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Documenta Universitaria Filosofia Deduard Nicol | Ofertas Libros Y Revistas

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- Documenta Universitaria -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Filosofia Deduard Nicol
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499840956
MPN: 9788499840956
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La Filosofia dEduard Nicol (978-84-9984-095-6) de Siguán Soler, Miguel, Terricabras, Josep Maria, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. What always happens (because the exile is a breach of irreparable consequences) in the case of Nicol has been in superlative. We can say that even today is virtually unknown to our teachers and students of philosophy. And not because his production has been small or irrelevant. In contrast, Nicol has built a theoretical framework of great ambition and great quality. He was aware and, if anything he regretted, was not reaching even the greatest thinkers in the history of philosophy. The fact is that the magnitude of the ignorance that we have here of his work is inversely proportional to the enormous recognition and influence it had in Mexico. Witnessed by the contributions that make this volume some of his former students and colleagues in Mexico, deeply marked by his understanding of philosophy and practice.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Filosofia De Ferrater Mora
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742390
MPN: 9788496742390
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La filosofia de Ferrater Mora (978-84-96742-39-0) de Cohn, Priscilla ... [et al.], et al.,, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Often we have to pay the price for the fact of not belonging to a specific school of thought or for not being able to be easily identifiable. The danger that faces an independent thinker is that their thinking could go "down the drain", as they say: their writings could be ignored or insufficiently taken into account and unappreciated. Ferrater had present this possibility and accepted it: He wanted his work to be read, but he was not disposed to compromise his ideas only to gain more readers or earn more.\n \nThe volume that is presented by the initiative of the Cátedra Ferrater Mora of the University of Girona shows that Ferrater has not had to pay the price that threatens the independent thinker, perhaps because his Dictionary of Philosophy has obtained such widespread recognition. An examination of the contents of this volume does not only reveal a great deal about the thinking of Ferrater, although perhaps not in the line that might be expected. The great variety of topics discussed show a diverse group of thinkers from different generations, different countries, speakers of different languages, which underline many different aspects of the thinking of Ferrater: his ontology, psychology and ethics, his use of history, the treatment that he gives to the mind, his notion of "judgement", his preoccupation for style, his early development in Chile, some of the similarities or differences with the thinking of Dewey and G.E.Moore, etc.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
11.4 EUR 12 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Filosofia De Kant Dos-cents Anys Després
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742864
MPN: 9788496742864
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La filosofia de Kant dos-cents anys després (978-84-96742-86-4) de Martínez Marzoa, Felipe, Duque, Félix, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. From the Ctedra Ferrater Mora thought the bicentenary of Kant's death was a great excuse to meet five of the most familiar with his work and to ask them to show again the validity of his legacy. This volume contains contributions, which addresses some of the major issues kantians thinking and know the concept, the pleasure of reflection, aesthetic pleasure metaphysical theory about space and time. Five lessons to be rooted in the thinking of an author who died two hundred years ago, but continues to raise issues of a force and now indisputable. As often happens in these cases, the symposium was not necessary to confirm that Kant is a classic, but it has been extremely positive to return to verify that we can still learn a lot when reading and rethinking their texts. After all, it is Kant who said that there is no proper philosophy but to philosophize.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
18.34 EUR 19.31 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Filosofía Moral De J. Ferrater Mora
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742871
MPN: 9788496742871
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La filosofía moral de J. Ferrater Mora (978-84-96742-87-1) de Horta álvarez, óscar, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Ferrater Mora Assay Price\nFirst Price, 2008 \n \nThe Ferrater Mora Chair of Contemporary Thought, at the University of Girona, was created in 1989 with the purpose of taking part into the most important topics and debates of present time. The prize announced together with the Jose Ferrater Mora Foundation (Pennsylvania / USA), is aimed at encouraging research works on Ferrater Mora, one of the most distinguished Catalan and Spanish philosophers of 20th century. \n\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
17.1 EUR 18 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Filosofia Alemanya Contempornia
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499841281
MPN: 9788499841281
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La filosofia alemanya contempornia (978-84-9984-128-1) de Zimmer, Jrg Rudolf, Carbó Ribugent, Mnica, Carbó Ribugent, Mnica (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Aquest llibre sobre la histria de la filosofia alemanya dels segles XIX i XX té el seu origen en les llions sobre pensament contemporani que en els darrers anys els autors han impartit en el marc dels estudis de filosofia de la Universitat de Girona. No s?adrea, per tant, a historiadors de la filosofia ni a experts en alguns dels autors o escoles de la filosofia alemanya contempornia, sinó que vol ser un compendi per a estudiants i altres persones interessades. S?ha d?entendre com un manual introductori. L?objectiu és resumir all més essencial en el conjunt del material histric, classificar-ho, ordenar-ho i situar-ho en el context de la histria alemanya, per tal de facilitar l?orientació dels estudiants. El llibre proporciona indicacions que tan sols pretenen posar a la disposició dels estudiants criteris que els permetin decidir per ells mateixos quins aspectes o moments de la filosofia alemanya desitgen aprofundir.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
21.85 EUR 23 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Antologia De Textos I Exercicis Per A La Filosofia A Batxillerat
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742338
MPN: 9788496742338
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Antologia de textos i exercicis per a la filosofia a batxillerat (978-84-96742-33-8) de Piñero i Subirana, Albert, Rubert Vilar, Pau, Balcells Morell, Merc (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. The material we offer is the result of the work achieved by the working group of philosophy of ICE in Universitat de Girona throughout the years 2003-2005. We offer you an anthology of texts from the most representative authors of the program of the last two years in high-school, trying to make this anthology completed referring to the range of topics of each author, and we believe it is not exempt from originality. So therefore, we propose a series of exercises and activities for each of the texts, oriented to consolidate habits and routines related to philosophical reading, writing and argumentation. Practised in doses that prudence of each professor recommends, we are convinced they can remarkably improve our students? competence in relation with aims and specific proceedings of Philosophy?s PAU. \n\n\n 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria De La Magia Al Escepticismo
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499844527
MPN: 9788499844527
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: De la magia al escepticismo (978-84-9984-452-7) de Montaner Frutos, Alberto, Gernert, Folke, Sánchez Ruiz, Mariona, Sánchez Ruiz, Mariona (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. The works that the reader will find in this volume are a continuation of the lines of research previously addressed by the Spanish-German network "Humanistic knowledge and ways of life". The object of study on this occasion is the relationship between literature, science and thought in the XVI-XVIII centuries, based for the most part on texts and forms of dissemination that deal with magical and skeptical aspects. As is well known, the study of literature, in many cases, is not only literary, not even humanistic, but is also linked to the scientific horizon and the episteme of each era. In the sixteenth-eighteenth centuries, literature, science and thought were imbricated in the works of many writers whose interests went beyond the strictly literary, interested in medicine, astrology or astronomy, among other scientific options. Authors that we now consider scientists were considered men of letters or humanists at a time when literature and science went hand in hand. The volume is dedicated to the study of that happy convergence. 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
17.1 EUR 18 EUR
Documenta Universitaria L'obra D'eusebi Colomer
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742406
MPN: 9788496742406
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: L'obra d'Eusebi Colomer (978-84-96742-40-6) de Terricabras, Josep Maria, et al.,, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. En la gran producción filosófica de Eusebi Colomer, se pueden distinguir tres grandes centros de interés particularmente destacados. En primer lugar, su dedicación al estudio del pensamiento de Ramon Llull y de Nicolás de Cusa. Su tesis doctoral mostró las influencias de Llull en la obra de Nicolás de Cusa a partir de las anotaciones autgrafes en que el joven Nicolás se hacía resonancia de las cosas a las cuales más le interesaban de Llull. El segundo gran centro de interés lo constituyeron, naturalmente, las grandes corrientes de la filosofía alemana moderna y contemporánea. ?Finalmente, su tercer centro de interés fue el diálogo filosfico-teolgic. Colomer lamentaba profundamente el divorcio producido entre la filosofía y la teología. Adaptando una conocida formulación de Kant, pensaba que la teología sin filosofía es ciega, pero que la filosofía sin teología está vacía. Formado en la tradición metafísica espiritualista y defensor del humanismo cristiano, Colomer se encontraba, sin embargo, a las antípodas de cualquier sectarismo o dogmatismo. Su formación, su talante y, seguramente, sus enormes conocimientos de la historia de la filosofía, le habían conferido una gran capacidad para el diálogo. él no veía el diálogo como un recurso o como una táctica, sino como un elemento constitutivo del ser humano. \n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Desde, Para Y Con La Confianza Shirkutée
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499846026
MPN: 9788499846026
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Desde, para y con la confianza SHIRKUTéE (978-84-9984-602-6) de Polo Pujadas, Maria Ignsia (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Religión .Teología Natural. Filosofía Religiosa .. In the content of this book you will find inspiring texts that will help the reader to activate the link with his/her Soul, the repository of all his/her information in this space/time and, thanks to it, to get closer and closer to the Self. Especially useful when feeling sadness, discouragement and lack of confidence in life and in oneself, enhancing the feeling of loving energy. The reader can read sequentially or allow the Universe to show the most appropriate text for the Now. 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
17.1 EUR 18 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Deu Assaigs Filosfics I Una Diatriba Exasperada
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742383
MPN: 9788496742383
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Deu assaigs filosfics i una diatriba exasperada (978-84-96742-38-3) de Bunge, Mario Augusto, Pineda, David, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Translation: David Pineda \n\n \nIn this volume, Bunge tackles philosophy. It consists of, as the title says, ten essays and a diatribe against post-modernism. When we were planning, however, his lessons, he began by offering the title "A New Philosophy". Because this is what he intended to present: A serious and rigorous look at philosophical concepts. According to which, this is not a new look into the matter, because the scientific mentality is not either, but rather it seems new, above all because philosophers hide too often from the light that is projected by science and they try to avoid criticism. For this reason Bunge rejects subjectivism and defends realism, a critical realism.\n \nThe position of Bunge also has a strong component of social preoccupation, as can be seen from the first pages of this volume. This, however, does not have to be understood in him as a more or less arbitrary complement, but rather as another element of his global vision. Rationality must also concern itself with dealing with world issues. For this reason, he proposes that the hard technology now in existence should be incorporated into what he calls "philosophical technology", which could help to heighten moral consciousness and social responsibilty among scientists and among the public at large.\n 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
17.1 EUR 18 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Metafísica, Dialctica, Reflexió
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742819
MPN: 9788496742819
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Metafísica, dialctica, reflexió (978-84-96742-81-9) de Holz, Hans Heinz, Carbó Bosch, Mnica, Zimmer, Jrg Rudolf (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Translation: Mnica Carbó.\nIntroduction and monitoring of the translation: Jrg Zimmer.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Realitat De Laparena
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707720
MPN: 9788492707720
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La realitat de laparena (978-84-92707-72-0) de Zimmer, Jrg Rudolf, Carbó Ribugent, Mnica (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. On Dialectic no means a tradition of thought classically based and further developed by Hegel in contemporary philosophy in Hegelianism or Marxism. The dialectics investigates the "reality of appearance" and reflects the problems that arise when we ask about the contradiction, beyond the confirmation of the identity of Being dialectic in this sense is a reflection of the negative structures. Our experience shows this contradiction in itself constant: on the one hand we set the identity to know the truth and to be able to guide practice and, on the other hand, we constantly this identity change and relations with others.\nThe dialectic, therefore, can not be understood as opposed to formal logic. Nor should it be misunderstood as a doctrine. Is the question of the reality of appearance, and history is the long history of reflection of all the problems that arise when we do not want to exclude from thought the reality of the appearance, but trying to conceive with conceptual rigor as part of our experience. \n 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
23.75 EUR 25 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Joan Crexells, Obra I Pensament
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499843384
MPN: 9788499843384
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Joan Crexells, obra i pensament (978-84-9984-338-4) de Vergés Gifra, Joan (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Joan Crexells died too young, in 1926, ten years before the start of the Civil War. It was a very unlamented death because Crexells promised much. This was expressed most friends, great men of culture as Carles Riba, Josep M. de Sagarra, Josep Pla, Joan Estelrich, Antoni Rovira i Virgili ... As future rock stars, died when he had not yet come the zenith of his work. Philosopher, journalist, essayist, translator, nobody left indifferent. At a conference in Salamanca, Unamuno, after listening to him, he exclaimed "what a prodigy!". In the case of Crexells, it is inevitable to make all kinds of speculations about "what could be" the culture of the country if he had not died so soon. Very few figures of Catalan culture of the last century, even those who have ended up appearing in the highlights, you could say something.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
54.15 EUR 57 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Metafísica Del Conocimiento De Karl Rahner . Análisis De "espíritu En El Mundo"
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499844176
MPN: 9788499844176
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La metafísica del conocimiento de Karl Rahner . Análisis de "Espíritu en el mundo" (978-84-9984-417-6) de Mercant Simó, Jaime (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. El teólogo jesuita Karl Rahner, después del Concilio Vaticano II, se convirtió en el paladín de la "nouvelle théologie" y en el "princeps novorum theologorum", mediante la proclama del célebre giro antropológico trascendental. Para poder comprender adecuadamente a este teólogo de Freiburg, es menester analizarlo desde sus fundamentos filosóficos. Con el presente libro, Jaime Mercant Simó, haciendo un análisis pormenorizado de "Geist in Welt" ("Espíritu en el mundo"), demuestra cómo el doctor Rahner, mediante su "Erkenntnismetaphysik" ("metafísica del conocimiento"), tergiversa los principios de la metafísica y la gnoseología tomistas prácticamente en su totalidad, llevando el "cogito" cartesiano hasta sus últimas consecuencias, identificando en el hombre el "ser", el "conocer" y el "ser conocido". En definitiva, el autor demuestra que Rahner, a pesar de que se presente como auténtico intérprete de santo Tomás de Aquino, se ve influenciado, más bien, por el racionalismo de Kant, el idealismo de Hegel y el existencialismo de Heidegger. 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
11.4 EUR 12 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Retrica, Mrqueting Didees I Legitimació Política
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707287
MPN: 9788492707287
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Retrica, mrqueting didees i legitimació política (978-84-92707-28-7) de Terricabras, Josep Maria, Terricabras, Josep Maria, Xifra Triadú, Jordi (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Fins ara, l?eloqncia, l?art de parlar bé, tenia només la llum i l?ombra del parlant davant d?uns oients: la llum era la seva capacitat d?argumentar correctament, de presentar la prpia causa de manera adequada; l?ombra consistia en el fet que, sovint, l?ús brillant de les paraules podia encegar, fins i tot estabornir, l?auditori, de manera que un bon orador fos capa de manipular l?audincia i de guanyar-la per a la seva causa amb raons poc slides o fins i tot sense gaire raons. Avui, per, la llum i l?ombra de la retrica ja no són només les del parlant sinó també les del plató de televisió, que amplifica o dissimula idees, que concentra o distreu l?atenció. La retrica política i, específicament, la retrica electoral s?han convertit en matria de mrqueting per a les masses: si bé continua essent cert que, en unes eleccions, convé vendre les idees i els projectes que proposa el personatge, cada dia és més cert també que el que es busca sobretot, abans que vendre les seves idees, és vendre el personatge mateix, el seu aspecte, el seu posat, el seu somriure, la seva presncia. Si s?aconsegueix l?acceptació del personatge, si s?aconsegueix que l?auditori li reconegui glamour ?o fins i tot, carisma?, llavors les seves idees i els seus projectes poden passar a un segon pla, ja no són l?objecte principal de l?escrutini, perqu aquest escrutini ha passat satisfactriament el filtre de la imatge. Per aix és tan important que la cmera estimi el candidat, que el projecti bé. Les pgines que segueixen, per, no van en aquesta direcció. La seva intenció és la de destacar i examinar els aspectes argumentatius i retrics en un acte polític televisat, aquells aspectes que precisament poden quedar a les fosques quan els focus del plató són tan potents que ressalten la imatge i deixen un xic de banda la paraula, la seva fora, el seu missatge.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
14.53 EUR 15.29 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Tecnología Desde La Perspectiva Intercultural
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742031
MPN: 9788496742031
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La tecnología desde la perspectiva intercultural (978-84-96742-03-1) de Simposio Associació Filosofía de la Terra. Simposio, Vicens Vich, Jesús Blas, Canadell Prat, Angels (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. "The technology from the intercultural perspective" is the name of the first symposium of the Philosophy of Earth and Cultures Association. A reflection was presented on the limits of the technological society and the need to pluralize the knowledge so that responsible living with the Earth and with his biological and cultural legacy emerges was indicated. This title is named after also by the first volume of a collection that it wants to collect different contributions to the change towards a supportive and sustainable culture.\n\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Benjamin And Hegel. A Constellation In Metaphysics
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499842875
MPN: 9788499842875
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Benjamin and Hegel. A constellation in metaphysics (978-84-9984-287-5) de Urbich, Jan (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. These lectures, given in 2014 at the Ctedra Walter Benjamin, examine the philosophical relations between two of the greatest modern German philosophers, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Walter Benjamin. It is shown what close connections especially Benjamins Epistemo-Critical Prologue has to some fundamental aspects of Hegels metaphysics and epistemology. By illuminating a certain compatibility of approaches between German Idealism and Early Critical Theory concerning the possibility and necessity of metaphysical ideas and theories, the lectures demonstrate why modernity cannot simply be called a postmetaphysical age. Metaphysics is not only necessary for philosophy in order to treat its subject matters appropriately, but it is also essential for humans spiritual as well as practical freedom, particularly in the modern age.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
47.5 EUR 50 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Praxis De La Psicología Y Sus Niveles Epistemológicos Según Santo Tomás De Aquino
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788493434922
MPN: 9788493434922
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La praxis de la Psicología y sus niveles epistemológicos según Santo Tomás de Aquino (978-84-934349-2-2) de Federico Echavarría, Martín (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Die zeitgenssische Psychologie scheint sich seit ihren Anfngen durch die Vielfalt ihrer Inhalte sowie durch die beinahe endlose Fragmentierung in sich entgegengesetzte Strmungen zu charakterisieren. Dies fhrt zu bedeutenden Schwierigkeiten, nicht nur fr diejenigen, die nur eine erste Annherung an sie wnschen, sondern auch fr die Experten, die hufig, weder was die erkenntnistheoretische Natur der Psychologie noch was die Einheit dieser Disziplin betrifft, zu keiner ausreichend klaren Meinung gelangen. Ohne das Problem im Ganzen zu vernachlssigen, konzentriert sich dieses Werk besonders auf die psychologische Praxis, die Psychotherapie und ihre theoretischen Grundlagen. Das Hauptaugenmerk gilt einer kritischen Betrachtung der Psychoanalyse, die ein (in positivem oder negativem Sinne) unvermeidbarer Referenzpunkt fr die Mehrheit der psychotherapeutischen Strmungen ist. Dieser Versuch einer erkenntnistheoretischen und praktischen Erluterung wird zudem von einem originellen Blickwinkel aus unternommen, nmlich im Lichte der Denkweise von einem der grten Theologen und Philosophen der katholischen Kirche, Thomas von Aquin (1225-1274). Dessen Qualitten als Erkenntnistheoretiker sind weitlufig bekannt. Weniger bekannt ist seine psychologische Facette, die dieses Werk bis ins Detail aufzeigen mchte, um sowohl die Aktualitt der Psychologie des heiligen Thomas als auch die Mglichkeit, heutzutage die Psychologie unter der Fhrung des Doctor Humanitatis zu betreiben, zu verdeutlichen.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Ramon Turró, Científic I Pensador
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742413
MPN: 9788496742413
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Ramon Turró, científic i pensador (978-84-96742-41-3) de Alcoberro, Ramon, et al.,, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Friend, amongst others, of Ruyra and of Verdaguer, Turró wrote about questions of psychology and philosophy. He himself said that he was a defender of "critical realism", rigorous in investigation, demanding in method. He defended that "to know is to foresee", but he also knew that a good experimental method can not only be trusted by the senses, as these can be deceived. Here is shown the truly incisive and efficient way of looking at things of Turró: we realize that, to know that there is an outside, to understand well where the senses come from, it is necessary an internal confirmation, that which comes from our organism. Turró has, therefore, a global vision, complete, of the human organism, without rigid distinctions between the interior and exterior world. Here indeed is the root of his celebrated work "The Origins of Knowledge": the hunger, and the most basic nucleus of his thought. And also here there is another element of modernity in his conception, that in his day was pioneering and that now continues offering many aspects of current relevance.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Psicologia De La Salut
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707157
MPN: 9788492707157
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Psicologia de la salut (978-84-92707-15-7) de Planes Pedra, Montserrat (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Normal.dotm 0 0 1 168 963 Edicions A Petició SL 8 1 1182 12.0 0 false 21 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ascii-font-family:Cambria; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Cambria; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Manual for introductory psychology students, and also by other health-related careers, who wish to have basic knowledge about scientific and professional. In the different chapters and sections present different problems and conditions characteristic of the area of Health Psychology: drug addiction, chronic pain and mild specific phobias. Because these disorders are fairly widespread among the population and are therefore easy to understand for readers who have no previous training specialist, we can explain clearly enough the assessment strategies and treatment techniques that are commonly used to overcome or at least alleviate them. In the case of interventions in specific phobias, a thorough description of the therapeutic process, almost step by step, which can serve as a practical scenario for students. It has also been sought to make available to readers some basic methodological knowledge, to ensure the quality of therapeutic interventions and to increase scientific knowledge. Also, the book covers various aspects of the therapist-patient relationship and issues of ethics and professional practice related to the practice of Health Psychology.\n \n 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Joan Maragall, Paraula I Pensament
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499841168
MPN: 9788499841168
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Joan Maragall, paraula i pensament (978-84-9984-116-8) de Terricabras, Josep-Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Sixteen chapters in this volume speak of this Maragall, rich and complex. In this book, some of the best specialists, nationally and internationally, examining the work of Joan Maragall, interpret and reinterpret it, and they all show that, for Maragall, all starts with the word, a word specific, direct a word that is both thought and life experience. If I said that this process of interpretation has never end, now I must add that, in the case of a classic, the process is always rewarding. Just know that an author is a classic because of dealings with him, always spurred on leave, satisfied and anxious time. Maragall is a classic. (From the "Presentation" of Joseph, Mary Terricabras) 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19.95 EUR 21 EUR
Documenta Universitaria El Pensament D'eugeni D'ors
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499840963
MPN: 9788499840963
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: El pensament d'Eugeni d'Ors (978-84-9984-096-3) de Siguán Soler, Miguel, Terricabras, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. In fact, if any work may be subject to different interpretations, it is not surprising that Ors has been and is still "subject to many summoned, many views and reflections, critical voices with different modulations. The Mora Chair of Contemporary Thought Ferrater that, for years, calls the study and reflect on some of the biggest names in contemporary Catalan thought, brought together in this volume fifteen recognized voices rigorously examining the work of a man who was able to maintain the basic flow of ideas, whether liked or not.\n The success and failure, in Catalonia or away, Ors was consistent with himself in the bottom and forms. It was a proud and independent spirit that he felt called to a great task that could never perform. Far from his beloved Goethe, to whom is attributed the "Light, more light! " before dying, Ors wanted to hold until the end of a fight for the light, his heliomquia.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
58.9 EUR 62 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Cogitare Aude: Miscellnia D'homenatge A Josep-maria Terricabras
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499843483
MPN: 9788499843483
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Cogitare aude: MIscellnia d'homenatge a Josep-Maria Terricabras (978-84-9984-348-3) de Alcoberro, Ramon, et al., (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. The book in your hands is a miscellany of diverse contributions. We have grouped them into two parts. In the first, there is a set of eminently academic texts - many of them, but, thought for the occasion. In the second, a set of texts evocative of the person we honor. Overall, fifty writings that demonstrate how Terricabras footprint is deep, beautiful and admired.(From the "Preface" by José Luis Prades)\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Del Silici A La Raó
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499842233
MPN: 9788499842233
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Del Silici a la raó (978-84-9984-223-3) de A.A .V.V. (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. 0 0 1 119 656 Edicions A Petició SL 5 1 774 14.0 Normal 0 21 false false false ES-TRAD JA X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Cambria","serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Cambria; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Cambria; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-language:JA;} \nA tour through Ferraters thinking is always an interesting and stimulating journey. Interesting because Ferrater knew a lot many things. Exhilarating because often we close the pages of his works with questions that lead beyond our thinking. We started this work indicating that wanted to defend the possibility of existence of a new level of reality that would stand above the physical layer and below the social and cultural levels, and would be developed in parallel to the organizational level, and it is what we have called "network level".\n The most notable feature is its artificiality network level. And this is an important fact because it shows how humans have been able to create new areas of reality, a fact that never before had occurred and so clearly evident. \n 0
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
24.7 EUR 26 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Realitat I Veritat En Francesc Pujols
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499842752
MPN: 9788499842752
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Realitat i veritat en Francesc Pujols (978-84-9984-275-2) de Terricabras Nogueras, Josep-Maria (coord.) (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Encuadernación: Rústica con solapas Colección: Noms de la filosofia catalana "Pujols is not stretched, the opposite. It has the tone of judicious scholar who wants you to believe it. He's the man that advances knowledge, proposing ideas and does so with a lively, friendly, new language, with grace the folk speech and logic of well-crafted language, well articulated. Read Pujols is a pleasure and a luxury, it is a party. it departs both uncommon in the realm of thought and philosophy that is always a breath of air cool, mental oxygenation, ventilation. As a snake charmer, Pujols takes the reader's assent to wonder, joy to irritation, laughter to the more serious thought. Many of the issues he addresses are discussed in this volume. " (From the "Presentació" of Josep-Maria Terricabras) 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Intemperie Metafísica De Macedonio Fernández
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707119
MPN: 9788492707119
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La intemperie metafísica de Macedonio Fernández (978-84-92707-11-9) de Uy Puigmartí, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Macedonio Fernández (Buenos Aires, 1874-1952) is an not well know author, even now, more than fifty years after his death. Who has heard of him, the reference is invariably by Jorge Luis Borges. Now, but, have read the work of Macedonio is of a height and complexity much higher than those of the son of his friend Jorge Borges, and that this is an entirely metaphysical, whether in prose, novel or poetry, whether in humor or aphorism. The ten volumes of his complete works edited by Corregidor, Buenos Aires, is a monument reflective devastating to put the metaphysical question not in God (it was theological), or being (was rationalist), but in the mystery (it was really metaphysics, current), an insoluble mystery to which he devoted all the single life, married with four children, and widowed, with the same persistence and ruthlessness that made his contemporary Fernando Pessoa, one sitting in remote large pension Buenos Aires, and another sitting on a trade office "a baixa" Lisbon. This essay aims to be a presentation of his life, work and thought. \n 0
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Edicions A Petició, S.l. -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Edicions A Petició, S.l. Pensem En La Salut?
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Edicions A Petició, S.l.
EAN: 9788493361945
MPN: 9788493361945
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Pensem en la salut? (978-84-933619-4-5) de Institut Borja de Biotica (Edicions a petició, S.L. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Dieser Band bietet den Lesern die ersten Frchte der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Verlag DOCUMENTA UNIVERSITARIA und dem INSTITUT BORJA DE BIOTICA, um spezifische Themen der Bioethik in einer hierfr geplanten Reihe zu behandeln. Dieser erste Beitrag ist das Resultat einer gemeinsamen und multidisziplinren Arbeit unter Mitwirkung von I. Abbas, F. Antoñanzas, J. Colom, A. García-Altés, J. M. Ollé, J. Rovira, F. Torralba, mit Untersttzung der Direcció General de Drogodependncies der Generalitat de Catalunya (Generaldirektion fr Drogenabhngigkeit der katalanischen Regierung).\nDie berlegungen und wissenschaftlichen Analysen des ersten Teils dieses Buches bilden vom Standpunkt des Instituts Borja de Biotica aus den wesentlichen Teil und sollten jeder empfindsamen Person gengen, um das Ziel zu erreichen, uns um unsere Gesundheit zu kmmern und jene Gewohnheiten, die nicht dazu beitragen, diese zu erhalten, abzulehnen, unabhngig davon, ob diese durch freiwillige Handlungen oder ungesunde Lebensstile hervorgerufenen Vernderungen des Gesundheitszustandes Kosten fr den Geldbeutel jedes Einzelnen bedeuten oder nicht. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit gibt in zwei Studien Beispiele zu den wirtschaftlichen Aspekten des Tabak- und Drogenkonsums. Von den darauf folgenden Arbeiten wurde "Els costos dels hbits de vida no saludables; el cas del tabaquisme a Catalunya" von den Professoren Joan Rovira und Ismail Abbas ermglicht dank der Finanzierung durch das Institut Borja de Biotica, und "Avaluació del cost social del consum de drogues illegals a l'Estat espanyol" dank der Untersttzung der Direcció General de Drogodependncies i Sida, der Abteilung Sanitat i Seguretat Social der Generalitat de Catalunya (Katalanische Regierung). Dieser letzte Text basiert auf einer ausfhrlicheren, von der Agncia d'Avaluació de Tecnologia i Recerca Mdiques und der bereits genannten Direcció General erstellten Studie, die unter dem TitelAvaluació del cost social del consum de drogues illegals a Catalunya i a l'Estat espanyoleine der nchsten Verffentlichungen des Departament de Sanitat i Seguretat Social de Catalunya sein wird. Autoren dieser Arbeit waren Anna Garcia-Altés von der Fundación Instituto de Investigación en Servicios de Salud und dem New York City Department of Health and Mental Higiene, Josep M. Ollé, von der Direcció General de Drogodependncies i Sida des Departament de Sanitat i Seguretat Social de Catalunya, Professor Fernando Antoñanzas vom Fachbereich Wirtschaft und Unternehmen der Universitt La Rioja, sowie Joan Colom, von der Direcció General de Drogodependncies i Sida des Departament de Sanitat i Seguretat Social de Catalunya.\n 1
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Edicions A Petició, S.l. in Libros y revistas

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