- Macmillan Collector S Library -
14.01 EUR 14.75 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library The Hunchback Of Notre-dame
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781035034888MPN: 9781035034888
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (978-1-03-503488-8) de Hugo, Victor (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. An emotionally stirring story, Victor Hugos The Hunchback of Notre-Dame is rightfully considered to be one of the finest novels ever written. Rejected by fifteenth-century Parisian society, the hideously deformed bell-ringer Quasimodo believes he is safe under the watchful eye of his master, the Archdeacon Claude Frollo. But after Quasimodo saves the beautiful Romani girl Esmeralda from the gallows and brings her to sanctuary in the cathedral, his and Frollo's mutual desire for her put them increasingly at odds, before compassion and cruelty clash with tragic results. Dracula , Frankenstein and The Shadow in The Corner and Other Classic Ghost Stories are also available in this series of gorgeous pocket-sized paperbacks from Macmillan Collector's Library which celebrates the very best Gothic and horror literature, teeming with monsters, misfits and ghosts. 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%2
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
15.44 EUR 16.25 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library The Call Of The Wild White Fang
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781509841769MPN: 9781509841769
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The Call of the Wild White Fang (978-1-5098-4176-9) de London, Jack (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. The Call of the Wild tells the story of Buck, a domestic dog who is kidnapped from his... 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%3
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
15.44 EUR 16.25 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781509842919MPN: 9781509842919
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (978-1-5098-4291-9) de Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. In The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, one of the best-known and best-loved poems in the... 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%4
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
16.39 EUR 17.25 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library The Riddle Of The Sands
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781509843152MPN: 9781509843152
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The Riddle of the Sands (978-1-5098-4315-2) de Erskine Childers (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. One of the first great spy novels, The Riddle of the Sands is set during the long,... 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%5
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
15.44 EUR 16.25 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library The Hound Of The Baskervilles And The Valley Of Fear
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781909621749MPN: 9781909621749
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The Hound of the Baskervilles and the Valley of Fear (978-1-909621-74-9) de Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. The Hound of the Baskervilles is one of Doyle's best-known Holmes novels, frequently... 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%6
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
16.39 EUR 17.25 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library The House Of Mirth
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781909621978MPN: 9781909621978
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The House of Mirth (978-1-909621-97-8) de Wharton, Edith (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Novela y Narrativa Extranjera .. Lilly Bart is twenty-nine, beautiful and charming. She has expensive tastes, loves to gamble and 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%7
- Norma Editorial, S.a. -
8.55 EUR 9 EUR
Norma Editorial, S.a. Magus Of The Library 04
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Norma Editorial, S.a.
9788467949612MPN: 9788467949612
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: MAGUS OF THE LIBRARY 04 (978-84-679-4961-2) de Izumi, Mitsu (NORMA EDITORIAL, S.A. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Cómics .. THEO HA LOGRADO SUPERAR EL DIFICILíSIMO EXAMEN! Tras aprobar el examen, Theo ha dado el primer paso para cumplir su sueño.or lo tanto, abandona su aldea y se dirige a la capital, donde empezará su nueva vida como aprendiz junto a otros que, como él, han superado el examen... 0
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Norma Editorial, S.a. in Libros y revistas -5%8
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
15.44 EUR 16.25 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library On The Origin Of Species
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781509827695MPN: 9781509827695
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: On the Origin of Species (978-1-5098-2769-5) de Darwin, Charles (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Ecología y Medio Ambiente .. Designed to appeal to the book lover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautifully bound pocket-sized gift editions of much loved classic titles. Bound in real cloth, printed on high quality paper, and featuring ribbon markers and gilt edges, Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. The Origin of Species Darwin outlined his theory of evolution, which proposed that species had been evolving and differentiating over time under the influence of natural selection. On its publication it became hugely influential, bringing about a seismic shift in the scientific view of humanity's place in the world that is still controversial today. It is both a brilliant work of science and also a clear, vivid and at times even moving, piece of writing that reflects both Darwin's genius and his boundless enthusiasm for the natural world. With an Afterword by Oliver Francis. 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%9
- Norma Editorial, S.a. -
8.55 EUR 9 EUR
Norma Editorial, S.a. Magus Of The Library 03
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Norma Editorial, S.a.
9788467948356MPN: 9788467948356
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: MAGUS OF THE LIBRARY 03 (978-84-679-4835-6) de Izumi, Mitsu (NORMA EDITORIAL, S.A. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Cómics .Manga .Shojo (amistad - amor) .. THEO HA ESTADO ESTUDIANDO TODA SU VIDA PARA SER UN KAFNA, PERO AUN ASí DEBERá SUPERAR MUCHAS DIFICULTADESheo ha completado la primera parte del durísimo examen para convertirse en un kafna, pero aún no está libre: hay dos pruebas más que debe enfrentar. Incluso si supera la segunda prueba, un intenso cara a cara examen oral, el último desafío es una demostración práctica de sus habilidades como bibliotecario. 0
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Norma Editorial, S.a. in Libros y revistas -5%10
- Norma Editorial, S.a. -
8.55 EUR 9 EUR
Norma Editorial, S.a. Magus Of The Library 05
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Norma Editorial, S.a.
9788467949629MPN: 9788467949629
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: MAGUS OF THE LIBRARY 05 (978-84-679-4962-9) de Izumi, Mitsu (NORMA EDITORIAL, S.A. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Cómics .Manga .Shojo (amistad - amor) .. EL AMOR AL CONOCIMIENTOl manga que nos hace amar aún más la lectura y a nuestros libros está aquí de nuevo mostrándonos los nuevos retos de Theo, nuestro kafna preferido. Después de superar con éxito los tan temidos exámenes, verá como su compañera, Aya Guunjoh, decide declararle la guerra y considerarlo su enemigo. Logrará el amor por los libros que siente nuestro orejudo que se sobreponga a esta situación tan extraña y tensa? 0
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Norma Editorial, S.a. in Libros y revistas -5%11
- Norma Editorial, S.a. -
8.55 EUR 9 EUR
Norma Editorial, S.a. Magus Of The Library
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Norma Editorial, S.a.
9788467971293MPN: 9788467971293
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Magus of the library (978-84-679-7129-3) de Izumi, Mitsu (NORMA EDITORIAL, S.A. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Cómics .Manga .Shojo (amistad - amor) .. La convivencia es complicada, y más en un entorno tan exigente como el de la biblioteca, y con la presión añadida de tener que aprobar los exámenes, parece que no todos lo tendrán tan fácil, pero sus esfuerzos terminan dando sus frutos! Mientras tanto, una oscura trama parece estar gestándose detrás de escena... 0
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Norma Editorial, S.a. in Libros y revistas -5%12
- Norma Editorial, S.a. -
8.55 EUR 9 EUR
Norma Editorial, S.a. Magus Of The Library 02
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Norma Editorial, S.a.
9788467947663MPN: 9788467947663
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: MAGUS OF THE LIBRARY 02 de Izumi, Mitsu NORMA EDITORIAL, S.A. 978-84-679-4766-3 232p. 8,55 EUR Comprar Libros de Literatura .Cómics
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Norma Editorial, S.a. in Libros y revistas -5%13
- Norma Editorial, S.a. -
8.55 EUR 9 EUR
Norma Editorial, S.a. Magus Of The Library 06
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Norma Editorial, S.a.
9788467949636MPN: 9788467949636
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: MAGUS OF THE LIBRARY 06 (978-84-679-4963-6) de Izumi, Mitsu (NORMA EDITORIAL, S.A. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Cómics .Manga .Shojo (amistad - amor) .. EL AMOR AL CONOCIMIENTO A pesar de toda su motivación, Shio descubre que no siempre es fácil llevarse bien con tantos camaradas de tan diferentes orígenes sociales y étnicos, a pesar de su objetivo común... Para colmo, el aprendiz kahuna no puede terminar una tarea en tiempo! También atrae la ira de Medina Haharuk, con quien se supone que formará equipo: de hecho, ella lo odia profundamente debido a sus respectivos orígenes. Durante una noche estrellada en la que intenta pensar en una solución, Shio se encuentra cara a cara con una misteriosa joven caída del cielo... 0
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Norma Editorial, S.a. in Libros y revistas -5%14
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
14.01 EUR 14.75 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde: And Other Stories
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781509828067MPN: 9781509828067
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and MR Hyde: And Other Stories (978-1-5098-2806-7) de Stevenson, Robert Louis (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a masterpiece of Victorian literature and... 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%15
- New American Library -
14.01 EUR 14.75 EUR
New American Library Cathedral Of The Sea
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: New American Library
9780451225993MPN: 9780451225993
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Cathedral of the Sea (978-0-451-22599-3) de Falcones, Ildefonso (New American Library ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Otros Idiomas .Novela y Narrativa en Inglés .. An unforgettable fresco of a golden age in fourteenth-century Barcelona, Cathedral of the Sea is a thrilling historical novel of friendship and revenge, plague and hope, love and war. Arnau Estanyol arrives in Barcelona to find a city dominated by the construction of the city's great pride--the cathedral of Santa Maria del Mar--and by its shame, the deadly Inquisition. As a young man, Arnau joins the powerful guild of stoneworkers and helps to build the church with his own hands, while his best friend and adopted brother Joanet studies to become a priest. With time, Arnau prospers and falls secretly in love with a forbidden woman. But when he is betrayed and hauled before the Inquisitor, he finds himself face-to-face with Joanet. Will he lose his life just as his beloved Cathedral of the Sea is finally completed, or will his brother save him? MORE THAN TWO MILLION COPIES SOLD WORLDWIDE! 0
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New American Library in Libros y revistas -5%16
- Norma Editorial, S.a. -
8.55 EUR 9 EUR
Norma Editorial, S.a. Magus Of The Library 01
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Norma Editorial, S.a.
9788467946093MPN: 9788467946093
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: MAGUS OF THE LIBRARY 01 (978-84-679-4609-3) de Izumi, Mitsu (NORMA EDITORIAL, S.A. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Cómics .Manga .Shonen (acción - juvenil) .. ADéNTRATE EN ESTA AVENTURA LLENA DEANTASíA Y DESCUBRE LA MAGIA QUE SEALLA EN LOS LIBROSn el pequeño pueblo de Amun vive Theo, un chico que adoraos libros pero que debido a sus orejas puntiagudas y a su condicióne pobre no se le permite entrar en la biblioteca del pueblo.un así, él sueña con ir a Aftzaak, la ciudad de los libros,onde la gente está libre de prejuicios y no siente ningún odioacia las personas como él. De repente, un buen día, llega unaafna; es decir, una bibliotecaria que trabaja para la Bibliotecaentral de Aftzaak, y su vida cambiará para siempre... 0
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Norma Editorial, S.a. in Libros y revistas -5%17
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
15.43 EUR 16.24 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library Tales Of The Jazz Age
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781509826391MPN: 9781509826391
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Tales of the Jazz Age (978-1-5098-2639-1) de Fitzgerald, F. Scott (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Tales of the Jazz Age features some of F. Scott Fitzgerald's best-loved short stories and 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%18
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
12.82 EUR 13.49 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library Journey To The Centre Of The Earth
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781509827886MPN: 9781509827886
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Journey to the Centre of the Earth (978-1-5098-2788-6) de Verne, Jules (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. "Fictional trips to the underground are a feature of all mythologies, but the best of the... 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%19
- British Library -
15.61 EUR 16.43 EUR
British Library From The Depths: And Other Strange Tales Of The Sea
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: British Library
9780712352369MPN: 9780712352369
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: From the Depths: And Other Strange Tales of the Sea (978-0-7123-5236-9) de ASHLEY, MIKE (British Library ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. From atop the choppy waves to the choking darkness of the abyss, the seas are full of mystery and rife with tales of inexplicable events and encounters with the unknown. In this anthology we see a thrilling spread of narratives: sailors are pitched against a nightmare from the depth, invisible to the naked eye; a German U-boat commander is tormented by an impossible transmission via Morse Code; a ship ensnares itself in the kelp of the Sargasso Sea and dooms a crew of mutineers, seemingly out of revenge for her lost captain. The supernatural is set alongside the grim affairs of sailors scorned in these salt-soaked tales, recovered from obscurity for the 21st century. 0
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British Library in Libros y revistas -5%20
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
15.44 EUR 16.25 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library Sanditon, Lady Susan, The History Of England
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781909621688MPN: 9781909621688
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Sanditon, Lady Susan, the History of England (978-1-909621-68-8) de Austen, Jane (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. This rare collection is a must for all Jane-ites. It represents what Richard Church regarded as... 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%21
- British Library, Historical Print Editions -
16.73 EUR 17.61 EUR
British Library, Historical Print Editions Ode Performed In The Senate-house Of Cambridge, June 29, 1811, At The Installation Of ... William Frederick, Duke Of Gloucester ... Chancellor Of The
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: British Library, Historical Print Editions
9781241023270MPN: 9781241023270
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Ode performed in the Senate-House of Cambridge, June 29, 1811, at the Installation of ... William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester ... Chancellor of the University. (978-1-241-02327-0) de Anonymous (British Library, Historical Print Editions ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Historia .Historia Contemporánea .. Title: Ode performed in the Senate-House of Cambridge, June 29, 1811, at the Installation of ... William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester ... Chancellor of the University. Publisher: British Library, Historical Print Editions The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom. It is one of the world's largest research libraries holding over 150 million items in all known languages and formats: books, journals, newspapers, sound recordings, patents, maps, stamps, prints and much more. Its collections include around 14 million books, along with substantial additional collections of manuscripts and historical items dating back as far as 300 BC. The POETRY amp; DRAMA collection includes books from the British Library digitised by Microsoft. The books reflect the complex and changing role of literature in society, ranging from Bardic poetry to Victorian verse. Containing many classic works from important dramatists and poets, this collection has something for every lover of the stage and verse. ++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as an additional tool in helping to insure edition identification: ++++ British Library Anonymous; 1811. 8. 1203.k.12.(10.) 0
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British Library, Historical Print Editions in Libros y revistas -5%22
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
13.54 EUR 14.25 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library Anne Of Green Gables
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781509828012MPN: 9781509828012
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Anne of Green Gables (978-1-5098-2801-2) de Montgomery, Lucy Maud (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. Designed to appeal to the book lover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautifully bound pocket-sized gift editions of much loved classic titles. Bound in real cloth, printed on high quality paper, and featuring ribbon markers and gilt edges, Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. When red-headed orphan Anne arrives at the Cuthberts' home, Green Gables, she feels sure she's found the home she has longed for. They, however, are less certain; their request to the orphanage had been for a boy. But before long Anne's irrepressibly optimistic, loving nature has charmed them. While her temper is unpredictable and her extravagant imagination makes her dreamily whimsical and prone to comic mishap, the Cuthberts come to love Anne as if she were their own child. Montgomery's classic tale is a celebration of the transformative power of love and the unique qualities of a girl who has a second chance at childhood. Illustrated by M. A. W. A. J. Claus, with an afterword by Anna South. 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%23
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
15.44 EUR 16.25 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library Heart Of Darkness: Other Stories
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781509850921MPN: 9781509850921
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Heart of Darkness: Other Stories (978-1-5098-5092-1) de Conrad, Joseph (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Novela y Narrativa Extranjera .. Designed to appeal to the book lover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautifully bound pocket-sized gift editions of much loved classic titles. Bound in real cloth, printed on high quality paper, and featuring ribbon markers and gilt edges, Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. One night on the Thames, Charles Marlowe tells his fellow sailors the vivid and brutal tale of his time as a riverboat captain in the Belgian Congo. From the mists of London we are whisked to the darkness of Africas colonial heart and into the thrall of the tyrannical Kurtz, an ivory trader who has established himself as a terrifying demi-god. Sinister and incisive, Heart of Darkness has retained the fascination of readers and scholars alike. It is accompanied here by the stories with which it has been published since 1902: the autobiographical Youth, and the tale of an old man's fall from fortune, The End of the Tether. This elegant Macmillan Collectors Library edition features an afterword by Dr Keith Carabine. 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%24
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
15.44 EUR 16.25 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library Diary Of A Provincial Lady
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781909621381MPN: 9781909621381
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Diary of a Provincial Lady (978-1-909621-38-1) de Delafield, E. M. (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. E. M. Delafield's largely autobiographical novel is written as the journal of an upper-middle... 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%25
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
15.44 EUR 16.25 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library Tales Of Mystery Imagination
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781509826698MPN: 9781509826698
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Tales of Mystery Imagination (978-1-5098-2669-8) de Poe, Edgar Allan (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Otros Idiomas .Novela y Narrativa en Inglés .. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as 1 to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant. 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%26
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
15.44 EUR 16.25 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library Hand In Hand With Love: An Anthology Of Queer Classic Poetry
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781529092660MPN: 9781529092660
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Hand in Hand with Love: An Anthology of Queer Classic Poetry (978-1-5290-9266-0) (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Hand in Hand with Love is a celebration of queer voices throughout the ages, featuring an 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas -5%27
- Macmillan Collector S Library -
15.44 EUR 16.25 EUR
Macmillan Collector S Library Tales Poems Of Edgar Allan Poe
Transporte: 2.95 EUR
Brand: Macmillan Collector S Library
9781509826681MPN: 9781509826681
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Tales Poems of Edgar Allan Poe (978-1-5098-2668-1) de Poe, Edgar Allan (MACMILLAN COLLECTOR S LIBRARY ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. Designed to appeal to the book lover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautifully bound pocket-sized gift editions of much loved classic titles. Bound in real cloth, printed on high quality paper, and featuring ribbon markers and gilt edges, Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. This companion volume to the Tales of Mystery and Imagination contains Edgar Allan Poes best-known poetry, and a selection of his very best stories (many of which originate in his 1840s Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque ), along with his finest tales from the last decade of his tragically short life. Many of these stories and poems tell of the familiar Poe themes of murder, obsession and love, but this volume also contains many overlooked tales of the fantastic, black comedies, parodies and hoaxes, such as The Unparalleled Adventure of Hans Pfall, Mesmeric Revolution, Hop-Frog, and The Imp of the Perverse. With an afterword by David Pinching. Included in this edition: The Tales Metzengerstein The Visionary or the Assignation Morella King Pest The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall Berenice Mystification How to Write a Blackwood Article A Predicament The Man that was Used Up William Wilson Eleonora The Island of the Fay The Balloon Hoax The System of Dr Tarr and Professor Fether Mesmeric Revelation A Tale of the Ragged Mountains The Spectacles The Imp of the Perverse The Sphinx The Domain of Arnheim or The Landscape Garden Von Kempelen and His Discovery X-ing a Paragrab Hop-Frog The Poems The Raven Lenore Hymn A Valentine The Coliseum To Helen To Ulalume The Bells An Enigma Annabel Lee To My Mother The Haunted Palace The Conqueror Worm To Frances S. Osgood To One in Paradise The Valley of Unrest The City in the Sea The Sleeper Silence A Dream within a Dream Dream-Land To Zante Eulalie Eldorado Israfel For Annie To Bridal Ballad To F 0
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Macmillan Collector S Library in Libros y revistas