- Springer Nature B.v. -
62.23 EUR 65.51 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. The Definitive Guide To Catalyst
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781430223658MPN: 9781430223658
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The Definitive Guide to Catalyst (978-1-4302-2365-8) de Kieren Diment,Matt S. Trout,Eden Cardim (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .Redes .. Learn to build web applications with Catalyst, the popular open source web framework based on the Perl programming language. The Definitive Guide to Catalyst: Writing Extendable, Scalable, and Maintainable Perl?Based Web Applications is a definitive guide to Catalyst version 5.8. This book contains Training materials for new and experience programmers. Worked examples and cookbook?style recipes of common web application programming tasks Fundamentals of web application design and best?practice application style 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%2
- Springer Nature B.v. -
74.84 EUR 78.78 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Rotation Transforms For Computer Graphics
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9780857291530MPN: 9780857291530
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Rotation Transforms for Computer Graphics (978-0-85729-153-0) de John Vince (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .Otros temas .Otros .. Rotation transforms are used everywhere in computer graphics from rotating pictures in editing software, to providing an arbitrary view of a 3D virtual environment. Although the former is a trivial operation, the latter can be a challenging task. Rotation Transforms for Computer Graphics covers a wide range of mathematical techniques used for rotating points and frames of reference in the plane and 3D space. It includes many worked examples and over 100 illustrations that make it essential reading for students, academics, researchers and professional practitioners. The book includes introductory chapters on complex numbers, matrices, quaternions and geometric algebra, and further chapters on how these techniques are employed in 2D and 3D computer graphics. In particular, matrix and bivector transforms are developed and evaluated to rotate points in a fixed frame of reference, and vice versa. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%3
- Springer Nature B.v. -
68.88 EUR 72.51 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Mathematical Bridges
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781493979189MPN: 9781493979189
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Mathematical Bridges (978-1-4939-7918-9) de Titu Andreescu, Cristinel Mortici, Marian Tetiva (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Matemáticas .álgebra .. Building bridges between classical results and contemporary nonstandard problems, Mathematical Bridges embraces important topics in analysis and algebra from a problem-solving perspective. Blending old and new techniques, tactics and strategies used in solving challenging mathematical problems, readers will discover numerous genuine mathematical gems throughout that will heighten their appreciation of the inherent beauty of mathematics. Most of the problems are original to the authors and are intertwined in a well-motivated exposition driven by representative examples. The book is structured to assist the reader in formulating and proving conjectures, as well as devising solutions to important mathematical problems by making connections between various concepts and ideas from different areas of mathematics. Instructors and educators teaching problem-solving courses or organizing mathematics clubs, as well as motivated mathematics students from high school juniors to college seniors, will find Mathematical Bridges a useful resource in calculus, linear and abstract algebra, analysis and differential equations. Students desiring to hone and develop their mathematical skills or with an interest in mathematics competitions must have this book in their personal libraries. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%4
- Springer Nature B.v. -
68.71 EUR 72.33 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. The Characterization Of Finite Elasticities
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9783031148682MPN: 9783031148682
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The Characterization of Finite Elasticities (978-3-031-14868-2) de David J. Grynkiewicz (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Otros Idiomas .Novela y Narrativa en Inglés .. This book develops a new theory in convex geometry, generalizing positive bases and related to Carathéordorys Theorem by combining convex geometry, the combinatorics of infinite subsets of lattice points, and the arithmetic of transfer Krull monoids (the latter broadly generalizing the ubiquitous class of Krull domains in commutative algebra) This new theory is developed in a self-contained way with the main motivation of its later applications regarding factorization. While factorization into irreducibles, called atoms, generally fails to be unique, there are various measures of how badly this can fail. Among the most important is the elasticity, which measures the ratio between the maximum and minimum number of atoms in any factorization. Having finite elasticity is a key indicator that factorization, while not unique, is not completely wild. Via the developed material in convex geometry, we characterize when finite elasticity holds for any Krull domain with finitely generated class group $G$, with the results extending more generally to transfer Krull monoids. This book is aimed at researchers in the field but is written to also be accessible for graduate students and general mathematicians. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%5
- Springer Nature B.v. -
82.7 EUR 87.05 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Kubernetes Microservices With Docker
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781484219065MPN: 9781484219065
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Kubernetes Microservices with Docker (978-1-4842-1906-5) de Deepak Vohra (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Psicología .Autoayuda, superación y mejora personal .Superación personal .. Start using Kubernetes in complex big data and enterprise applications, including Docker containers. Starting with installing Kubernetes on a single node, the book introduces Kubernetes with a simple Hello example and discusses using environment variables in Kubernetes. Next, Kubernetes Microservices with Docker discusses using Kubernetes with all major groups of technologies such as relational databases, NoSQL databases, and in the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. The book concludes with using multi container pods and installing Kubernetes on a multi node cluster. /div "a concise but clear introduction to containers, Docker and Kubernetes, using simple real-world examples to pass on the core concepts, via repetition, and is a very useful enabler." 10/10 Dave Hay MBCS CITP: review for BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT (http://www.bcs.org/content/conWebDoc/58512) What You Will Learn Install Kubernetes on a single node Set environment variables Create multi-container pods using Docker Use volumes Use Kubernetes with the Apache Hadoop ecosystem, NoSQL databases, and RDBMSs Install Kubernetes on a multi-node cluster Who This Book Is For Application developers including Apache Hadoop developers, database developers and NoSQL developers. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%6
- Springer Nature B.v. -
63.49 EUR 66.83 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. First-order Logic
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9783642867200MPN: 9783642867200
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: First-Order Logic (978-3-642-86720-0) de Raymond R. Smullyan (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Matemáticas .Otros .. Except for this preface, this study is completely self-contained. It is intended to serve both as an introduction to Quantification Theory and as an exposition of new results and techniques in "analytic" or "cut-free" methods. We use the term "analytic" to apply to any proof procedure which obeys the subformula principle (we think of such a procedure as "analysing" the formula into its successive components). Gentzen cut-free systems are perhaps the best known example of ana lytic proof procedures. Natural deduction systems, though not usually analytic, can be made so (as we demonstrated in [3]). In this study, we emphasize the tableau point of view, since we are struck by its simplicity and mathematical elegance. Chapter I is completely introductory. We begin with preliminary material on trees (necessary for the tableau method), and then treat the basic syntactic and semantic fundamentals of propositional logic. We use the term "Boolean valuation" to mean any assignment of truth values to all formulas which satisfies the usual truth-table conditions for the logical connectives. Given an assignment of truth-values to all propositional variables, the truth-values of all other formulas under this assignment is usually defined by an inductive procedure. We indicate in Chapter I how this inductive definition can be made explicit-to this end we find useful the notion of a formation tree (which we discuss earlier). 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%7
- Springer Nature B.v. -
59.27 EUR 62.39 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. The Essential Guide To Open Source Flash Development
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781430209935MPN: 9781430209935
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The Essential Guide to Open Source Flash Development (978-1-4302-0993-5) de Aral Balkan,Chris Fca Allen,Wade Arnold (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .. Explore the world of open source Flash and discover which tools are available. Learn how to identify which tool you need and how to best fit it into your workflow. Step-by-step walk-throughs guide you through development with the most popular open source Flash tools. Written by the project leads and open source Flash aficionados. The Essential Guide to Open Source Flash Development is a practical development guide to creating Flash applications with open source Flash tools and workflows. You will walk away with an understanding of what tools will best suit your current situation, making your development easier and more productive, and with the knowledge of how to install and set up some of the best tools available, including the following: Papervision3D: to create 3D in Flash Red5: to stream video over the internet SWX: to build data-driven mashups and mobile apps Fuse: to make ActionScript animation a cinch Go: to build your own animation tools in ActionScript 3.0 haXe: to create Flash files and more AMFPHP: to communicate between Flash and php Open source Flash has been a revolution for Flash and has made a major impact on how people build Flash content. The open source tools available expand on Flash's existing tool set, enabling you to perform such tasks as easily create full 3D in Flash or hook up to an open source video-streaming server. Many of these useful tools are powerful yet lack documentation. this book explains in step-by-step detail how to use the most popular open source Flash tools. If you want to expand your Flash tool set and explore the open source Flash community, then this book is for you. If you already use some open source Flash tools, then you will find this book a useful documentation resource as well as an eye-opener to the other tools that are available. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%8
- Springer Nature B.v. -
61.72 EUR 64.97 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Fractal Geometry And Number Theory
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9780817640989MPN: 9780817640989
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Fractal Geometry and Number Theory (978-0-8176-4098-9) de Machiel Van Frankenhuysen,Michel L. Lapidus (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Matemáticas .álgebra .. A fractal drum is a bounded open subset of R. m with a fractal boundary. A difficult problem is to describe the relationship between the shape (geo metry) of the drum and its sound (its spectrum). In this book, we restrict ourselves to the one-dimensional case of fractal strings, and their higher dimensional analogues, fractal sprays. We develop a theory of complex di mensions of a fractal string, and we study how these complex dimensions relate the geometry with the spectrum of the fractal string. We refer the reader to [Berrl-2, Lapl-4, LapPol-3, LapMal-2, HeLapl-2] and the ref erences therein for further physical and mathematical motivations of this work. (Also see, in particular, Sections 7. 1, 10. 3 and 10. 4, along with Ap pendix B. ) In Chapter 1, we introduce the basic object of our research, fractal strings (see [Lapl-3, LapPol-3, LapMal-2, HeLapl-2]). A standard fractal string is a bounded open subset of the real line. Such a set is a disjoint union of open intervals, the lengths of which form a sequence which we assume to be infinite. Important information about the geometry of . c is contained in its geometric zeta function (c(8) = L lj. j=l 2 Introduction We assume throughout that this function has a suitable meromorphic ex tension. The central notion of this book, the complex dimensions of a fractal string . c, is defined as the poles of the meromorphic extension of (c. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%9
- Springer Nature B.v. -
56.97 EUR 59.97 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Selecta Heinz Hopf
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9783662230794MPN: 9783662230794
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Selecta Heinz Hopf (978-3-662-23079-4) de Heinz Hopf (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Matemáticas .. Am 19. November begeht Heinz Hopf seinen siebzigsten Geburtstag. Mit der Herausgabe dieser Selecta mochte die Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, welcher er den groBten Teil seiner akademischen Tatigkeit gewidmet hat, ihren Dank zum Ausdruck bringen fUr sein fruchtbares Wirken als Forscher und Lehrer; sie ist stolz darauf, in ihm einen der bedeutendsten Mathematiker unserer Zeit zu den Ihren zahlen zu durfen. Die Ehrung zu seinem Geburtstage konnte kaum in schonerer Weise geschehen als durch die Publikation einer Sammlung seiner eigenen Arbeiten, in denen sich sein ganzes Lebenswerk widerspiegelt; jede einzelne hat durch ihre Tiefe und Originalitat uber ihren Gegenstand hinaus die Entwicklung der Mathematik entscheidend beeinfluBt. Aus strahlend von geometrischer, topologischer und algebraischer Sicht hat das Gedankengut Heinz Hopfs in ganz erstaunlicher Weise den meisten Teilen mathematischer Forschung der letzten J ahrzehnte das Geprage gegeben. Wem es vergonnt war, als SchUler oder Kollege mit Heinz Hopf in naheren Kontakt zu treten, dem wird der starke EinfluB seiner Personlichkeit in menschlicher und mathematischer Beziehung stets unvergeBlich sein; daruber hinaus aber hat eine unabsehbare Zahl von Mathematikern aus seinem Schaffen direkt und indirekt Anregung geschopft und an seine Ideen angeknupft und wird es auch weiterhin tun. Die Herausgeber sind davon uberzeugt, daB die mathematische Welt den vorliegenden Ruckblick auf das uberragende wissenschaftliche Werk Heinz Hopfs mit groBer Freude begruBen wird. Die Auswahl der aufzunehmenden Arbeiten war nicht leicht; sie muBte dem Wunsche Rechnung tragen, daB das Buch moglichst vielen zuganglich, also nicht zu umfangreich sein soUte. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%10
- Springer Nature B.v. -
52.72 EUR 55.49 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Geometrie Differentielle
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9783540067979MPN: 9783540067979
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Geometrie Differentielle de E. Vidal Springer Nature B.V. 978-3-540-06797-9 p. 52,72 EUR Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%11
- Springer Nature B.v. -
62.42 EUR 65.71 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Ruby On Rails For Php And Java Developers
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9783540731443MPN: 9783540731443
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Ruby on Rails for PHP and Java Developers (978-3-540-73144-3) de Deepak Vohra (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .Programación .. This book covers developing web applications with Ruby on Rails. It discusses Ajax, directory services, and web services. The book details the configuration of Ruby on Rails with different databases such as MySQL, Oracle and SQL Server 2005. In addition, it makes a comparison with PHP, the most commonly used scripting language for developing web applications. The book also provides example applications that may be modified to suit a developers application. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%12
- Springer Nature B.v. -
65.2 EUR 68.63 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Pro Javafx 2
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781430268727MPN: 9781430268727
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Pro JavaFX 2 (978-1-4302-6872-7) de James Weaver (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .Programación .. In Pro JavaFX 2: A Definitive Guide to Rich Clients with Java Technology , Jim Weaver, Weiqi Gao, Stephen Chin, Dean Iverson, and Johan Vos show you how you can use the JavaFX platform to create rich-client Java applications. You'll see how JavaFX provides a powerful Java-based UI platform capable of handling large-scale data-driven business applications. Covering the JavaFX API, development tools, and best practices, this book provides code examples that explore the exciting new features provided with JavaFX 2. It contains engaging tutorials that cover virtually every facet of JavaFX development and reference materials on JavaFX that augment the JavaFX API documentation. Written in an engaging and friendly style, Pro JavaFX 2 is an essential guide to JavaFX 2. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%13
- Springer Nature B.v. -
62.44 EUR 65.73 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9784431859079MPN: 9784431859079
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (978-4-431-85907-9) de Kimitaka Kaga,Toshihisa Murofushi (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Medicina .Otorrinolaringología .. The vestibular labyrinth consists of ? ve compartments: the lateral, anterior, and posterior semicircular canals, the utricule, and the saccule. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Robert Bárány proposed the caloric test as a clinical test of the lateral semicircular canal. This test enabled clinicians to assess the individual lateral semicircular canal function easily by using the simple method of irrigating the external ear canal with cold or warm water and observing the induced nyst- mus. We believe that the caloric test was a breakthrough in the ? eld of vestibular research. However, as far as the other compartments were concerned, there was no simple clinical test equal to the caloric test for the lateral semicircular canal function. At the end of the twentieth century, the vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) test was proposed as a new method for assessing the individual saccule function. This test has some unique attributes. First, it uses sound stimulation, even though it is a test of the vestibular system. This appears to be a contradiction n- rophysiologically. As a result, in its early stages there were controversies conce- ing the origin of the responses. However, such controversies have been overcome by basic neurophysiological studies and clinical studies. Above all, sound sensit- ity of the saccular afferents shown in cats and guinea pigs with single-unit recording methods became the main supporting evidence. Nowadays, VEMP is one of the routine clinical tests for balance disorder. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%14
- Springer Nature B.v. -
79.18 EUR 83.35 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Advanced Transact-sql For Sql Server 2000
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781893115828MPN: 9781893115828
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Advanced Transact-SQL for SQL Server 2000 de Itzik Ben-Gan,Tom Moreau Springer Nature B.V. 978-1-893115-82-8 p. 79,18 EUR Comprar Libros de
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%15
- Springer Nature B.v. -
68.67 EUR 72.28 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Pro Python System Administration
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781430226055MPN: 9781430226055
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Pro Python System Administration de Rytis Sileika Springer Nature B.V. 978-1-4302-2605-5 p. 68,67 EUR Comprar Libros de Otros . 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%16
- Springer Nature B.v. -
68.16 EUR 71.75 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. The Definitive Guide To Netbeans Platform
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781430224174MPN: 9781430224174
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The Definitive Guide to NetBeans Platform (978-1-4302-2417-4) de Bock, Heiko (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .Programación .. The Definitive Guide to NetBeans? Platform is a thorough and definitive introduction to the NetBeans Platform, covering all its major application programming interfaces (APIs) in detail, with relevant code examples used throughout. The original German book on which this title is based was well received. The NetBeans platform community has put together this English translation, which author Heiko Bck updated to cover NetBeans platform 6.5 APIs. With an introduction by known NetBeans platform experts Jaroslav Tulach, Tim Boudreau, and Geertjan Wielenga, this is the most up-to-date book on this topic. All NetBeans platform developers will be interested in purchasing it, because several topics in the book have not been documented anywhere else. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%17
- Springer Nature B.v. -
64.78 EUR 68.19 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Expert Network Time Protocol
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781590594841MPN: 9781590594841
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Expert Network Time Protocol de Peter Rybaczyk Springer Nature B.V. 978-1-59059-484-1 p. 64,78 EUR Comprar Libros de Ciencias
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%18
- Springer Nature B.v. -
63.28 EUR 66.61 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Topology And K-theory
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9783030439958MPN: 9783030439958
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Topology and K-Theory (978-3-030-43995-8) de Robert Penner (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. These are notes from a graduate student course on algebraic topology and K-theory given by Daniel Quillen at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology during 1979-1980. He had just received the Fields Medal for his work on these topics among others and was funny and playful with a confident humility from the start. These are not meant to be polished lecture notes, rather, things are presented as did Quillen reflected in the hand-written notes, resisting any temptation to change or add notation, details or elaborations. Indeed, the text is faithful to Quillens own exposition, even respecting the { sl board-like presentation} of formulae, diagrams and proofs, omitting numbering theorems in favor of names and so on. This is meant to be Quillen on Quillen as it happened forty years ago, an informal text for a second-semester graduate student on topology, category theory and K-theory, a potential preface to studying Quillens own landmark papers and an informal glimpse of his great mind. The intellectual pace of the lectures, namely fast and lively, is Quillen himself, and part of the point here is to capture some of this intimacy. To be sure, much has happened since then from this categorical perspective started by Grothendieck, and Misha Kapranov has contributed an Afterword in order to make it more useful to current students. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%19
- Springer Nature B.v. -
68.95 EUR 72.58 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Beginning Asp.net 3.5 In Vb 2008
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781590598924MPN: 9781590598924
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in VB 2008 (978-1-59059-892-4) de Matthew MacDonald (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .. This book will follow the proven pattern of its previous .NET 2.0 and .NET 1.1 editions, teaching novice users how to use ASP.NET by gradually building their knowledge of the technology up in a pyramidal fashion chapter by chapter. Comprehensively revised for both ASP.NET 3.5 and the new VB 9.0 language this book presents the easiest path to ASP.NET 3.5 mastery. This is one of the first books introducing novices to this important new technology area, and is written specifically in their coding language of preference. The book is written by a proven and award winning .NET author that has been following the technology release cycle since its inception. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%20
- Springer Nature B.v. -
70.78 EUR 74.51 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Herpetologia Aegaea
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9783662235195MPN: 9783662235195
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Herpetologia Aegaea de Otto Wettstein Springer Nature B.V. 978-3-662-23519-5 p. 70,78 EUR Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%21
- Springer Nature B.v. -
65.81 EUR 69.27 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. (mostly) Commutative Algebra
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9783030615949MPN: 9783030615949
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: (Mostly) Commutative Algebra (978-3-030-61594-9) de Antoine Chambert-Loir (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Otros Idiomas .Novela y Narrativa en Inglés .. This book stems from lectures on commutative algebra for 4th-year university students at two French universities (Paris and Rennes). At that level, students have already followed a basic course in linear algebra and are essentially fluent with the language of vector spaces over fields. The topics introduced include arithmetic of rings, modules, especially principal ideal rings and the classification of modules over such rings, Galois theory, as well as an introduction to more advanced topics such as homological algebra, tensor products, and algebraic concepts involved in algebraic geometry. More than 300 exercises will allow the reader to deepen his understanding of the subject. The book also includes 11 historical vignettes about mathematicians who contributed to commutative algebra. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%22
- Springer Nature B.v. -
75.6 EUR 79.58 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Pro Wpf In C# 2008
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781590599556MPN: 9781590599556
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Pro WPF in C# 2008 (978-1-59059-955-6) de Matthew MacDonald (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .Programación .. The Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) blends application user interface, documents, and media content to provide richer control, design, and development of the visual aspects of Windows programs. In this book, author Matthew MacDonald shows you how WPF really works. His no-nonsense, practical advice will get you quickly and easily building high-quality WPF applications. MacDonald takes you through a thorough investigation of the more advanced aspects of WPF, and its relation to other elements of the WinFX stack and the .NET Framework 3.5, to complete your understanding of WPF and C# 2008. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%23
- Springer Nature B.v. -
52.85 EUR 55.63 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. The Cohomology Of Commutative Semigroups
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9783031082115MPN: 9783031082115
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The Cohomology of Commutative Semigroups (978-3-031-08211-5) de Pierre Antoine Grillet (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. This book provides an organized exposition of the current state of the theory of commutative semigroup cohomology, a theory which was originated by the author and has matured in the past few years.nbsp; The work contains a fundamental scientific study of questions in the theory. The various approaches to commutative semigroup cohomology are compared. The problems arising from definitions in higher dimensions are addressed. Computational methods are reviewed. The main application is the computation of extensions of commutative semigroups and their classification. Previously the components of the theory were scattered among a number of research articles. This work combines all parts conveniently in one volume. It will be a valuable resource for future students of and researchers in commutative semigroup cohomology and related areas. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%24
- Springer Nature B.v. -
94.34 EUR 99.31 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Algorithms And Programming
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781441917478MPN: 9781441917478
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Algorithms and Programming de Alexander Shen Springer Nature B.V. 978-1-4419-1747-8 p. 94,34 EUR Comprar Libros de Literatura .Novela y
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%25
- Springer Nature B.v. -
54 EUR 56.84 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Beginning Android Games
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781430230427MPN: 9781430230427
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Beginning Android Games (978-1-4302-3042-7) de Taylor, Richard (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .. Beginning Android Games offers everything you need to join the ranks of successful Android game developers. Youll start with game design fundamentals and programming basics, and then progress towards creating your own basic game engine and playable games. This will give you everything you need to branch out and write your own Android games. The potential user base and the wide array of available high-performance devices makes Android an attractive target for aspiring game developers. Do you have an awesome idea for the next break-through mobile gaming title? Beginning Android Games will help you kick-start your project. The book will guide you through the process of making several example games for the Android platform, and involves a wide range of topics: The fundamentals of game development The Android platform basics to apply those fundamentals in the context of making a game The design of 2D and 3D games and their successful implementation on the Android platform For those looking to learn about Android tablet game app development or want Android 4 SDK specific coverage, check out Beginning Android 4 Games Development, now available from Apress. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%26
- Springer Nature B.v. -
73.6 EUR 77.47 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. The Definitive Guide To Mongodb
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781430230519MPN: 9781430230519
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The Definitive Guide to MongoDB (978-1-4302-3051-9) de Peter Membrey; Eelco Plugge; DUPTim Hawkins (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .. MongoDB, a cross-platform NoSQL database, is the fastest-growing new database in the world. MongoDB provides a rich document-oriented structure with dynamic queries that youll recognize from RDBMS offerings such as MySQL. In other words, this is a book about a NoSQL database that does not require the SQL crowd to re-learn how the database world works! MongoDB has reached 1.0 and boasts 50,000+ users. The community is strong and vibrant and MongoDB is improving at a fast rate. With scalable and fast databases becoming critical for todays applications, this book shows you how to install, administer and program MongoDB without pretending SQL never existed. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%27
- Springer Nature B.v. -
71.22 EUR 74.97 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. The Definitive Guide To The Microsoft Enterprise Library
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9781590596555MPN: 9781590596555
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The Definitive Guide to the Microsoft Enterprise Library (978-1-59059-655-5) de Keenan Newton (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .. This book introduces one of the most exciting and popular .NET-oriented initiatives; the Enterprise Application Library, which offers nine classes of reusable code used to solve a variety of common problem spaces. It is the first book to introduce all ten of the enterprise application blocks, which have been recently updated for .NET 2.0. It covers a number of topics, including configuration, data access, exception management, caching, application updates, UI separation, asynchronous invocation, logging, security, and XML-based information aggregation. With this book readers will be able to build .NET applications faster and more efficiently. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%28
- Springer Nature B.v. -
53.03 EUR 55.82 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Recent Developments In Commutative Algebra
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9783030650636MPN: 9783030650636
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Recent Developments in Commutative Algebra (978-3-030-65063-6) de Claudia Polini, Claudiu Raicu, Matteo Varbaro, Mark E. Walker (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Matemáticas .. This book presents four lectures on Rees rings and blow-ups, Koszul modules with applications to syzygies, Grbner bases and degenerations, and applications of Adams operations.nbsp; Commutative Algebra has witnessed a number of spectacular developments in recent years, including the resolution of long-standing problems; the new techniques and perspectives are leading to an extraordinary transformation in the field.nbsp; The material contained in this volume, based on lectures given at a workshop held in Levico Terme, Trento, in July 2019, highlights some of these developments. The text will be a valuable asset to graduate students and researchers in commutative algebra and related fields. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas -5%29
- Springer Nature B.v. -
63.69 EUR 67.04 EUR
Springer Nature B.v. Whistled Languages
Brand: Springer Nature B.v.
9783642463372MPN: 9783642463372
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Whistled Languages (978-3-642-46337-2) de A. Classe,R. G. Busnel (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .. This monograph deals with curious and little-known acoustic systems of commun ication based on whistling that are in use at the present time in many parts of the world and have had, on the evidence available, even greater currency in the past. In spite of their wide distribution, they have not so far received the attention they might have been expected to attract: linguistically and in other ways they are most interesting. For it should be realized that they are much more than mere codes or conventional systems of signals; they function in exactly the same way as speech (in the sense we normally use the term), being in fact rather extraordinary realizations of the languages spoken in the re gions where they occur. They utilize the vocabulary, grammar and, in many cases to a large extent, the phonology of the local speech. However their phonetic system is profoundly modified acoustically and (in some cases less so) from the point of view of articulation, because the glottal tone of every day communication, the "voice", is repl aced by a whistl e which carries the in formation. The advantage of this procedure, from the point of view of the user, is a vastly increased range as well as, under certain circumstances, a degree of secrecy. It will be shown that whistled languages appear in two main, very different forms. 0
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Springer Nature B.v. in Libros y revistas