and documentation for the different cultural players starting from the ordered proposal of a part of the key concepts that allow a visible and comprehensible system of the complexity of the field of professionals of reference.\n\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
9.5 EUR 10 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Regresión Lineal Aplicada
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499842240
MPN: 9788499842240
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: REGRESIóN LINEAL APLICADA (978-84-9984-224-0) de Riba i Romeva, Clara, Cuxart Jardí, Anna (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. El llibre va dirigit a estudiants de segon i tercer cicle de lmbit de les cincies socials (especialment sociologia, politologia, criminologia) de nivell intermedi o avanat. Els conceptes relatius a la regressió lineal múltiple es van introduint a part 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
61.75 EUR 65 EUR
Documenta Universitaria New Scenarios For The Touristic European Maritime Coast
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499842660
MPN: 9788499842660
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: New scenarios for the touristic European maritime coast (978-84-9984-266-0) de García Vergara, Marisa (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Turismo .. Encuadernación: Rústica con solapas "New Scenarios for the Touristic European Maritime Coast" is the title of the Lifelong Learning Programme held on 14th-24th June 2014 at the University of Girona (Girona, Spain). This was an intensive programme in architecture, urban planning, urban design, landscape, construction and tourism and was funded by the European Union as part of its objective to produce innovative thinking to meet the challenges of the new tourism modalities and behaviours in order to plan how to integrate the territory into a low impact multi-scale territorial project. An Intensive Programme is a short term (10 days) study programme designed to bring together students and professors from higher educational institutions in the EU with a view to increasing the quality and the volume of multilateral cooperation between higher educational establishments in Europe. Around fifty diploma and graduate students, along with nine professors from the four universities partnering the programme (Universitat de Girona, Univesit de la Sapienza, Rome, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Yeni Yu#776;zyil University, Istanbul, Universidade Luso#769;fona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon), took part in the intensive course. The topics of the IP have since been incorporated into the teaching and research programmes of the partner schools, and assume an experimental and innovative design approach. 0
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