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Documenta Universitaria Del Silici Ra | Ofertas Libros Y Revistas

Range Precio

- Documenta Universitaria -
15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Documenta Universitaria L'home Sobrepassat
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707171
MPN: 9788492707171
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: L'home sobrepassat (978-84-92707-17-1) de Uy Puigmartí, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Historia y Crítica de la Literatura .. In an essay, Man exceeded questions the metaphysical question in this society. This question is a fact equidistant between the poet and the bourgeois, financial or merchant now. The poet is he who is greatest metaphysical desolation, that is, the fact of having been without God or gods. The bourgeois, petty bourgeois and we all yearn to be or what it is he who lives without metaphysics, that you really need not have any kind of metaphysics in order to live, and do, as it did totally commercial society thanks to the use of technology. The consequences in art and knowledge of this bourgeois society are evident in the form of nihilism that necessarily. So, why the poet in times of distress, as Hlderlin asked? And here the poet, both useless at all, happens to be the intersection of feeling, thinking and being. The poet witnessed the harsh weather, where we exist in time as ever but not knowing.\n 1
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
19.95 EUR 21 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Canvi Ambiental Global
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707102
MPN: 9788492707102
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Canvi Ambiental Global (978-84-92707-10-2) de Martín Vide, Javier, Vila Subirós, Josep, Barriocanal Lozano, Carles, Varga Linde, Diego (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. This book is the culmination of the International Seminar on Environment titled "Global Environmental Change: A multiscale perspective" was held at the Faculty of Sciences of the university of Girona on 9 and 10 September 2008, and organized by Institut de Medi Ambient (IMA-UdG).\nThese seminars were born with the will to deepen environmental awareness and also disseminate key topics related to issues within contemporary society. In this line we have addressed issues such as forest fires, responsible consumption of water management or just to set some examples.\n 0
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Manual De La Guía Gas-vi: Un Instrumento Para El Diseño Y La Evaluación De Los Apoyos Para La Vida Independiente De Personas Con
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499846088
MPN: 9788499846088
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Manual de la guía GAS-VI: Un instrumento para el diseño y la evaluación de los apoyos para la vida independiente de personas con discapacidad (978-84-9984-608-8) de Pallisera, Maria, Puyaltó Rovira, Carolina, Rey Freire, Ana, Beltrán Arreche, Maialen, Díaz Garolera, Gemma, Valls Gabernet, Maria Josep, Vidal López, Carme (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Sociología .. La Guía GAS-VI permite evaluar el apoyo que reciben las personas con discapacidad intelectual para vivir de forma independiente. La Guía se desarrolla a partir de tres proyectos de investigación sobre vida independiente de personas con discapacidad intelectual (proyecto EDU2014-55460-R, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía, y Competitividad, y proyecto EDU2017-84989-R, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad y PDC2021-121510-100, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades y la Unión Europea). Estos proyectos han sido desarrollados por el Grupo de Investigación en Diversidad de la Universitat de Girona, y coordinados por las doctoras Maria Pallisera Díaz y Judit Fullana Noell. 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19.56 EUR 20.59 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Probabilitat I Processos Estocstics Per A L'enginyeria Tic. Guia D'estudi
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499840215
MPN: 9788499840215
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Probabilitat i processos estocstics per a l'enginyeria TIC. Guia d'estudi de Gaspar, álvaro; Martorell, Josep Maria;
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- Documenta Universitaria -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Informtica Aplicada A La Gestió Empresarial
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788493482305
MPN: 9788493482305
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Informtica aplicada a la gestió empresarial (978-84-934823-0-5) de Prats Planagum, Lluís, Coromina Soler, Lluís, Marzo Lázaro, Manuel (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Actualment la informtica és part indissociable de la nostra vida personal i, en la majoria dels casos, també de la professional.\nEn aquest mbit se centren tot un seguit d'exercicis prctics on s'utilitzen les eines informtiques d'ús habitual a qualsevol empresa, ja sigui grossa o petita. Es pretén, per tant, aportar una ajuda a fi de donar solució a aquelles petites tasques quotidianes i rutinries de la manera més simple i amena possible.\nEls autors desitgen que el lector resolgui un conjunt de necessitats que es plantegen en una empresa fictícia, seguint un fil conductor que els porta des de les operacions més bsiques de gestió, com ara la generació de cartes o presentacions orals, fins al tractament d'operacions més complexes, com els clculs de rendibilitat o les amortitzacions financeres.\nAmb aquests exercicis, els autors han volgut oferir un aspecte prctic per als futurs empresaris i empresries; un bon nivell d'aplicabilitat amb la utilització de casos crebles i adaptats a realitats actuals; i, en definitiva, un sistema d'autoaprenentatge factible per a qualsevol nivell de coneixement informtic.\n 0
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Itineraris Turístics A La Ciutat De Girona
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788493468583
MPN: 9788493468583
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Itineraris turístics a la ciutat de Girona (978-84-934685-8-3) de Galí Espelt, Núria, Donaire Benito, José Antonio (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Geografía .Otros .. Itineraris turístics a la ciutat de Girona. Els recorreguts del barri vell analyses the different town walks in the old quarter of Girona, that is to say the routes (or groups of routes) visitors take as part of their tourist experience. The document is structured in two complementary parts. Firstly, it was interesting to map the different routes and establish a basic taxonomy that can be useful to the tourist and also urban management. Secondly, the conduct of several factors (internal and external) is studied for each itinerary with the aim of identifying what elements make them differ from the rest of the routes. \n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Constructing Cultural And Natural Heritage
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499840888
MPN: 9788499840888
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Constructing Cultural and Natural Heritage (978-84-9984-088-8) de Frigolé, Joan, Roigé Ventura, Xavier ... [et al.], Frigolé, Joan, Roigé Ventura, Xavier ... [et al.] (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Arqueología .. This book is a theoretical and ethnographic contribution to the study of cultural and natural heritage in rural areas. Different authors describe processes of patrimonialization and uses of heritage within the context of policies designed to protect natural spaces. The papers analyse initiatives to revitalize or recreate elements of local culture and rural heritage via the creation of museums, festivals, craftwork, or natural food. The book includes three theoretical papers and twelve case studies based in the South of Europe (Italy, France, Spain and Portugal).\n 0
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Documenta Universitaria El Hombre Sobrepasado: Ensayo De Interpretación Cultural Sobre El Fondo Existencial De La Desolación Metafísica
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499841885
MPN: 9788499841885
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: El hombre sobrepasado: ensayo de interpretación cultural sobre el fondo existencial de la desolación metafísica (978-84-9984-188-5) de Uy Puigmartí, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Novela y Narrativa Española e Hispanoamericana .. Encuadernación: Rústica con solapas. En forma de ensayo, el hombre sobrepasado se pregunta sobre la cuestión metafísica en la sociedad presente. Esta pregunta resulta un hecho equidistante entre el poeta y el burgués, actualmente financiero o mercader. El poeta es aquel que siente máximamente la desolación metafísica, es decir, el hecho de habernos quedado sin Dios y sin dioses. El burgués, y todos somos pequeños burgueses o lo anhelamos ser, es aquel que vive sin metafísica, aquel que en realidad necesita no tener ningún tipo de metafísica para poder vivir, y hacer, como ha hecho la sociedad totalmente mercantil gracias al recurso de la tecnología. Las consecuencias en el arte y el conocimiento de esta sociedad burguesa son palpables en la forma de nihilismo que la constituye necesariamente. Entonces, por qué el poeta en tiempos de desolación, como preguntaba Hlderlin? Y he aquí que el poeta, inútil en todo, resulta ser el cruce entre sentir, pensar y ser. El poeta atestigua la cruda intemperie, donde existimos en el tiempo, pero sin saber. 0
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria The Hauslaib Claviorgan In The Museu De La Música De Barcelona
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499841984
MPN: 9788499841984
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Hauslaib claviorgan in the Museu de la Música de Barcelona (978-84-9984-198-4) de Ayats i Abey, Jaume (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Novela y Narrativa Española e Hispanoamericana .. Encuadernación: Rústica con solapas. Includes free download code for e-book Paper edition (english) The Lorenz Hauslaib claviorgan is one of the most unique and intriguing instruments in the rich collection of the Barcelona Museum of Music. This singular and ingenious object combines the mechanics of a small organ and a little spinet which can be played together, blending the two timbres, with both instruments housed within a tiny, luxurious cabinet. This is one of the very few sixteenth-century claviorgans left in the world and it is very probably the only one which, 400 years after it was first built, is still in a condition to be played, producing a wonderfully captivating sound from the same materials that were used in the period when it was built. This achievement has been made possible thanks to a long process of research, study and restoration instigated by the Museum and the meticulous restoration work by both the organ-maker Joan Martí and the Gerhard Grenzing organ workshop. This book brings together all the information and research produced by the teams responsible for recovering the sound of the claviorgan and is the first in a series of specialist publications by the Museum of Music, available in both hard-copy and electronic formats (which allows for the inclusion of audio-visuals showing the instrument being played). The aim is to disseminate the knowledge and research associated with the collections held by the Museum. At the end of the hard-copy book there is a code giving free access to the electronic version. This book reflects the 50-year history of an institution that has spearheaded research into, and the restoration of, Catalan heritage in musical instruments. 0
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Una Autobiografía De La Modernidad: Walter Benjamin, Marcel Proust Y Ramón Gómez De La Serna
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499846170
MPN: 9788499846170
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Una autobiografía de la modernidad: Walter Benjamin, Marcel Proust y Ramón Gómez de la Serna de Martí Monterde,
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Entre La Vida I La Mort
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499840826
MPN: 9788499840826
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Entre la vida i la mort (978-84-9984-082-6) de Verdaguer Turró, Miquel, Farners Riera i Torras, Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Historia de la ciencia .. This book consists of two distinct parts. In the first, the authors show the results of literature review and update the Permanent Vegetative State seen from different points of view (religious, medical, philosophical bioethics, etc.) The second part includes a quantitative aspect which makes a estimate of the prevalence of PVD in the Girona Health Region, and a second qualitative aspect, which sets out the questionnaire posed to the relatives of patients. In this dialogue with the families derive a whole set of emerging issues that lead the authors and interviewees to issues such as death with dignity, the advance directive, limiting therapy, religion and other aspects related to the theme the study. \n 1
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
19.95 EUR 21 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Pensament I Llegat De Francesc Xavier Llorens Barba
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499844169
MPN: 9788499844169
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Pensament i llegat de Francesc Xavier Llorens Barba (978-84-9984-416-9) de Vergés Gifra, Joan, Vergés Gifra, Joan (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. In the figure of Francesc Xavier Llorens and Barba, a special halo surrounds him. An air between mythical and mysterious. The poet Joan Maragall, in 1901, proclaimed that of "[A Llorens i Barba] We venerate him So much and we know him so little". Later, Eugeni d'Ors would say that the philosopher of Vilafranca del Peneds was "for the new generations of Catalonia, a disturbing enigma". And a few years later, Rovira and Virgili would confirm that "there is a disproportion between the merits of Lorenzo and Barba and the knowledge they have of their life and their work". We believe that Llorens i Barba is a special name in the history of Catalan thought, but even today it is difficult for us to know exactly why. We have been in this situation for years. In summary, we know little, but we attribute a lot to it. 0
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Tracheal Stents
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499842394
MPN: 9788499842394
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Tracheal stents (978-84-9984-239-4) de Ciurana Gay, Joaquim de ... [et al.] (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Medicina .Neumología .. The obstruction of the trachea can reduce the oxygen intake causing dyspnea, hypoxemia, or even death from suffocation. The treatment of this type of stenosis is complicated and usually involves surgical approaches. In addition, stenting is considered a palliative treatment to provide immediate relief improving patients quality of life. Different polymeric and metallic stents are clinically available. However, for the cases where the anatomy deviates from the norm, such as for unusual sizes, or when tumors are stiffer than any stent available, customized stents are needed. Additive manufacturing processes are being used to manufacture customized products, including medical devices. In this sense, this book aims to study and analyze the development of an new customized polymeric stent using additive technologies. As an activity to divulgate the results of the IREBID project (FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES-247476), based on improving collaborations and knowledge exchange between medical and technological sectors, the consortium decided to prepare a collection of books about the development of new medical devices. The aim of this collection is to bring the expertise generated within the IREBID project to all stakeholders. 0
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Iv Workshop In G/mpls Networks
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788493434908
MPN: 9788493434908
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: IV Workshop in G/MPLS Networks (978-84-934349-0-8) de Workshop in MPLS/GMPLS Networks, Jové Lagunas, Teodor, Fabregat Gesa, Ramon (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Arte .. Protokoll des IV Workshops fr G/MPLS Networks, der im Mai 2002 an der Universitt Girona abgehalten wurde.\n 0
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
12.84 EUR 13.52 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Processament Digital De La Imatge. Guia D'estudi
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499840116
MPN: 9788499840116
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Processament digital de la imatge. Guia d'estudi de Lluís Vicent Documenta Universitaria 978-84-9984-011-6 110p. 12,84 EUR Comprar
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- Documenta Universitaria -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Documenta Universitaria De La Vanitat A La Saviesa - From Vanity To Wisdom
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742697
MPN: 9788496742697
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: De la vanitat a la saviesa - From vanity to wisdom (978-84-96742-69-7) de Sola, Tomislav, Serra i Arús, Esteve, Serra Armegol, Maria de Lluc (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Arte .. The new paradigm suggests that museums are not any more necessarily perceived as part of the plot, even if an unconscious one. They seemingly can be part of the solution, on, say, our side, if our side would mean free-minded, thinking individuals and groups, unbiased by the manipulated particular interests and aware of the context.\n 1
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Joan Maragall, Paraula I Pensament
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499841168
MPN: 9788499841168
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Joan Maragall, paraula i pensament (978-84-9984-116-8) de Terricabras, Josep-Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Filosofía .. Sixteen chapters in this volume speak of this Maragall, rich and complex. In this book, some of the best specialists, nationally and internationally, examining the work of Joan Maragall, interpret and reinterpret it, and they all show that, for Maragall, all starts with the word, a word specific, direct a word that is both thought and life experience. If I said that this process of interpretation has never end, now I must add that, in the case of a classic, the process is always rewarding. Just know that an author is a classic because of dealings with him, always spurred on leave, satisfied and anxious time. Maragall is a classic. (From the "Presentation" of Joseph, Mary Terricabras) 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Comunicació Pel Canvi Social
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499842356
MPN: 9788499842356
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Comunicació Pel Canvi Social (978-84-9984-235-6) de Costa i Fernández, Lluís (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Ciencias de la Información .. Encuadernación: Rústica Per tal d?accelerar el ritme del desenvolupament social és necessria la posada en prctica de noves formes i mtodes de comunicació humana, les quals no es corresponen amb l?aplicació de la comunicació convencional i més oficial. La comunicació pel canvi social és part d'una evolució de la metodologia de la comunicació , que pot contribuir a accelerar el desenvolupament global i es defineix, com un procés de dileg privat i públic, a través del qual les persones decideixen qui són, qu volen i com haurien de treballar per obtenir all que contribuís al millorament de la seva vida. Per canvi social entenem un canvi en la vida d?un grup social, d'acord als parmetres establerts per aquest mateix grup. Aquesta aproximació busca especialment millorar les vides dels grups marginats (tant política com econmicament), i est guiada pels principis de la tolerncia, autodeterminació, equitat, justícia social i participació activa de tots. Les aportacions científiques, a nivell teric i també prctic, que podran llegir en el present volum s?ocupen de perspectives ben diverses, com ara propostes de millora de la comunicació de l?administració local, reflexions sobre la responsabilitat social i política dels mitjans de comunicació , el paper d?Internet com a mitj d?informació i les seves virtuts com a instrument de participació ciutadana, la innovació en les accions cíviques, la capacitat de transformació de les accions artístiques, experincies comunicatives a Amrica Llatina ?i també, a l?Estat espanyol i a Europa?. L?anlisi de la comunicació pel canvi social permet un trnsit molt transversal, i ofereix les eines per pensar la comunicació de manera diferent 0
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Documenta Universitaria in Libros y revistas

- Documenta Universitaria -
14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Feminisme I Histria De L'art
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707270
MPN: 9788492707270
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Feminisme i Histria de l'art (978-84-92707-27-0) de Nochlin, Linda, Olid, Bel, álvarez Vidal, Sergio, Castejón Abella, Anna, Faxedas, M. Llusa (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Sociología .. This book contains a selection of seven articles written by leading art historians of the Anglo-Saxon area between 1971 and 1988. The texts, which are published in Catalan first, draw an overview of the emergence and development of feminist art history as we lived and wrote some of his key players. The set of articles presents the issues and most important issues that confronted the first generation of feminist historians around the role of women as creators, critics, audiences and patrons in the art world throughout history, and therefore allows to see also the answers, debates, arguments and proposals that the issues raised. "Feminism and Art History" is aimed at students of history and art, and all those interested in the matter, who are curious to know some of the contributions that have most transformed the discipline in recent decades.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
14.53 EUR 15.29 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Les Vies Verdes Del Valls
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788493495947
MPN: 9788493495947
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Les vies verdes del Valls (978-84-934959-4-7) de Cortina Ramos, Albert, Gordi i Serrat, Josep, Cortina Ramos, Albert, Gordi i Serrat, Josep (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Geografía .Otros .. Am 26. Mrz 2004 wurde er in Sant Celoni den Arbeitstag "Die Vies Verdes del Valls", vom Rathaus von Sant Celoni und dem Katheder von Geografie und Land-Gedanken der Universitt von Girona (UdG) organisiert, gefeiert. Diesen ersten Arbeitstag hatte wie objektiv, zuerst die Studien ber kologischer Verbindbarkeit im Flachland sowie die Hauptplanungen vorzustellen, die die kologische und landschaft Verbindbarkeit vor Augen haben, und, an zweiter Stelle, die stdtischen Behrden ber den Notwendigkeit zu sensibilisieren, zu erzeugen und, ein Landdokument, das die landschafte Werte der Zone frdern wrde, und die Verbindbarkeit zwischen den Vorksten- und Ksten-Gebirgsketten zu bestehen. \n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
18.52 EUR 19.49 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Religió I Art Sacre A La Provincia Dels Zoques, Chiapas
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788496742802
MPN: 9788496742802
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Religió i art sacre a la Provincia dels Zoques, Chiapas (978-84-96742-80-2) de Sulvarán, José Luis, Bosch Ballbona, Josep, Rodríguez Vázquez, Marco Antonio, Gomez Rodríguez, Silvestre, Díez Vázquez, Teresa, Barrios, Martín (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Pedagogía .Varios .. D ore ngomi?s wya?njamokyuy y tsyjkpuriram d ore kubguy?omoram y? chiapas najsomo. Tajtsa? mb, kekpy?mb y kn?mb / Religión y Arte Sacro en la provincia de los Zoques, Chiapas. El caso de Rayón, Pantepec y Tapalapa / Religió i Art Sacre a la Provincia dels Zoques, Chiapas. El cas de Rayón, Pantepec i Tapalapa\n \n \nStudies of Jose Luis Sulvarán (Intercultural University of Chiapas) and Josep Bosch (University of Girona) from the Zoque culture through various art forms preserved in the towns of Rayon, Pantepec and Tapalapa. \nThe book, published in Catalan, Spanish and Zoque, includes numerous examples of religious art of the areas studied. \n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Recerca En Salut, Benestar I Qualitat De Vida
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499843520
MPN: 9788499843520
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Recerca en salut, benestar i qualitat de vida (978-84-9984-352-0) de Planes Pedra, Montserrat (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Medicina .Ciencias Psicosociales .. The IRQV was created in April 1997 in order to promote and develop interdisciplinary research in the field of well-being and quality of life.The IRQV conceptualizes the quality of life from two perspectives, the first linked to well-being and the second to health. Quality of life related to well-being is understood as a function of the material environment and the psychosocial environment. In this sense, it is proposed to deepen the knowledge of both the material conditions and the perceptions, evaluations and aspirations of the people who accompany their personal and social "well-being". This deepening concerns either the whole of the citizens of a territory, or the different specific groups that belong.With regard to health-related guidance, it is mainly based on the biopsychosocial model and is preferably concerned with disease prevention and health promotion, particularly in the areas of sexuality, addiction and Road safety. It also seeks to promote the quality of life of the chronically ill, during aging and in the processes of loss and mourning. As in the first perspective, the subjective dimension of the quality of life is studied; That is, that which people perceive and inform regardless of their physical state assessed by objective methods. Therefore, the research includes, within its priority interests, the analysis of emotional variables, mainly anxiety and depression. 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Quality Management And Beyond: The Current Situation And Future Perspectives
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499841427
MPN: 9788499841427
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Quality management and beyond: the current situation and future perspectives (978-84-9984-142-7) de Bernardo Vilamitjana, Merc, (ed.lit.) (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Economía .Management (general) .. Encuadernación: Rústica. The dissemination of the quality movement has been an unprecedented success in terms of the number of both management standards and total quality management models that have been implemented worldwide. To complement these quality management systems, other related business practices have also been introduced, such as, for example, specific management systems in the fields of the environment, occupational hazards, health safety and social responsibility. Recent trends that seem certain to continue in the near future point toward the implementation of more sectorally-focused management systems and the introduction of integrated management systems as a means of encouraging innovation, and thus of gaining in competitive advantage. The long-term future of quality paradigms remains uncertain, but the impact they have had on business organizations and their contribution to improving their competitiveness are beyond dispute for both academia and business practitioners alike. 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Intemprie Metafísica De Macedonio Fernández
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707126
MPN: 9788492707126
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La intemprie metafísica de Macedonio Fernández (978-84-92707-12-6) de Uy Puigmartí, Josep Maria, Uy Puigmartí, Josep Maria (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Macedonio Fernández (Buenos Aires, 1874-1952) is an not well know author, even now, more than fifty years after his death. Who has heard of him, the reference is invariably by Jorge Luis Borges. Now, but, have read the work of Macedonio is of a height and complexity much higher than those of the son of his friend Jorge Borges, and that this is an entirely metaphysical, whether in prose, novel or poetry, whether in humor or aphorism. The ten volumes of his complete works edited by Corregidor, Buenos Aires, is a monument reflective devastating to put the metaphysical question not in God (it was theological), or being (was rationalist), but in the mystery (it was really metaphysics, current), an insoluble mystery to which he devoted all the single life, married with four children, and widowed, with the same persistence and ruthlessness that made his contemporary Fernando Pessoa, one sitting in remote large pension Buenos Aires, and another sitting on a trade office "a baixa" Lisbon. This essay aims to be a presentation of his life, work and thought.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
12.35 EUR 13 EUR
Documenta Universitaria La Ciutadella Como Espacio Militar. Las Defensas
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499845869
MPN: 9788499845869
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: La Ciutadella como espacio militar. Las defensas de Palahí Grimal, Lluís, Burch, Josep Documenta Universitaria
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Ferrater Mora, Filsof
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499844077
MPN: 9788499844077
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Ferrater Mora, filsof (978-84-9984-407-7) de Vergés Gifra, Joan, Vergés Gifra, Joan, García Rodríguez, Iván (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Filsof, intellectual a l'exili, novellista, escriptor, cineasta, Josep Ferrater Mora (1912-1991) és un personatge ineludible de la cultura catalana i espanyola del segle XX. No ho és menys la seva obra. Conixer la vida i les vicissituds per les quals va haver de passar ens ajuda a fer-nos una idea de les dificultats i els reptes a qu van haver de fer front les generacions d'intel ? lectuals posteriors a l'esclat de la Guerra Civil espanyola. Conixer l'obra de Ferrater Mora ens ajuda a veure fins a quin punt el seu treball ha de ser qualificat d'extraordinari i, fins i tot, de necessari. En aquest cmic el lector trobar una cosa i una altra: el retrat d'un personatge únic que alhora illustra un temps no tan pretrit i l'esbós d'un llegat intellectual extraordinari. 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Diversitat Religiosa I Lacitat A Les Escoles I Hospitals De La Ciutat De Girona
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499843940
MPN: 9788499843940
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Diversitat religiosa i lacitat a les escoles i hospitals de la ciutat de Girona de Vergés Gifra, Joan, Vergés Gifra, Joan
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- Documenta Universitaria -
18.05 EUR 19 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Guía Del Autoestopista Salutogénico
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499841021
MPN: 9788499841021
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Guía del Autoestopista Salutogénico (978-84-9984-102-1) de Lindstrm, Bengt, Eriksson, Monica, León Herrero, Violeta (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Medicina .Epidemiología Y Salud Pública .. In the late 70's Aaron Antonovsky introduced the concept of promoting salutogenesis look of the concept of positive health. Antonovsky turned the concept of health stating that: "We must look at what creates health rather than to the limitations and causes of diseases. "\nBut despite the theoretical similarities with the intentions described in 1986 in the Ottawa Charter and health promotion, has not yet been sufficiently explored the potential of the salutogenic theory. Is a need to focus on health rather than disease-centered approach.\n 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Los Afijos: Variación, Rivalidad Y Representación
Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788499842868
MPN: 9788499842868
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Los afijos: variación, rivalidad y representación (978-84-9984-286-8) de ELISENDA BERNAL (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Lingistica .. Encuadernación: Rústica 1
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- Documenta Universitaria -
15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Integrant La Salut
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788493468507
MPN: 9788493468507
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Integrant la salut (978-84-934685-0-7) de Juviny Canal, Dolors ... [et al.], Congrés d'Atenció Primria i Salut Mental, Juviny Canal, Dolors ... [et al.] (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Summary of the overall contributions to the framework of the IV Congrés d'Atenció Primria i Salut Mental held in Girona on the 18th and 19th of March 2004.\n 0
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- Documenta Universitaria -
12.35 EUR 13 EUR
Documenta Universitaria Traducció I Ideologia
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Documenta Universitaria
EAN: 9788492707355
MPN: 9788492707355
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Traducció i ideologia (978-84-92707-35-5) de Castellanos i Lloren, Carles (Documenta Universitaria ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Lingistica .. Throughout the six chapters of this book succinctly presents different theoretical content about language, translation and ideology, basing the arguments on an analysis of social meaning. Starting from the conception of ideology as an instrument for regulating social relations, first addresses the social character of language and a critical analysis of linguistic theories. The following analysis explores the phenomenon of translation as a social markedly interlingual nature, therefore subjected to multiple ideological influences. Theories of translation are also discussed, introducing reflections on the theory of meaning. An extensive questionnaire and practical examples of instruments used to stimulate discussion around the ideas in this book. \n 1
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