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Taylor Francis Ltd Prostate Cancer | Ofertas Libros Y Revistas

Range Precio

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
59.28 EUR 62.4 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd The Spanish Civil War
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780415204170
MPN: 9780415204170
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Spanish Civil War (978-0-415-20417-0) de George Richard Esenwein (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. This exciting collection of primary sources on the Spanish Civil Waruses military and political documents, media accounts, and contemporary propaganda to create a representative and illuminating survey of thisenormously complicatedevent more than sixty-five years after it ended. Structured chronologically from a full introduction which delineates the field, this book ranges from the origins of the uprising against Franco through to its turbulent aftermath. Itclearly outlines key points in the conflict and highlights the little-known roles of race and gender in determining the war's outcome. The book also unearths many rare sources for the first time and reveals the variety of perspectives held by those immediately involved in the war. This is an ideal resource for all students of history and military history. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
53.35 EUR 56.16 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd The Language Of Persuasion In Politics
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9781138038486
MPN: 9781138038486
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Language of Persuasion in Politics (978-1-138-03848-6) de Alan Partington,Charlotte Taylor (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. This accessible introductory textbook looks at the modern relationship between politicians, the press and the public through the language they employ, with extensive coverage of key topics including: spin, spin control and image politics models of persuasion: authority, contrast, association pseudo-logical and post-truth arguments political interviewing: difficult questions, difficult answers metaphors and metonymy rhetorical figures humour, irony and satire Extracts from speeches, soundbites, newspapers and blogs, interviews, press conferences, election slogans, social media and satires are used to provide the reader with the tools to discover the beliefs, character and hidden strategies of the would-be persuader, as well as the counter-strategies of their targets. This book demonstrates how the study of language use can help us appreciate, exploit and protect ourselves from the art of persuasion. With a wide variety of practical examples on both recent issues and historically significant ones, every topic is complemented with guiding tasks, queries and exercises with keys and commentaries at the end of each unit. This is the ideal textbook for all introductory courses on language and politics, media language, rhetoric and persuasion, discourse studies and related areas. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
57.76 EUR 60.8 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Literature And Gender
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780415135740
MPN: 9780415135740
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Literature and Gender (978-0-415-13574-0) de GOODMAN, LIZBETH, RICHARD MER GOODMAN, Lizbeth (University College Dublin Goodman, IRE) (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Historia y Crítica de la Literatura .. Literature and Gender combines an introduction to and an anthology of literary texts which powerfully demonstrate the relevance of gender issues to the study of literature. The volume covers all three major literary genres - poetry, fiction and drama - and closely examines a wide range of themes, including: feminity versus creativity in womens lives and writing the construction of female characters autobiography and fiction the gendering of language the interaction of race, class and gender within writing, reading and interpretation. Literature and Gender is also a superb resource of primary texts, and includes writing by: Sappho Emily Dickinson Sylvia Plath Tennyson Elizabeth Bishop Louisa May Alcott Virginia Woolf Jamaica Kincaid Charlotte Perkins Gilman Susan Glaspell Also reproduced are essential essays by, amoung others, Maya Angelou, Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar, Toni Morrison, Elaine Showalter, and Alice Walker. No other book on this subject provides an anthology, introduction and critical reader in one volume. Literature and Gender is the ideal guide for any student new to this field. 0
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- Taylor Francis Ltd -
66.87 EUR 70.39 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Understanding Semantics
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9781444122435
MPN: 9781444122435
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Understanding Semantics (978-1-4441-2243-5) de Sebastian Loebner (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Understanding Semantics, Second Edition, provides an engaging and accessible introduction to linguistic semantics. The first part takes the reader through a step-by-step guide to the main phenomena and notions of semantics, covering levels and dimensions of meaning, ambiguity, meaning and context, logical relations and meaning relations, the basics of noun semantics, verb semantics and sentence semantics. The second part provides a critical introduction to the basic notions of the three major theoretical approaches to meaning: structuralism, cognitive semantics and formal semantics. Key features include: A consistent mentalist perspective on meaning Broad coverage of lexical and sentence semantics, including three new chapters discussing deixis, NP semantics, presuppositions, verb semantics and frames Examples from a wider range of languages that include German, Japanese, Spanish and Russian. Practical exercises on linguistic data Companion website including all figures and tables from the book, an online dictionary, answers to the exercises and useful links at routledge.com/cw/loebner This book is an essential resource for all undergraduate students studying semantics. Sebastian Lbner is a Professor of Linguistics at the Institute for Language and Information at the University of Dsseldorf, Germany 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
88.69 EUR 93.36 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd The Psychology Of Radicalization And Terrorism
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9781848724426
MPN: 9781848724426
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Psychology of Radicalization and Terrorism (978-1-84872-442-6) de Joop Van Der Pligt,Willem Koomen (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Ciencias Políticas .. Terrorism and radicalization have a long history, but in recent years their prominence has been a particularly conspicuous and influential feature of the global political landscape. This important book presents an overview of the processes involved in radicalization and terrorism, and introduces a systematic framework which captures the most crucial individual and social factors involved in determining these processes. The authors begin by considering the possible role of prejudice, economic deprivation, and discrimination, and the cognitive responses and emotions they can trigger. Such responses tend in turn to increase the importance of group membership, and promote intergroup differentiation and polarization, a process which is often accompanied by more pronounced and more extreme religious and ideological beliefs. The book also describes the role of cultural values and social climate in processes of radicalization, as well as the role of personality factors and demographics such as age and marital status. As for violent terrorist action itself, this final most radical stage is elicited by a number of group factors such as groupthink, isolation, and leadership. Certain cognitive mechanisms - for example, dehumanizing the target and attributing responsibility elsewhere - can also provide excuses for violence. The book explores why some groups turn to violence and others dont, and it addresses processes of disengagement, deradicalization programs, and other methods used to inhibit the spread of radicalization and terrorism. The Psychology of Radicalization and Terrorism takes a unique and systematic approach to a vital topic, integrating knowledge from diverse literatures, and using social psychology as a basis for comprehending human behaviour. It will be essential reading for students and researchers from all disciplines seeking a greater understanding of terrorism and violent political conflict in all its forms. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
65.98 EUR 69.45 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Science Fiction Cinema In The Twenty-first Century
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780367759063
MPN: 9780367759063
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Science Fiction Cinema in the Twenty-First Century (978-0-367-75906-3) de Pablo Gómez-Muñoz (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Recent films are increasingly using themes and conventions of science fiction such as dystopian societies, catastrophic environmental disasters, apocalyptic scenarios, aliens, monsters, time travel, teleportation, and supernatural abilities to address cosmopolitan concerns such as human rights, climate change, economic precarity, and mobility. This book identifies and analyses the new transnational turn towards cosmopolitanism in science fiction cinema since the beginning of the twenty-first century. The book considers a wide selection of examples, including case studies of films such as Elysium , In Time , 2012 , Andrew Niccols The Host , Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same , and Cloud Atlas. It also questions the seeming cosmopolitanism of these narratives and exposes how they sometimes reproduce social hierarchies and exploitative practices. Dealing with diverse, interdisciplinary concerns represented in cinema, this book in the Studies in Global Genre Fiction series will be of interest to readers and scholars working in the fields of science fiction, film and media studies, cosmopolitanism, border theory, popular culture, and cultural studies. It will also appeal to fans of science fiction cinema and literature. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
60.69 EUR 63.88 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd The Filmmakers Guide To Final Cut Pro Workflow
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780240809861
MPN: 9780240809861
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Filmmakers Guide to Final Cut Pro Workflow (978-0-240-80986-1) de Dale Angell (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Economía .Gestion Financiera .. The Filmmakers Guide to Final Cut Pro Workflow is the comprehensive roadmap to affordable postproduction workflow using Final Cut Pro, Cinema Tools, and Pro Tools. Illuminating workflow and the interrelationship of these software applications, it also focuses on cost saving and efficiency, aiding low-budget, independent moviemakers as well as students trying to take their skills to the professional level. Author Dale Angell offers a practical guide to complete film postproduction workflow, describing low-cost workflow that can be used for 35mm film, High Definition digital video, or DV/Red Camera. The Filmmakers Guide to Final Cut Pro Workflow will help the independent filmmaker working on a tight budget: . Understand capturing picture when shooting on film or digital video . Finishing the project on either film or video . Audio edit workflows for both film and video . Comprehend NTSC and PAL video as well as modern digital video formats . Understand timecode and the file architecture in Final Cut Pro, Cinema Tools, and Pro Tools 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
62.02 EUR 65.28 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Virtual Reality Cinema
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780367463397
MPN: 9780367463397
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Virtual Reality Cinema (978-0-367-46339-7) de Carrie Love, Eric R. Williams, Matt Love (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. Award-winning cine-maVRicks Eric R. Williams, Carrie Love and Matt Love introduce virtual reality cinema (also known as 360 video or cine-VR) in this comprehensive guide filled with insider tips and tested techniques for writing, directing and producing effectively in the new medium. Join these veteran cine-VR storytellers as they break down fundamental concepts from traditional media to demonstrate how cine-VR can connect with audiences in new ways. Examples from their professional work are provided to illustrate basic, intermediate and advanced approaches to crafting modern story in this unique narrative space where there's no screen to contain an image and no specific stage upon which to perform. Virtual Reality Cinema will prepare you to approach your own cine-VR projects via: Tips and techniques for writing, directing and producing bleeding-edge narrative cine-VR projects; More than a hundred photos and illustrations to explain complex concepts; Access to more than two hours of on-line cine-VR examples that you can download to watch on your own HMD; New techniques developed at Ohio University's Game Research and Immersive Design (GRID) Lab, including how to work with actors to embrace Gravity and avoid the Persona Gap, how to develop stories with the Story Engagement Matrix and how to balance directorial control and audience agency in this new medium. This book is an absolute must read for any student of filmmaking, media production, transmedia storytelling and game design, as well as anyone already working in these industries that wants to understand the new challenges and opportunities of virtual reality cinema. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
59.28 EUR 62.4 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Teaching Gender
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9781138701236
MPN: 9781138701236
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Teaching Gender (978-1-138-70123-6) de Ana M. Gonzlez Ramos,Beatriz Revelles-Benavente (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Teaching Gender: Feminist Pedagogy and Responsibility in Times of Political Crisis addresses the neoliberalization of the university, what this means in real terms, and strategic pedagogical responses to teaching within this context across disciplines and region. Inspired by bell hooks "transgressive school" and Donna Haraways "responsibility", this collection promotes a politics of care within the classroom through new forms of organizational practices. It engages with the challenges and possibilities of teaching students about women and gender by examining the multiple pedagogical, theoretical, and political dimensions of feminist learning. The book revisits how we can reconfigure a feminist politics of responsibility that is able to respond to or engage with contemporary crises. It also conceptualizes crisis and explains how it is transforming contemporary societies and affecting individual vulnerabilities and institutional structures. Finally, it offers practical cases from different European locations, in which crisis and responsibility have served to reformulate contemporary feminist pedagogies, altering curriculums, reframing institutions, and affecting the process of teaching and learning. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
63.39 EUR 66.73 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd The Concept Of Mind
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780415485470
MPN: 9780415485470
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Concept of Mind (978-0-415-48547-0) de Ryle, Gilbert (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. First published in 1949 Gilbert Ryle's The Concept of Mind is one of the classics of Twentieth-Century philosophy, influential and controversial in equal measure. Described by Ryle himself as a 'sustained piece of analytical hatchet-work' on Cartesian dualism, The Concept of Mind is a radical attempt to jettison once and for what Ryle called 'the ghost in the machine': Descartes' argument that mind and body are two separate entities. Ryle argues that the language traditionally used to describe the relationship between mind and body amounts to nothing less than a massive 'category mistake'. Terms such as 'mind', 'thought' and 'belief' do not refer to a mysterious, inner world but simply describe certain actions and our ability to perform them. Even the act of imagining, argues Ryle, should be understood as an outward rather than inner performance, as when we watch a boxer shadow-boxing an imaginary opponent before entering the ring. On this basis, Ryle overturns some long-held assumptions about language and knowledge, including knowledge of other people's minds and launched the new movement of philosophical behaviourism. Ryle builds his case via an erudite and beautifully written account of the will, emotion, self-knowledge, sensation and observation, imagination and the intellect. Some of the problems he tackles, such as the distinction between 'knowing how and knowing that', challenged some of the bedrock assumptions of philosophy and continue to exert important influence on contemporary philosophy. A classic work of philosophy and psychology The Concept of Mind is essential reading for anyone interested in the nature of the mind and human behaviour. This Sixtieth Anniversary edition includes a substantial commentary by Julia Tanney. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
87.42 EUR 92.02 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Oriental Enlightenment
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780415133760
MPN: 9780415133760
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Oriental Enlightenment (978-0-415-13376-0) de John James Clarke (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. What is the place of Eastern thought - Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Confucianism - in the Western intellectual tradition? Oriental Enlightenment shows how, despite current talk of globalization, there is still a reluctance to accept that the West could have borrowed anything of significance from the East, and explores a critique of the orientalist view that we must regard any study of the East through the lens of Western colonialism and domination. Oriental Enlightenment provides a lucid introduction to the fascination Eastern thought has exerted on Western minds since the Renaissance. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
56.94 EUR 59.94 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd The Outdoor Classroom Ages 3-7
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9781138227989
MPN: 9781138227989
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Outdoor Classroom Ages 3-7 (978-1-138-22798-9) de Karen Constable (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Emphasising the importance of continuity for young children, The Outdoor Classroom Ages 3-7 practically demonstrates how early years settings and schools can maximise the learning potential of the outdoor environment. Fully updated to take into account the revised EYFS and Key Stage 1 curricula and including new case studies throughout, this second edition encourages teachers and practitioners to examine and reflect on their use of the outside area to ensure they provide rich play opportunities for children that will further their learning regardless of time, space or financial restraints. Drawing on the Forest School approach, this handy text considers the practical implications for settings using the outdoor classroom and covers: the characteristics of effective learning outdoors; guidance on timetabling and planning; advice on the logistics and health and safety involved; tips for navigating parental and staff opposition; closely linked theory and practice to assessment; the social and emotional aspects of learning. Full of resources, lesson plans and activities to support rich learning opportunities, this book will inspire you to think creatively about the outside area and use its full potential to bring the outdoors alive with interest, exploration and challenge. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
74.84 EUR 78.78 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Deleuze, Marx And Politics
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780415753845
MPN: 9780415753845
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Deleuze, Marx and Politics (978-0-415-75384-5) de Nicholas Thoburn (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. A critical and provocative exploration of the political, conceptual and cultural points in Deleuzes minor politics and Marxs critique of capitalist dynamics, engaging with Deleuzes missing work The Grandeur of Marx . 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
65.39 EUR 68.83 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Hannibals Dynasty
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780415359580
MPN: 9780415359580
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Hannibals Dynasty (978-0-415-35958-0) de Dexter Hoyos (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. Accessible and enlightening, Hannibal's Dynasty provides the full story of Carthage's achievement, going beyond the usual focus on Hannibal and military matters alone to look at a wide range of political and diplomatic issues too. Dexter Hoyos shows how the aristocratic Barcid family won dominance in the free republic of Carthage, and how they exploited family connections to lead Carthage to greatness at home and abroad. For students of Hannibal, his dynasty and his legacy - this is the book to read. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
63.12 EUR 66.44 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Energy In The Early Modern Home
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780367681357
MPN: 9780367681357
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Energy in the Early Modern Home (978-0-367-68135-7) de Bruno Blondé, Wouter Ryckbosch (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. Uncovering, for the first time, the role played by home users in fostering energy changes, this book explores the effects of energy transitions between the medieval and industrial era on the everyday life of Europeans and considers how cultural, social and material changes in the home facilitated the transition towards a more energy-demanding world. This book delves deeper into the interactions between early modern consumers and the ecological constraints of the world surrounding them. Experts on specific aspects of domestic energy use departing from different case studies in early modern Europe confront these central issues. This book therefore offers a wide range of approaches within a long-term and comparative perspective. Different 'material cultures of energy' across time and space and across different climates in Europe are explored. Ultimately, this book aims to consider how the early modern home not just adapted to energy changes, but perhaps even prepared the way for our modern addiction to fossil energy. Energy in the Early Modern Home is the perfect resource for students and scholars of early modern Europe, premodern environmental history, the history of consumption and material culture, and the history of science and technology. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
82.41 EUR 86.75 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Internet Infrastructure
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780367572792
MPN: 9780367572792
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Internet Infrastructure (978-0-367-57279-2) de Richard Fox, Wei Hao (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. Internet Infrastructure: Networking, Web Services, and Cloud Computing provides a comprehensive introduction to networks and the Internet from several perspectives: the underlying media, the protocols, the hardware, the servers, and their uses. The material in the text is divided into concept chapters that are followed up with case study chapters that examine how to install, configure, and secure a server that offers the given service discussed. The book covers in detail the Bind DNS name server, the Apache web server, and the Squid proxy server. It also provides background on those servers by discussing DNS, DHCP, HTTP, HTTPS, digital certificates and encryption, web caches, and the variety of protocols that support web caching. Introductory networking content, as well as advanced Internet content, is also included in chapters on networks, LANs and WANs, TCP/IP, TCP/IP tools, cloud computing, and an examination of the Amazon Cloud Service. Online resources include supplementary content that is available via the textbook's companion website, as well useful resources for faculty and students alike, including: a complete lab manual; power point notes, for installing, configuring, securing and experimenting with many of the servers discussed in the text; power point notes; animation tutorials to illustrate some of the concepts; two appendices; and complete input/output listings for the example Amazon cloud operations covered in the book. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
66.24 EUR 69.73 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Marine Tourism
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780415139380
MPN: 9780415139380
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Marine Tourism (978-0-415-13938-0) de Mark Orams (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Economía .Industria .. Marine Tourism examines both successful and unsuccessful tourism in coastal and marine environments. The author provides an overview of the history, development and growth of marine tourism and describes the characteristics of marine tourists and the vendors of these tourist activities. The book includes case studies of specific types of tourism including: * the cruise ship industry, * whale and dolphin watching, * yachting - the Americas Cup, * personal water crafts and other water sports * and maritime museums and festivals. in locations including Brighton, UK, the Florida Keys and Hawaii, USA Caribbean islands, New Zealand and Australias Great Barrier Reef. The final section examines tourism impacts on marine ecosystems and coastal communities and explores management techniques aimed at reducing negative impacts and maximizing the benefits of marine tourism. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
65.46 EUR 68.91 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Social Science And Historical Perspectives
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9781138675797
MPN: 9781138675797
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Social Science and Historical Perspectives (978-1-138-67579-7) de Jack David Eller (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. This accessible book introduces the story of social science, with coverage of history, politics, economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and geography. Key questions include: How and why did the social sciences originate and differentiate? How are they related to older traditions that have defined Western civilization? What is the unique perspective or way of knowing of each social science? What are the challenges-and alternatives-to the social sciences as they stand in the twenty-first century? Eller explains the origin, evolution, methods, and the main figures, literature, concepts, and theories in each discipline. The chapters also feature a range of contemporary examples, with consideration given to how the disciplines address present-day issues. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
95.09 EUR 100.09 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Fascism And Political Theory
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780415473552
MPN: 9780415473552
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Fascism and Political Theory (978-0-415-47355-2) de Woodley, Daniel (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Ciencias Políticas .. Fascism and Political Theory offers both students and researchers a thematic analysis of fascism, focusing on the structural and ideological links between fascism, capitalism and modernity. Intended as a critical discussion of the origins and development of fascist ideology, each chapter deals with a core substantive issue in political theory relevant to the study of fascism and totalitarianism, beginning with an assessment of the current state of debate. The emphasis on formal ideology in contemporary Anglo-American historiography has increased our awareness of the complexity and eclectic nature of fascist ideologies which challenge liberalism and social democracy. Yet in too many recent works, a programmatic or essentialist reading of fascist ideology as a secular religion is taken for granted, while researchers remain preoccupied with the search for an elusive fascist minimum. In this book Woodley emphasizes that many outstanding questions remain, including the structural and ideological links between fascism and capitalism, the social construction of fascist nationalism, and the origins of fascist violence in European colonialism. This volume consolidates the readers theoretical understanding and provides the interdisciplinary skills necessary to understand the concrete social, economic and political conditions which generate and sustain fascism. A timely critique of culturalist and revisionist approaches in fascism studies which provides a concise overview of theoretical debates between liberalism, Marxism and poststructuralism, this text will be of great interest to students of politics, modern history and sociology. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
64.21 EUR 67.59 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd The War In The Iberian Peninsula, 700-1600
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780815399995
MPN: 9780815399995
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The War in the Iberian Peninsula, 700-1600 (978-0-8153-9999-5) de García Fitz, Francisco (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Novela y Narrativa Española e Hispanoamericana .. War in the Iberian Peninsula, 700-1600 is a panoramic synthesis of the Iberian Peninsula including the kingdoms of Leon and Castile, Aragon, Portugal, Navarra, al-Andalus and Granada. It offers an extensive chronology, covering the entire medieval period and extending through to the sixteenth century, allowing for a very broad perspective of Iberian history which displays the fixed and variable aspects of war over time. The book is divided kingdom by kingdom to provide students and academics with a better understanding of the military interconnections across medieval and early modern Iberia. The continuities and transformations within Iberian military history are showcased in the majority of chapters through markers to different periods and phases, particularly between the Early and High Middle Ages, and the Late Middle Ages. With a global outlook, coverage of all the most representative military campaigns, sieges and battles between 700 and 1600, and a wide selection of maps and images, War in the Iberian Peninsula is ideal for students and academics of military and Iberian history. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
84.29 EUR 88.73 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Gimsons Pronunciation Of English
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9781444183092
MPN: 9781444183092
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Gimsons Pronunciation of English (978-1-4441-8309-2) de Cruttenden, Alan (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Lingistica .. Since its first publication in 1962, Gimson's Pronunciation of English has been the essential reference book for anyone studying or teaching the pronunciation of English. This eighth edition has been updated to describe General British (GB) as the principal accent, rather than RP, and the accompanying transcriptions have been brought into line with recent changes in pronunciation. This latest edition also includes completely rewritten chapters on the history of the language and the emergence of a standard, alongside a justification for the change from RP to GB. A further bonus to this important text is its extensive and attractive new Companion Website (www.routledge.com/cw/cruttenden), which now includes moment-by-moment commentaries on videos showing the articulation of all GB consonants and vowels in spoken phrases, as well as cross-referencing between the book and these videos. The Companion Website also includes new recordings of Old English, Middle English, and Early Modern English, and features links to recordings of recent and current GB with comments and transcriptions. Comprehensive yet accessible, Gimson's Pronunciation of English remains the indispensable reference book for anyone for anyone with an interest in English phonetics. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
66.88 EUR 70.4 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Dicho De Otro Modo: Curso Avanzado De Traduccin Del Ingls Al Espaol
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780415695374
MPN: 9780415695374
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Dicho de Otro Modo: Curso Avanzado de Traduccin Del Ingls Al Espaol (978-0-415-69537-4) de ngeles Carreres,Carme Calduch,Mara Noriega-Snchez (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Mundos en palabras offers advanced students of Spanish a challenging yet practical course in translation from English into Spanish. The course provides students with a well-structured, step-by-step guide to Spanish translation which will enhance and refine their language skills while introducing them to some of the key concepts and debates in translation theory and practice. Each chapter presents a rich variety of practical tasks, supported by concise, focused discussion of key points relating to a particular translation issue or text type. Shorter targeted activities are combined with lengthier translation practice. Throughout the book, learners will find a wealth of material from a range of genres and text types, including literary, expository, persuasive and audiovisual texts. An answer key to activities, as well as supplementary material and Teachers' Notes are provided in the companion website. The book covers common areas of difficulty including: frequent grammatical errors calques and loan words denotation and connotation idioms linguistic varieties cultural references style and register Suitable both for classroom use and self-study, Mundos en palabras is ideal for advanced undergraduate students of Spanish, and for any advanced learners wishing to acquire translation competence while enhancing their linguistic skills. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
66.87 EUR 70.39 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd British Cultural Studies
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780415252287
MPN: 9780415252287
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: British Cultural Studies (978-0-415-25228-7) de Graeme Turner (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Arte .. is a comprehensive introduction to the British tradition of cultural studies. Turner offers an accessible overview of the central themes that have informed British cultural studies: language, semiotics, Marxism and ideology, individualism, subjectivity and discourse. Beginning with a history of cultural studies, Turner discusses the work of such pioneers as Raymond Williams, Richard Hoggart, E. P.Thompson, Stuart Hall and the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies. He then explores the central theorists and categories of British cultural studies: texts and contexts; audience; everyday life; ideology; politics, gender and race. The third edition of this successful text has been fully revised and updated to include: * How to apply the principles of cultural studies and how to read a text * An overview of recent ethnographic studies * Discussion of anthropological theories of consumption * Questions of identity and new ethnicities * How to do cultural studies, and an evaluation of recent research methodologies * A fully updated and comprehensive bibliography 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
84.53 EUR 88.98 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Popes, Church, And Jews In The Middle Ages
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9781138375116
MPN: 9781138375116
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Popes, Church, and Jews in the Middle Ages (978-1-138-37511-6) de Kenneth Stow (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. The theme uniting the essays reprinted here is the attitude of the medieval Church, and in particular the papacy, toward the Jewish population of Western Europe. Papal consistency, sometimes sorely tried, in observing the canons and the principles announced by St Paul - that Jews were to be a permanent, if disturbing, part of Christian life - helped balance the anxiety felt by members of the Church. Clerics especially feared what they called Jewish pollution. These themes are the focus of the studies in the first part of this volume. Those in the second part explore aspects of Jewish society and family life, as both were shaped by medieval realities. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
80.89 EUR 85.15 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd The Industrial Revolution In World History
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780367505141
MPN: 9780367505141
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Industrial Revolution in World History (978-0-367-50514-1) de Stearns, Peter N. (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. Now in its fifth edition, this book explores the ways in which the industrial revolution reshaped world history, covering the international factors that helped launch the industrial revolution, its global spread and its impact from the end of the eighteenth century to the present day. The single most important development in human history over the past three centuries, the industrial revolution continues to shape the contemporary world. Revised and brought into the present, this fifth edition of Peter N. Stearns The Industrial Revolution in World History extends his global analysis of the industrial revolution. Looking beyond the West, the book considers India, the Middle East and China and now includes more on key Latin American economies and Africa as well as the heightened tensions, since 2008, about the economic aspects of globalization and the decline of manufacturing in the West. This edition also features a new chapter on key historiographical debates, updated suggestions for further reading and boxed debate features that encourage the reader to consider diversity and different viewpoints in their own analysis, and pays increased attention to the environmental impacts. Illustrating the contemporary relevance of the industrial revolutions history, this is essential reading for students of world history and economics, as well as for those seeking to know more about the global implications of what is arguably the defining socioeconomic event of modern times. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
51.77 EUR 54.49 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd International English
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9781138233690
MPN: 9781138233690
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: International English (978-1-138-23369-0) de Trudgill, Peter, Jean Hannah (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. From Singapore to Scotland, Canada to the Channel Islands, Namibia to New Zealand and beyond, International English takes you on a fascinating journey through the varieties of English spoken around the world. Comparisons across the varieties provide a comprehensive guide to differences in phonetics, phonology, grammar and vocabulary, making this a useful resource for teachers of English as a foreign language and linguistics students alike. This sixth edition has been thoroughly updated to include the following: new sections on the Death of RP, Estuary English, Multicultural London English, the Dublin accent and Fijian English; updated material on RP phonology, New Zealand English phonology, Australian English lexis, North American English lexis and the Northern Cities Chain Shift; revised and updated references and bibliography. This textbook comes with free-to-download MP3 files at www.routledge.com/9781138233690, which demonstrate the different varieties featured in the book - ideal for use in class, at home or on the move. International English remains a key and indispensable resource for teachers and students, and is essential reading for anyone studying varieties of English in a global context. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
75.43 EUR 79.4 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Colloquial Catalan
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9781138949652
MPN: 9781138949652
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Colloquial Catalan (978-1-138-94965-2) de Alexander Ibarz; Toni Ibarz (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. Colloquial Catalan provides a step-by-step course in Catalan as it is written and spoken today. Combining a user-friendly approach with a thorough treatment of the language, it equips learners with the essential skills needed to communicate confidently and effectively in Catalan in a broad range of situations. No prior knowledge of the language is required. Key features include: - progressive coverage of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills - structured, jargon-free explanations of grammar - an extensive range of focused and stimulating exercises - realistic and entertaining dialogues covering a broad variety of scenarios - useful vocabulary lists throughout the text - additional resources available at the back of the book, including a full answer key, a grammar summary and bilingual glossaries Balanced, comprehensive and rewarding, Colloquial Catalan will be an indispensable resource both for independent learners and students taking courses in Catalan. Audio material to accompany the course is available to download free in MP3 format from www.routledge.com/cw/colloquials. Recorded by native speakers, the audio material features the dialogues and texts from the book and will help develop your listening and pronunciation skills. 0
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- Taylor Francis Ltd -
86.7 EUR 91.26 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Lingística Cognitiva Y Español Le/l2
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9781138655003
MPN: 9781138655003
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Lingística cognitiva y español LE/L2 (978-1-138-65500-3) de Ibarretxe Antuñano, Iraide, Casatañeda Castro, Alejandro ... [et al.], Teresa Cadierno (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Lingística cognitiva y español LE/L2 constituye una valiosa aportación al estudio de la adquisición y la enseñanza del español LE/L2 desde la perspectiva teórica de la lingística cognitiva. Se trata de la primera obra escrita en español en la que se ofrece una introducción a la lingística cognitiva y su aplicación didáctica a la enseñanza del español LE/L2 desde una óptica internacional. Combina una orientación teórico-práctica que incluye diferentes estudios empíricos con pautas para ayudar a los profesores de español a integrar la lingística cognitiva en la enseñanza de la lengua. Características principales: Una estructura homogénea y facilitadora de la lectura de los distintos capítulos que sirve para integrar contenidos lingísticos y gramaticales desde un punto de vista cognitivo; Cuestiones clave en la enseñanza del español LE/L2 desde la óptica de la lingística cognitiva: aspectos controvertidos de gramática, el desarrollo de la competencia metafórica, el aprendizaje del léxico, la influencia de la lengua materna, el foco en la forma, el uso de la traducción pedagógica; Pautas y sugerencias para aplicar la lingística cognitiva en la enseñanza de la lengua, así como futuras vías de investigación; Una selección de imágenes, gráfi cos e ilustraciones para facilitar la comprensión de los temas y conceptos que se abordan en el volumen; Un glosario bilinge (español e inglés) de términos clave para que cualquier lector pueda familiarizarse con los conceptos fundamentales de la lingística cognitiva. Escrito en español, de manera clara y accesible, y con abundantes ejemplos, Lingística cognitiva y español LE/L2 es una obra de referencia para docentes de español como LE/L2, estudiantes graduados y formadores de profesores, así como para cualquier persona que desee adquirir una perspectiva actual sobre las principales aportaciones teóricas y prácticas de la lingística cognitiva a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de segundas lenguas. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
66.22 EUR 69.71 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd British Cultural Identities
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9781032124056
MPN: 9781032124056
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: British Cultural Identities (978-1-03-212405-6) de Mike Storry,Peter Childs (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. The sixth edition of British Cultural Identities assesses the degree to which being British impinges on the identity of the many people who belong to contemporary Britain. Twenty-first-century British identity is analysed through the various and changing ways in which people who live in the UK position themselves and are positioned by their culture. Using examples from contemporary and popular culture, each chapter covers one of eight intersecting themes including places and peoples, education, work and leisure, gender, sex and the family, youth culture and style, class and politics, ethnicity and language, religion, and heritage. This new edition is fully updated to include the latest information on Britain in the 2020s. It explains the influences that shape British identities and outlines the important current debates stemming from cultural, social, and political change. Considering contemporary touchstones and recent national statistics, the contributors place modern British life in the context of the activities, events, and society found in the UK across recent decades. The book is the perfect introductory text for students of contemporary British society, containing photographs, tables, timelines, discussion questions, cultural examples and suggestions for further resources at the end of each chapter. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
98.61 EUR 103.8 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd The British Industrial Revolution
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780813333892
MPN: 9780813333892
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The British Industrial Revolution (978-0-8133-3389-2) de Mokyr, Joel (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. The Industrial Revolution remains a defining moment in the economic history of the modern world. But what kind and how much of a revolution was it? And what kind of ?moment? could it have been? These are just some of the larger questions among the many that economic historians continue to debate. Addressing the various interpretations and assumptions that have been attached to the concept of the Industrial Revolution, Joel Mokyr and his four distinguished contributors present and defend their views on essential aspects of the Industrial Revolution. In this revised edition, all chapters?including Mokyrs extensive introductory survey and evaluation of research in this field?are updated to consider arguments and findings advanced since the volumes initial 1993 publication. Like its predecessor, the revised edition of The British Industrial Revolution is an essential book for economic historians and, indeed, for any historian of Great Britain in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

- Taylor Francis Ltd -
62.89 EUR 66.2 EUR
Taylor Francis Ltd Elsewhere, Within Here
Brand: Taylor Francis Ltd
EAN: 9780415880220
MPN: 9780415880220
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Elsewhere, Within Here (978-0-415-88022-0) de Thi Minh-Ha Trinh (Taylor Francis Ltd ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Winner of the 2012 Critics Choice Book Award of the American Educational Studies Association (AESA) World-renowned filmmaker and feminist, postcolonial thinker Trinh T. Minh-ha is one of the most powerful and articulate voices in both independent filmmaking and cultural politics. Elsewhere, Within Here is an engaging look at travel across national borders--as a foreigner, a tourist, an immigrant, a refugee-in a pre- and post-9/11 world. Who is welcome where? What does it mean to feel out of place in the country you call home? When does the stranger appear in these times of dark metamorphoses? These are some of the issues addressed by the author as she examines the cultural meaning and complexities of travel, immigration, home and exile. The boundary, seen both as a material and immaterial event, is where endings pass into beginnings. Building upon themes present in her earlier work on hybridity and displacement in the median passage, and illuminating the ways in which "every voyage can be said to involve a re-siting of boundaries," Trinh T. Minh-ha leads her readers through an investigation of what it means to be an insider and an outsider in this "epoch of global fear." Elsewhere, Within Here is essential reading for those interested in contemporary feminist thought and postcolonial studies. 0
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Taylor Francis Ltd in Libros y revistas

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