- Ediciones Paraninfo S.a -
246 EUR
Ediciones Paraninfo S.a Practical Orthopedic Pathology: A Diagnostic Approach
- Ediciones Sm -
56.46 EUR 59.43 EUR
Ediciones Sm Science. 2 Primaria. Revuela
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788498562675MPN: 9788498562675
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Science. 2 Primaria. Revuela (978-84-9856-267-5) de Albesa Valdés, Núria, Equipo Editorial SM, Campa Martín, Julián, Archivo SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Segundo .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%3
- Ediciones Sm -
56.46 EUR 59.43 EUR
Ediciones Sm Science. 1 Primaria. Revuela
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788413926360MPN: 9788413926360
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Science. 1 Primaria. Revuela (978-84-13-92636-0) de Villén Real, Alejandro, Equipo Editorial SM, Campa Martín, Julián, Barriales, Sergio (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Primero .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies....
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%4
- Ediciones Omega, S.a. -
55.86 EUR 58.8 EUR
Ediciones Omega, S.a. Arboles Guía De Campo
Brand: Ediciones Omega, S.a.
9788428214001MPN: 9788428214001
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: ARBOLES GUíA DE CAMPO (978-84-282-1400-1) de More, David, Johnson, Owen, Pijoan, Manuel (Ediciones Omega, S.A. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Botánica .. ésta es la guía más completa y con ilustraciones más detalladas de los árboles de España y de Europa. Se describen más de 1500 árboles, el mayor número de especies hasta ahora incluido en una guía de campo de un solo volumen. Cada grupo principal de árboles contiene una lista de especies clave, así como los rasgos que hay que observar. Cada especie se describe e ilustra en la misma página, con un detallado texto de claro diseño para facilitar la identificación y con unas magníficas y originales ilustraciones en color 0 Cómo usar este libro. Introducción. Claves. Brotes de invierno. Coníferas. Formas de hojas. Descripciones de especies. Helechos arbóreos y Ginkgo. Tejos y torreyas. Coníferas. Cipreses. Enebros. Abetos verdaderos. Cedros. Alerces. Píceas. Tsugas. Pinos. Latifolias (dicotiledóneas). álamos y chopos. Sauces. Jicorias. Nogales Juglans . Abedules. Alisos. Hayas australes. Hayas. Robles y otros Quercus . Olmos. Magnolias. Majuelos y espinos. Sorbus . Manzanos. Perales. Cerezos. Acebos. Arces. Castaños de Indias, falsos castaños. Tilos. Eucaliptos. Fresnos. Monocotiledóneas. Especies meridionales. Glosario. índice alfabético.
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Ediciones Omega, S.a. in Libros y revistas -5%5
- Ediciones Sm -
46.24 EUR 48.67 EUR
Ediciones Sm Social Science. 2 Primaria. Revuela. Región De Murcia
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788498562781MPN: 9788498562781
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Social Science. 2 Primaria. Revuela. Región de Murcia (978-84-9856-278-1) de Albesa Valdés, Núria, Equipo Editorial SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Segundo .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%6
- Civitas Ediciones -
42.75 EUR 45 EUR
Civitas Ediciones The Ailing Welfare State
Brand: Civitas Ediciones
9788491354574MPN: 9788491354574
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The ailing welfare state (978-84-9135-457-4) de López Peláez, Antonio, Segado Sánchez-Cabezudo, Sagrario (Civitas Ediciones ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Derecho .Historia y Filosofía .Historia .. In the wake of the financial crisis, citizens are demanding more and better benefits, more effective management, and greater participation. In order to reform our welfare state with the necessary guarantees, we must ask two questions. First, how have austerity policies affected our lifestyle and our social protection system? And, second, how should we redefine our welfare system in the coming years? Can we return to the benefits and services model prior to the crisis? Should we redefine it? The answer to both questions is obvious: we need to redefine our welfare model. To do so in a setting where resources are always scarce, we need to include groups that until now have been invisible and not received support, and we need to rethink our benefits and services. It is not enough simply to return to things as they were before, with its winners and losers, nor should we continue with the current dynamics, which also has its winners and losers. Throughout this process, the middle classes play a key role as a benchmark (in an aspirational society the expectation of upward social mobility bonds individuals to their environment), resource providers (through taxes), and claimants seeking benefits and services. The factors influencing processes of downward social mobility must be examined in order to design public policies that take into account the specific problems affecting the middle classes The best contribution we can make to our future is to analyze with rigor the challenges we face. Greater social cohesion and a higher level of welfare can only be achieved by enhancing participation, assessing the results of our social policies more thoroughly, and more democracy. The various chapters provide insight into the issues faced by the middle classes, and propose alternatives for the future. 0
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Civitas Ediciones in Libros y revistas -5%7
- Ediciones Sm -
39.52 EUR 41.6 EUR
Ediciones Sm Arts And Crafts. 2 Primary. Revuela. Comunidad De Madrid
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788498562828MPN: 9788498562828
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Arts and Crafts. 2 Primary. Revuela. Comunidad de Madrid (978-84-9856-282-8) de Equipo Editorial SM, Archivo SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Segundo .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this scheme,...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%8
- Ediciones Sm -
39.52 EUR 41.6 EUR
Ediciones Sm Arts And Crafts. 4 Primary. Revuela. Comunidad De Madrid
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788498562910MPN: 9788498562910
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Arts and Crafts. 4 Primary. Revuela. Comunidad de Madrid (978-84-9856-291-0) de Equipo Editorial SM, Archivo SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Cuarto .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this scheme,...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%9
- Ediciones Sm -
39.52 EUR 41.6 EUR
Ediciones Sm Arts And Crafts. 1 Primary. Revuela. Región De Murcia
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788413926988MPN: 9788413926988
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Arts and Crafts. 1 Primary. Revuela. Región de Murcia (978-84-13-92698-8) de Burgueño, Esther, Equipo Editorial SM, Archivo SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Primero .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%10
- Ediciones Sm -
39.52 EUR 41.6 EUR
Ediciones Sm Arts And Crafts. 1 Primary. Revuela. Comunidad De Madrid
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788413926964MPN: 9788413926964
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Arts and Crafts. 1 Primary. Revuela. Comunidad de Madrid (978-84-13-92696-4) de Burgueño, Esther, Equipo Editorial SM, Archivo SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Primero .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%11
- Ediciones Sm -
39.52 EUR 41.6 EUR
Ediciones Sm Arts And Crafts. 2 Primary. Revuela. Región De Murcia
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788498562835MPN: 9788498562835
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Arts and Crafts. 2 Primary. Revuela. Región de Murcia (978-84-9856-283-5) de Equipo Editorial SM, Archivo SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Segundo .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this scheme, Revuela...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%12
- Ediciones Sm -
38.98 EUR 41.03 EUR
Ediciones Sm Arts And Crafts. 5 Primary. Revuela
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788413926414MPN: 9788413926414
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Arts and Crafts. 5 Primary. Revuela (978-84-13-92641-4) de Valiente, Beatriz, Archivo SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Quinto .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this scheme, Revuela presents a...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%13
- Ediciones Sm -
38.98 EUR 41.03 EUR
Ediciones Sm Arts And Crafts. 6 Primary. Revuela
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788498563047MPN: 9788498563047
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Arts and Crafts. 6 Primary. Revuela (978-84-9856-304-7) de Bilingual Team ... [et al.], Cuesta, Sergio, Archivo SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Sexto .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:-Respond to the need for social transformation.-Develop a new person model.-Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.-Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:-Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.-Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:*Groups the contents in block.*Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.*Allows for editability in the digital environment.*It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.-Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.-Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this scheme, Revuela...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%14
- Fundación Santa María-ediciones Sm -
38.98 EUR 41.03 EUR
Fundación Santa María-ediciones Sm Arts And Crafts. 4 Primary. Revuela. Andalucía
Brand: Fundación Santa María-ediciones Sm
9788498562859MPN: 9788498562859
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Arts and Crafts. 4 Primary. Revuela. Andalucía (978-84-9856-285-9) de Bilingual Team ... [et al.] (Fundación Santa María-Ediciones SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Cuarto .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this...
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Fundación Santa María-ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%15
- Ediciones Sm -
38.98 EUR 41.03 EUR
Ediciones Sm Arts And Crafts. 4 Primary. Revuela
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788498562842MPN: 9788498562842
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Arts and Crafts. 4 Primary. Revuela (978-84-9856-284-2) de Bilingual Team ... [et al.], Equipo Editorial SM, Archivo SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Cuarto .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%16
- Ediciones Sm -
38.98 EUR 41.03 EUR
Ediciones Sm Arts And Crafts. 3 Primary. Revuela
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788413926438MPN: 9788413926438
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Arts and Crafts. 3 Primary. Revuela (978-84-13-92643-8) de Soler Martínez, Inmaculada, Equipo Editorial SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Tercero .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this scheme, Revuela...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%17
- Fundación Santa María-ediciones Sm -
38.97 EUR 41.02 EUR
Fundación Santa María-ediciones Sm Arts And Crafts. 6 Primary. Revuela. Andalucía
Brand: Fundación Santa María-ediciones Sm
9788498563054MPN: 9788498563054
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Arts and Crafts. 6 Primary. Revuela. Andalucía (978-84-9856-305-4) de Bilingual Team ... [et al.], Cuesta, Sergio (Fundación Santa María-Ediciones SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Sexto .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies....
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Fundación Santa María-ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%18
- Ediciones Sm -
38.83 EUR 40.87 EUR
Ediciones Sm Arts And Crafts. 1 Primary. Revuela
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788413926421MPN: 9788413926421
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Arts and Crafts. 1 Primary. Revuela (978-84-13-92642-1) de Burgueño, Esther, Equipo Editorial SM, Archivo SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Primero .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this scheme, Revuela...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%19
- Ediciones Sm -
38.83 EUR 40.87 EUR
Ediciones Sm Arts And Crafts. 2 Primary. Revuela
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788498562804MPN: 9788498562804
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Arts and Crafts. 2 Primary. Revuela (978-84-9856-280-4) de Equipo Editorial SM, Archivo SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Segundo .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this scheme, Revuela presents a...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%20
- Ediciones Sm -
38.21 EUR 40.22 EUR
Ediciones Sm Social Science. 2 Primaria. Revuela. Comunidad De Madrid
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788498562774MPN: 9788498562774
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Social Science. 2 Primaria. Revuela. Comunidad de Madrid (978-84-9856-277-4) de Albesa Valdés, Núria, Equipo Editorial SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Segundo .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%21
- Ediciones El Viso -
38 EUR 40 EUR
Ediciones El Viso The Abello Collection: A Modern Taste For European Masters
Brand: Ediciones El Viso
9780692369340MPN: 9780692369340
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: The Abello Collection: A Modern Taste for European Masters (978-0-692-36934-0) de Ros De Barbero, Almudena (EDICIONES EL VISO ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. A careful selection of more than one hundred works from the Abello Collection Excellent paintings... 0
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Ediciones El Viso in Libros y revistas -5%22
- Ediciones Sm -
37.56 EUR 39.54 EUR
Ediciones Sm Science. 1 Primary. Revuela. Andalucía
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788413927121MPN: 9788413927121
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Science. 1 Primary. Revuela. Andalucía (978-84-13-92712-1) de Villén Real, Alejandro, Equipo Editorial SM, Campa Martín, Julián (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Primero .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%23
- Ediciones Sm -
37.16 EUR 39.12 EUR
Ediciones Sm Social Science. 1 Primary. Revuela. Aragón
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788411209441MPN: 9788411209441
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Social Science. 1 Primary. Revuela. Aragón (978-84-11-20944-1) de Villén Real, Alejandro, Equipo Editorial SM, Campa Martín, Julián (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Primero .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies....
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%24
- Ediciones Sm -
37.16 EUR 39.12 EUR
Ediciones Sm Social Science. 5 Primary. Revuela. Principado De Asturias
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788411205245MPN: 9788411205245
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Social Science. 5 Primary. Revuela. Principado de Asturias (978-84-11-20524-5) de Equipo Editorial SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Quinto .. "Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this scheme, Revuela...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%25
- Ediciones Sm -
37.16 EUR 39.12 EUR
Ediciones Sm Natural Science. 2 Primary. Revuela. Aragón
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788498564303MPN: 9788498564303
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Natural Science. 2 Primary. Revuela. Aragón (978-84-9856-430-3) de Albesa Valdés, Núria, Equipo Editorial SM, Campa Martín, Julián (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Segundo .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies....
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%26
- Ediciones Sm -
37.16 EUR 39.12 EUR
Ediciones Sm Social Science. 1 Primary. Revuela. Principado De Asturias
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788411205290MPN: 9788411205290
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Social Science. 1 Primary. Revuela. Principado de Asturias (978-84-11-20529-0) de Equipo Editorial SM, Campa Martín, Julián (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Primero .. "Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%27
- Ediciones Sm -
37.16 EUR 39.12 EUR
Ediciones Sm Social Science. 2 Primary. Revuela. Aragón
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788498564341MPN: 9788498564341
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Social Science. 2 Primary. Revuela. Aragón (978-84-9856-434-1) de Bilingual Team ... [et al.], Albesa Valdés, Núria, Campa Martín, Julián (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Segundo .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies....
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%28
- Ediciones Sm -
36.37 EUR 38.28 EUR
Ediciones Sm Arts And Crafts. 6 Primary. Revuela. Comunidad De Madrid
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788498563061MPN: 9788498563061
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Arts and Crafts. 6 Primary. Revuela. Comunidad de Madrid (978-84-9856-306-1) de Bilingual Team ... [et al.], Cuesta, Sergio (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Sexto .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following this...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%29
- Ediciones Sm -
35.39 EUR 37.25 EUR
Ediciones Sm Social Science. 2 Primary. Revuela. Galicia
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788498569223MPN: 9788498569223
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Social Science. 2 Primary. Revuela. Galicia (978-84-9856-922-3) de Bilingual Team ... [et al.], Albesa Valdés, Núria, Equipo Editorial SM (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Segundo .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:-Respond to the need for social transformation.-Develop a new person model.-Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.-Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:-Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.-Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:*Groups the contents in block.*Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.*Allows for editability in the digital environment.*It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.-Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.-Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies. Following...
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%30
- Ediciones Sm -
34.86 EUR 36.69 EUR
Ediciones Sm Music And Dance. 3 Primary. Revuela
Brand: Ediciones Sm
9788413926469MPN: 9788413926469
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Music and Dance. 3 primary. Revuela (978-84-13-92646-9) de Gil, Carmen, Bienvenido, Jesús, Rodríguez, Begoña, Fundación SM, Mller, ángel (EDICIONES SM ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto primaria .Tercero .. Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and that reflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, critical and global citizen model, so we look to the future, challenging teachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revela longs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication and favors a more effective learning mode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.- Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensure equitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Global citizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of our project and we develop it from two areas of intervention: the sustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from a transversal sequencing, to work on sustainability objectives and objectives linked to the competence to learn to take care of in a global way in all areas. In addition, Revuela includes an Emotional Education program, which focuses on the importance of developing emotional competencies in a rigorous, continuous and coherent way, and that brings together students, teachers and families.- Personalization of learning. With Revuela we are committed to personalized education to allow the creation of learning itineraries that best adapt to the particularities of the curriculum and the needs of the classroom, valuing the pedagogical autonomy of teachers and centers, and therefore:* Groups the contents in block.* Sequence the areas transversely from the contents of Knowledge of the medium in Primary.* Allows for editability in the digital environment.* It presents two sequencing options: vertical, organized according to the contents, and horizontal, following a thematic unit.- Competential learning. At SM we are committed to inductive and experiential learning. All the elements that constitute the competency learning process are integrated into learning situations, which involve the implementation, in an integrated way, of competencies and knowledge, through a motivating, relevant and significant problem. In each situation, the student works in a practical way following the learning sequence, APRENDO, which ends with a deliverable or challenge.- Comprehensive evaluation. The curriculum structure of the LOMLOE establishes that the evaluation must be based on the degree of development of the established competencies....
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Ediciones Sm in Libros y revistas -5%31
- Albatros Ediciones -
33.25 EUR 35 EUR
Albatros Ediciones From Ireland To Poland
Brand: Albatros Ediciones
9788472743175MPN: 9788472743175
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: From Ireland to Poland (978-84-7274-317-5) de García Hernán, Enrique, Ryszard Skowron (Albatros Ediciones ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Historia .Historia Universal .. Encuadernación: Rústica This book, edited by Enrique García Hernan and Ryszard Skowron, offers a rare opportunity to learn more about relatively little known material and immaterial bonds in the Modern Ages between such apparently distant countries as Spain, Poland and Ireland. By putting a special stress on migrations (religious, economic, military etc.) and their consequences on the cultures of the respective countries, it also becomes an interesting contribution to the contemporary debate on the advantages and threats of this phenomenon. 0
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Albatros Ediciones in Libros y revistas