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24.97 EUR 26.28 EUR
Random House Never Say Never
Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780593498644
MPN: 9780593498644
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Never Say Never (978-0-593-49864-4) de Steel, Danielle (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. NATIONAL BESTSELLER Bestselling author Danielle Steels deeply moving novel is the story of a woman who finds her life turned upside down while living temporarily in the French countryside. Oona Kelly Webster has much to be grateful for. A striking woman with red hair and green eyes, she has a loving family and a job she adores, editing a prestigious line of books. To celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, she and her husband, Charles, have planned a visit to France. But then Charles drops a bombshell. He has been living a liehiding an affair for a yearand he is leaving Oona for a younger male lover. Although devastated, Oona decides to travel to France without Charles. She arrives in a charming village an hour outside of Paris, and settles into the house she has rented, called La Belle Florencenamed after the kings mistress for whom it was built. But just as shes catching her breath, shes dealt another blow: Her companys merger will eliminate her job. In the space of a few months, everything she nurtured for decades has slipped through her fingers. The only silver lining is that she can remain in France, where the simple life in beautiful surroundings slowly begins to heal her, as does the little white dog she rescues, and her friendly neighbor hailing from Trinidad, who delights her with his openness and warmth. Though she does not recognize him at first, she soon realizes her neighbor is a well-known actor. As their feelings for each other begin to deepen, Oona wrestles with the risks of opening her heart againespecially to a younger, very famous man. Never Say Never is an inspiring novel about a woman who finds a second chance at happiness and love, all because she understands the importance of being brave enough to stay open to change. 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
21.76 EUR 22.91 EUR
Random House Manifiesto Criminal (ray Carney 2)
Brand: Random House
EAN: 9788439743507
MPN: 9788439743507
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Manifiesto criminal (Ray Carney 2) (978-84-397-4350-7) de Whitehead, Colson (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Libros de Novela Negra .. Whitehead se está convirtiendo rápidamente en el Dickens de la vida de los afroamericanos estadounidenses. Johanna Thomas-Corr, The Times El doble ganador del Pulitzer continúa entonando su himno a Harlem, en todo su esplendor y miseria, y recreando el paisaje criminal del agitado Nueva York de la década de 1970. Comienza la década de los setenta y la ciudad de Nueva York parece más sucia y peligrosa que nunca. Mientras en las calles de Harlem estalla una guerra abierta entre el Ejército Negro de Liberación y la policía estatal, Ray Carney, al frente de su próspera tienda de muebles, intenta mantenerse alejado de los negocios turbios y ser un honrado padre de familia. Pero no es sencillo dejar atrás un pasado entre ladrones, gánsteres y policías corruptos y, al no encontrar entradas para los Jackson 5 para su hija adolescente, no duda en recurrir a un viejo contacto policial que, a cambio, le reclamará favores un tanto dudosos. Manifiesto criminal nos conducirá desde un mundo de caprichosas estrellas de Hollywood, traficantes de drogas y sicarios que pueblan una producción cinematográfica made in Harlem hasta una trama de especuladores y corrupción política que hará que el barrio arda en llamas. La crítica ha dicho : Un tratado deslumbrante, una gloriosa e intrincada anatomía del atraco, la estafa y el farol. [?] Lo tiene todo: la música, la energía, la dolorosa reflexión de la pérdida. Manifiesto criminal detona alegremente su sátira sobre este mundo al tiempo que llega al corazón del barrio y de su gente. Walter Mosley, The New York Times Book Review Un recordatorio, como si aún lo necesitáramos, de que la novela negrapuede ser gran literatura. Tan resonante y fruto de una observación tan aguda como todo lo que ha escrito Whitehead. Chris Vognar, Los Angeles Times Son novelas policíacas, sí; divertidas y trepidantes. También son las dos primeras entregas de una gran epopeya histórica. Novela enestado puro. Más grande y mejor, en conjunto, que cualquier cosa que Whitehead haya escrito antes. Gabriel Bump, The Washington Post Manifiesto criminal continúa la brillante secuencia que comenzó con El ritmo de Harlem , describiendo intrincadamente la historia culturaly el drama familiar con la energía convincente de un thriller criminal y el agudo ingenio de la sátira social. Jake Arnott, The Guardian Pocos escritores combinan la profundidad de la perspicacia y la compasión con una prosa exquisita; Whitehead es uno de ellos. Prefiero leer sus novelas a las de cualquier otro escritor vivo. Alex Preston, The Financial Times Casi todas las páginas tienen al menos una gran línea. Publishers Weekly 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

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21.76 EUR 22.91 EUR
Random House Intermezzo
Brand: Random House
EAN: 9788439744030
MPN: 9788439744030
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Intermezzo (978-84-397-4403-0) de Rooney, Sally (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Novela y Narrativa Extranjera .. El libro más esperado del año. La nueva novela de Sally Rooney, la aclamada autora de Gente normal . El fenómeno literario de la década. The Guardian Literatura en mayúsculas. El País A pesar de ser hermanos, Peter e Ivan Koubek tienen poco en común. Peter, de treinta y pocos, es un carismático y renombrado abogado en Dublín de apariencia inquebrantable. Tras la muerte de su padre, lucha por mantener bajo control su caótica vida personal. Se medica para poder dormir y manejar la relación sentimental que mantiene con dos mujeres muy diferentes: su eterno primer amor, Sylvia, y Naomi, una estudiante universitaria que no se toma la vida muy enserio. Ivan, de veintidós años, es un ajedrecista de carácter reservado, rígido en su actitud y aparentemente poco empático, que se ve a sí mismo como la antítesis de su hermano mayor, al que considera superficial y hablador. Pocos días después del funeral, Ivan conocerá a Margaret, una mujer catorce años mayor, y sus vidas se entrelazarán rápida e intensamente. Intermezzo es un nuevo interludio para dos hermanos afligidos y las personas que aman, un tiempo cargado de deseo y desesperación, pero también de posibilidades. Una oportunidad para descubrir cuánto puede contener una vida sin romperse. Me encanta Sally Rooney. Tiene cantidad de imitadores, pero muy pocos la superan y también son muy pocos los críticos que entienden lo que realmente ocurre en esas novelas. [?] Una inteligencia excepcional. Zadie Smith MARAVILLOSA. The New Yorker Dueña de una prosa adictiva, las novelas de Sally Rooney nos confrontan con ese pozo de soledad en que se han convertido las relaciones humanas en la época moderna. Fernanda Melchor Mi escritora favorita. Lena Dunham Esla reinventora de la novela de amor decimonónica en la era de la hiperconectividad. Anatxu Zabalbeascoa, El País Semanal La autora irlandesa, con permiso de Maggie O?Farrell, con más proyección de la historia. Vanity Fair Los mejores diálogos que hayamos leído nunca. The New Yorker Una historia de amor cercana, honesta y pura. Isabel Coixet Una novela preciosa sobre las innumerables formas en que hombres y mujeres intentan entenderse y cómo fracasan constantemente. The Guardian Leer menos 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
21.76 EUR 22.91 EUR
Random House Un Lugar Para Mungo
Brand: Random House
EAN: 9788439741435
MPN: 9788439741435
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Un lugar para Mungo (978-84-397-4143-5) de Stuart, Douglas (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Novela y Narrativa Extranjera .. REGRESA EL GANADOR DEL PREMIO BOOKER POR HISTORIA DE SHUGGIE BAIN Un lugar para Mungo lo confirma: Douglas Stuart es un genio. Ron Charles, The Washington Post Un puñetazo directo al corazón. Publishers Weekly A sus quince años, Mungo, un adolescente con una sensibilidad diferente al resto de los chicos del vecindario, vive en un barrio obrero del Glasgow de la era post-Thatcher, en el seno de una familia protestante: sin padre, con una madre alcohólica y un hermano que representa todo lo que él odia. En un ambiente masculinizado, rodeado de paro y peleas callejeras, solo cuenta con el apoyo y el cuidado de su hermana, Jodie. Tras un altercado familiar, su madre decide enviar a Mungo de pesca con dos desconocidos de Alcohólicos Anónimos para que hagan de él un hombre de provecho. De camino a un lago del oeste de Escocia con esos extraños cuyas bromas de borrachos esconden un pasado turbio, Mungo solo piensa en regresar al lado de su amigo James, el único lugar donde ha descubierto que puede ser él mismo. Douglas Stuart nos acerca, con una prosa lírica y vívida, al peligroso primer amor entre dos adolescentes en esta lúcida y conmovedora historia sobre el sentido de la masculinidad y del deber para con la familia, las violencias a las que se enfrentan las identidades queer y los riesgos de querer demasiado a alguien. Críticas: Un lugar para Mungo lo confirma: Douglas Stuart es un genio [#] Es capaz de tensar las cuerdas del suspense a la vez que mantiene una asombrosa sensibilidad a la hora de explorar la mente confusa de este gentil adolescente que intenta entender su sexualidad Ron Charles, The Washington Post Una novela enorme [#] Sigue un arco dickensiano: un joven marginado, que desea un futuro mejor, se ve atrapado en un esquema de violencia y debe escoger entre la vida que quiere para él y la que se le presenta [#] Esta novela te corta y luego te venda. Hillary Kelly, Los Angeles Times Una novela hermosa y sutil que te partirá el corazón [#] Es un testimonio del poder implacable que tiene Stuart como narrador. Maureen Corrigan, NPR's Fresh Air Su escritura es bellísima, une lo desagradable y lo mundano en una sintonía maravillosa [#] La novela transmite un sonido envolvente del lugar gracias al ingenio y la musicalidad de sus diálogos. Yen Pham, New York Times Book Review Lloré con Historia de Shuggie Bain y he llorado de nuevo con el final de Un lugar para Mungo. Si la primera obra de Stuart lo situó como una gran promesa, esta novela confirma su prodigioso talento. Alex Preston, The Guardian Esta es una historia cruda, tierna y generosa sobre el amor y la supervivencia en circunstancias difíciles. People El autor crea personajes tan vívidos, dilemas tan desgarradores y diálogos tan brillantes que todo te succiona como una aspiradora [#] Romántica, aterradora, brutal, tierna y, al final,...
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
20.81 EUR 21.91 EUR
Random House Los Altruistas
Brand: Random House
EAN: 9788439738497
MPN: 9788439738497
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Los altruistas (978-84-397-3849-7) de Ridker, Andrew (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Novela y Narrativa Extranjera .. Un extraordinario debut ( The New York Review of Books ) traducido enmás de 20 países, multipremiado y alabado por la crítica internacional. Leyendo la primera novela de Andrew Ridker pronto descubres que estás en presencia de un nuevo talento [...]. Su prosa es fresca y divertidísima. The Times Arthur Alter no está pasando por un buen momento. Profesor universitario, mediocre y sesentón, tiene harta a su jovencísima novia, nopuede pagar la hipoteca y sus hijos, Ethan y Maggie, no le dirigen la palabra. Para evitar perder la lujosa casa familiar, Arthur decide invitarles a pasar un fin de semana con la excusa de una reconciliación, pero con la intención real de hacerse con la pequeña fortuna secreta que su difunta esposa Francine les legó. Desde el fallecimiento de su madre, Ethan vive en Nueva York y se ha convertido en un ermitaño. Ha abandonado su trabajo, se ha comprado un apartamento que no se puede permitir y su parte de la herencia prácticamente ha desaparecido. Maggie, por su parte, se haconvertido en una especie de asceta voluntaria. No quiere tocar el legado de su madre, pero, al mismo tiempo, solo consigue trabajos mal pagados que no le dan ni para subsistir. Contra todo pronóstico, ambos aceptarán la invitación de su padre sin que este imagine que todos tienen una agenda oculta. Los altruistas es una oscura y divertida saga familiar que afronta la división entre los babyboomers y su descendencia millennial, que nos recuerda que todos cometemos errores y que, de alguna manera, lo importante es encontrar el camino de vuelta. La crítica ha dicho: El arrollador debut de Ridker sigue las angustias de la familia Alter, judía, de clase media, en su búsqueda de la moralidad. Ridker, con su humor, agudeza y profundidad, ha creado una novela que impactará a los lectores. Publishers Weekly El entrañable final abre la posibilidad de un futuro brillante para la familia, quees precisamente lo que parece que le depara al dotado autor de este extraordinario debut. Stephen McCauley, The New York Review of Books Bellamente escrito, con ingeniosos diálogos y personajes fascinantes, el impresionante y profundamente gratificante debut de Ridkeres unamirada perspicaz a una familia rota por la pérdida, que lucha volver a conectar entre ellos y con sí mismos. Booklist Una ingeniosa, maliciosamente divertida y psicológicamente aguda novela sobre el coste de ser bueno. Consigue satirizar la locura de sus personajes y su egoísmo, mientras hace que nos quedemos siempre de su parte. The Daily Mail Los altruistas es consciente de las contradicciones entre moralidad y comodidad que están presentes por todos lados bajo las estructuras globales del capitalismo y de la política. The New Yorker Con una prosa aguda y precisión de cirujano, disecciona el desmembramiento de una familia. Lo que ocultamos en las sombras nunca fue tan...
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
19.86 EUR 20.91 EUR
Random House El Ritmo De Harlem
Brand: Random House
EAN: 9788439739715
MPN: 9788439739715
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: El ritmo de Harlem (978-84-397-3971-5) de Whitehead, Colson (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Novela y Narrativa Extranjera .. Un autor que roza la maestría [#]. Whitehead se ha convertido en uno de los mejores novelistas de Estados Unidos. Sam Sacks, The Wall Street Journal Ray Carner, hijo de un miembro de la mafia local y padre de familia modélico, regenta la tienda de muebles de la calle Ciento veinticinco, en Harlem. Ray intenta alejarse de la vida de delincuencia que su padre le mostró de niño, pero con un segundo hijo en camino necesita sacarse un dinero extra revendiendo artículos robados. Ahora, su primo Freddie le ofrece participar en algo más peligroso: el robo del famoso hotel Theresa, el Waldorf de Harlem. Policías corruptos, gángsters locales y pornógrafos pirómanos pasan a formar parte de su clientela habitual, y Ray tendrá que hacer equilibrios para mantener esta doble vida sin morir en el intento. El multipremiado Colson Whitehead regresa con una historia deslumbrante que recrea el paisaje criminal del Harlem de los años sesenta, un lugar que se convertirá en el centro de la lucha por los derechos civiles y donde la muerte de un adolescente negro abatido a tiros por la policía desencadenará los famosos disturbios de 1964. Una vez más, el autor pone de relieve las desigualdades y la discriminación racial de una época cuyos ecos aún resuenan en nuestro presente, en una novela criminal cargada de humor con la que consigue romper de nuevo las reglas del género negro. La crítica ha dicho... Uno de los mejores escritores norteamericanos vivos. Mitchell S. Jackson, Time Su escritura hace lo que la escritura debe hacer: actualiza nuestra percepción del mundo. John Updike , New Yorker La novela clava las complejidades del pasado de Nueva York, desde las maravillas de la Feria Mundial hasta la desesperación de los disturbios en Harlem. Los Angeles Times Whitehead pone a prueba su fuerza literaria, expandiendo los límites y las expectativas de la novela negra. Este libro es también un drama social que interroga la naturaleza de los prejuicios y cómo el entorno limita la ambición. The Guardian, Book of the Day Gloriosamente entretenido [#] un drama social chispeante, que combina pinceladas de alta comedia con reflexiones sobre la esencia de la emancipación y el empoderamiento negros en Estados Unidos. Es poco probable que surja una novela mejor este año. The Evening Standard La trama que (Whitehead) ha ideado para El ritmo de Harlem le ha ofrecido un nuevo motor narrativo de alta velocidad con el que jugar, pero también le ha dado una forma de explorar ideas sobre la naturaleza resbaladiza de la moralidad, el poder (y quién lo posee) y las jerarquías sociales de subculturas criminales. The New York Times Una apasionante novela de atracos ambientada en la era del Harlem de los derechos civiles. [#] Es una historia superlativa, pero el logro más impresionante es la representación amorosa que hace Whitehead del Harlem de los...
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Random House in Libros y revistas

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19.51 EUR 20.54 EUR
Random House Rising Tides
Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780425262764
MPN: 9780425262764
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Rising Tides (978-0-425-26276-4) de Roberts, Nora (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. The second novel in #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts' stunning... 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
19.5 EUR 20.53 EUR
Random House Goddess Of The Rose
Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780425227107
MPN: 9780425227107
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Goddess of the Rose de Cast, P. C. Random House 978-0-425-22710-7 p. 19,50 EUR Comprar Libros de Literatura .Libros de Novela Negra . 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

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18.95 EUR 19.95 EUR
Random House New York
Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780099509387
MPN: 9780099509387
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: New York (978-0-09-950938-7) de Rutherfurd, Edward (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. _________________________ A sweeping, epic novel of the greatest city in the world. From the empty grandeur of the New World to the skyscrapers of the City that Never Sleeps, from the intimate detail of lives long forgotten to those lived today at breakneck speed, Edward Rutherfurd's acclaimed novel is a true epic. The novel begins with a tiny Indian fishing village and the Dutch traders who first carved out their hopes amidst the splendour of the wilderness. The British settlers and merchants followed, with their aristocratic governors and unpopular taxation which led to rebellion, war, the burning of the city and the birth of the American Nation. Yet a country that had already rent itself asunder once did so again over slavery. As the country fought its bloody Civil War, the city was torn apart by deadly riots. Hopes and dreams, greed and corruption - they have always been the companions of freedom and opportunity in the city's teeming streets. As the immigrant ships berthed next to Ellis Island in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, they poured more and more Germans, Irish, Italians and Jews into the churning ethnic mix of the city. Deals were struck, politicians corrupted, men bought or assassinated, heiresses wooed, fortunes were speculated on Wall Street and men became rich beyond the dreams of avarice. The heady seesaw of wealth and poverty was seen in the Roaring Twenties and the Great Crash, the city's future symbolised by its buildings which literally touched the sky: the Empire State, the Chrysler Building, the Twin Towers. Rutherfurd tells this irresistible story through a cast of fictional and true characters whose fates interweave in the rise and fall, fall and rise of the city's fortunes. It is the story of how in four centuries New York became the envy of the world. And in telling the story through the lens of New York, Rutherfurd brings the story of America itself to unforgettable life in this epic masterpiece. 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
18.76 EUR 19.75 EUR
Random House Where The Light Falls
Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780425257784
MPN: 9780425257784
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Where the Light Falls (978-0-425-25778-4) de Katherine Keenum (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Novela y Narrativa Española e Hispanoamericana .. As the Belle Epoque dawns, Paris attracts artists from everywhere. One is Jeanette Palmer, daughter 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
17.45 EUR 18.37 EUR
Random House The Inadequate Heir
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780593975244
MPN: 9780593975244
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Inadequate Heir (978-0-593-97524-4) de Jensen, Danielle L. (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Otros Idiomas .Novela y Narrativa en Inglés .. NATIONAL BESTSELLER The next installment in the Bridge Kingdom series is not to be missed. Do not walk to pick up this book. Run.Jennifer L. Armentrout, author of From Blood and Ash In the third novel of the iconic Bridge Kingdom series, forbidden romance blooms between two sworn enemies who must choose between their thirst for vengeance and their love for each otherfrom the New York Times bestselling author of A Fate Inked in Blood . A soldier raised as heir to an empire, Zarrah is motivated by two truths: The first is that the Veliant family murdered her mother. The second is that her pursuit of vengeance will put every last one of them in their graves. The Endless War between Maridrina and Valcotta has raged for generations, leaving thousands of Zarrahs people dead and still more orphaned. So when shes given command of the contested city of Nerastis, Zarrah is prepared to do whatever it takes to destroy the Maridrinian forces who oppose herand to kill the Veliant prince who leads them. Yet a chance encounter with an anonymous and handsome Maridrinian causes Zarrah to question whether the violence shes perpetrated is justice or a crime. And as she continues to meet the nameless man each night, she finds common groundand fiery passionin his arms. But when identities are revealed, Zarrah must decide whether to embrace a chance at peace or march to the drums of war. Includes the bonus Bridge Kingdom novella The Calm Before the Storm , from the points of view of Lara and Aren Dont miss any of Danielle L. Jensen's Bridge Kingdom series: THE BRIDGE KINGDOM THE TRAITOR QUEEN THE INADEQUATE HEIR THE ENDLESS WAR THE TWISTED THRONE (April 8, 2025) 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

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17 EUR 17.89 EUR
Random House En El Pensamiento
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9788439743293
MPN: 9788439743293
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: En El Pensamiento (978-84-397-4329-3) de Aira, César (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Novela y Narrativa Española e Hispanoamericana .. La nueva novela de César Aira, uno de los novelistas más provocativos e idiosincrásicos de la literatura en lengua española. ( The New York Times ) En un lugar remoto de La Pampa argentina se encuentra El Pensamiento: un par de calles y un puñado de casas construidas alrededor de una estación ferroviaria. Dejándose llevar por los recuerdos hasta ahora olvidados, el narrador de esta historia evoca el último año que vivió en esta diminuta localidad, con siete años y justo antes de mudarse a la ciudad de Coronel Pringles con su familia. Criado en un ambiente rural, entre sirvientas, una madre tierna y un patriarca que poco a poco ha ido comprando el pueblo entero, su último año estuvo marcado por dos sucesos memorables que hicieron tambalearse la idílica paz rural de los vecinos: la llegada de un preceptor venido de la ciudad para hacerse cargo de la educación del narrador y el misterioso incidente con una locomotora desaparecida. Entre personajes que parecen sacados de una novela decimonónica, guiños proustianos y estampas pampeanas de una Argentina que quiere abrazar el progreso y el orden, Aira construye una novela de iniciación que muta y nunca es lo que aparenta ser, pero que despliega de nuevo el gran talento, el desbordante imaginario y la originalidad radical que caracterizan la obra de uno de los grandes autores de nuestro tiempo. Sobre el autor y su obra la crítica ha dicho: Qué podemos esperar de una obra de César Aira? Cualquier cosa: un artefacto ingenioso e impredecible, una miniatura narrativa que renueva, una y otra vez, la literatura. Juan Pablo Villalobos El modo en que Aira recoge el guante de las convenciones narrativas y las diluye en un cruce de ejes con la naturaleza entrópica de la vida es maravilloso. Nadal Suau, El Cultural César Aira no es solo uno de los más destacables escritores argentinos de la actualidad: es también uno de los autores más originales, más chocantes, más inteligentes y divertidos de la narrativa contemporánea en lengua española. Ignacio Echevarría En la literatura argentina, Aira goza del raro privilegio de crear belleza, a la manera de Oscar Wilde o de Fellini. Fabricar objetos exóticos, que una vez en el aire se tornan necesarios e inevitables. Leonardo Moledo, Clarín Si Marcel Duchamp puso patas arriba la institución Arte, no es exagerado decir que cada nuevo libro de César Aira hace lo propio con la Literatura, a veces con herramientas afines: la parodia, la desviación y el azar. Carlos Pardo, Babelia Las historias de Aira parecen fragmentos de un infinito e interconectado universo en constante expansión. Patti Smith César Aira es uno de los novelistas más provocativos e idiosincrásicos de la literatura en lengua española. No hay que perdérselo. Natasha Wimmer, The New York Times Leer a César Aira es siempre una experiencia sorprendente, aunque...
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Random House in Libros y revistas

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16.9 EUR 17.79 EUR
Random House The Power Of Purpose: Living Well By Doing Good
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780307337153
MPN: 9780307337153
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Power of Purpose: Living Well by Doing Good (978-0-307-33715-3) de Peter STemes,Temes (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Psicología .Autoayuda, superación y mejora personal .Superación personal .. The Power of Purpose begins with a simple but remarkable statement: The more you focus on helping others, the more you will succeed in reaching your own goals. Peter S. Temes builds on this fundamental insight to share a simple plan for living with the truest and most enduring kind of happiness. 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
16.62 EUR 17.49 EUR
Random House Dare To Lead
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9781984854032
MPN: 9781984854032
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: DARE TO LEAD (978-1-984854-03-2) de BRENE BROWN (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Bren Brown has taught us what it means to dare greatly, rise strong, and brave the wilderness. Now, based on new research conducted with leaders, change makers, and culture shifters, she's showing us how to put those ideas into practice so we can step up and lead. Leadership is not about titles, status, and wielding power. A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for recognizing the potential in people and ideas, and has the courage to develop that potential. When we dare to lead, we don't pretend to have the right answers; we stay curious and ask the right questions. We don't see power as finite and hoard it; we know that power becomes infinite when we share it with others. We don't avoid difficult conversations and situations; we lean into vulnerability when it's necessary to do good work. But daring leadership in a culture defined by scarcity, fear, and uncertainty requires skill-building around traits that are deeply and uniquely human. The irony is that we're choosing not to invest in developing the hearts and minds of leaders at the exact same time as we're scrambling to figure out what we have to offer that machines and AI can't do better and faster. What can we do better? Empathy, connection, and courage, to start. Four-time #1 New York Times bestselling author Bren Brown has spent the past two decades studying the emotions and experiences that give meaning to our lives, and the past seven years working with transformative leaders and teams spanning the globe. She found that leaders in organizations ranging from small entrepreneurial startups and family-owned businesses to nonprofits, civic organizations, and Fortune 50 companies all ask the same question: How do you cultivate braver, more daring leaders, and how do you embed the value of courage in your culture? In this new book, Brown uses research, stories, and examples to answer these questions in the no-BS style that millions of readers have come to expect and love. Brown writes, One of the most important findings of my career is that daring leadership is a collection of four skill sets that are 100 percent teachable, observable, and measurable. It's learning and unlearning that requires brave work, tough conversations, and showing up with your whole heart. Easy? No. Because choosing courage over comfort is not always our default. Worth it? Always. We want to be brave with our lives and our work. It's why we're here. Whether you've read Daring Greatly and Rising Strong or you're new to Bren Brown's work, this book is for anyone who wants to step up and into brave leadership. 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
16.54 EUR 17.41 EUR
Random House The Unmaking Of June Farrow
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780593598696
MPN: 9780593598696
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Unmaking of June Farrow (978-0-593-59869-6) de Young, Adrienne (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Otros Idiomas .Novela y Narrativa en Inglés .. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A woman risks everything to end her familys centuries-old curse, solve her mothers disappearance, and find love in this mesmerizing novel from theauthor of Spells for Forgetting . Come for the fresh twist on time travel; stay for the love story. Good Housekeeping A GOOD HOUSEKEEPING AND SHE READS BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR In the small mountain town of Jasper, North Carolina, June Farrow is waiting for fate to find her.The Farrow women are known for their thriving flower farmand the mysterious curse that has plagued their family line. The whole town remembers the madness that led to Susanna Farrows disappearance, leaving June to be raised by her grandmother and haunted by rumors. Its been a year since June started seeing and hearing things that werent there. Faint wind chimes, a voice calling her name, and a mysterious door appearing out of nowherethe signs of what June always knew was coming. But June is determined to end the curse once and for all, even if she must sacrifice finding love and having a family of her own. After her grandmothers death, June discovers a series of cryptic clues regarding her mothers decades-old disappearance, except they only lead to more questions. But could the door she once assumed was a hallucination be the answer shes been searching for? The next time it appears, June realizes she can touch it and walk past the threshold. And when she does, she embarks on a journey that will not only change both the past and the future, but alsouncover the lingering mysteries of her small town and entangle her heart in an epic star-crossed love. With The Unmaking of June Farrow, Adrienne Young delivers a brilliant novel of romance, mystery, and a touch of the impossiblea story you will never forget. 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
16.24 EUR 17.09 EUR
Random House Behave
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780099575061
MPN: 9780099575061
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Behave (978-0-09-957506-1) de Sapolsky, Robert M. (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Historia de la ciencia .. A ground-breaking synthesis of the entire science of human behaviour by 'one of the best scientist-writers of our time' (Oliver Sacks) -- 'It's no exaggeration to say that Behave is one of the best nonfiction books I've ever read' Wall Street Journal Why do we do what we do? Behave is at once a dazzling tour and a majestic synthesis of the whole science of human behaviour. Brought to life through simple language, engaging stories and irreverent wit, it offers the fullest picture yet of the origins of tribalism and xenophobia, hierarchy and competition, morality and free will, war and peace. Robert Sapolsky's ingenious method is to move backwards in time from the moment at which a behaviour occurs, layer by layer through the myriad influences that led to it: - We begin with the split-second reactions of the brain and nervous system... - Then we consider our response to sight, sound and smell in the minutes and seconds beforehand... - Next he explains the interactions of hormones, which prime our behaviour in the preceding hours and days... - He proceeds through the experiences of adolescence, childhood and foetal development that shape us over our lifespans... - And continues over centuries and millennia through the profound influences of genetic inheritance, cultural context and ultimately the evolutionary origins of our species. Throughout, Sapolsky considers the most important question: what causes acts of aggression or compassion? What inspires us to terrible deeds and what might help foster our best behaviour? Wise, humane, often very funny, Behave is a towering achievement, powerfully humanizing, that is unlikely to be surpassed for many years. 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
14.72 EUR 15.49 EUR
Random House The Power Of Habit
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9781847946249
MPN: 9781847946249
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Power of Habit (978-1-84794-624-9) de Duhigg, Charles (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. There's never been a better time to set new habits. This book will change your life. In The Power of Habit , award-winning journalist Charles Duhigg takes us into the thrilling and surprising world of the scientific study of habits. He examines why some people and companies struggle to change, despite years of trying, while others seem to remake themselves overnight. He visits laboratories where neuroscientists explore how habits work and where, exactly, they reside in our brains. And he uncovers how the right habits were crucial to the success of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, and civil-rights hero Martin Luther King, Jr. The result is a compelling argument and an empowering discovery: the key to exercising regularly, losing weight, raising exceptional children, becoming more productive or even building revolutionary companies is understanding how habits work. By harnessing this new science, we can transform our businesses, our communities, and our lives. ______________________________ '[An] essential manual for business and living.' Andrew Hill, Financial Times 'Once you read this book, you'll never look at yourself, your organisation, or your world quite the same way.' Daniel H. Pink 'This is a first-rate book - based on an impressive mass of research, written in a lively style and providing just the right balance of intellectual seriousness with practical advice on how to break our bad habits.' The Economist 0
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- Random House -
13.77 EUR 14.49 EUR
Random House Dirty Diana
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780593447666
MPN: 9780593447666
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Dirty Diana (978-0-593-44766-6) de Jen Besser; Shana Feste (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Otros Idiomas .Novela y Narrativa en Inglés .. A deliciously provocative novel about a woman caught between the comfortable stability of her marriage and her memories of a more sensual pastthe first book in a three-part series based on the #1 fiction podcast Diana Woods quest to reignite her sensual past while navigating the confines of her current marriage is funny and sexy. Dirty Diana iswildly seductiveperfect for anyone who loved The Idea of You .Rene Carlino, bestselling author of Before We Were Strangers and This Used to Be Us Diana Wood has a job she likes and a husband, Oliver, she loves. Together, they have a daughter they adore. She and Oliver spend so much time together that they even carpool to work in the same office. Theyre in married love, which isnt exactly the same as love love, but its fine. Or is it? Is fine good enough? Diana and Oliver havent had sex in months, and their intimacy seems more like a memory than a reality. The cozy trappings of Dianas life in Dallas, Texas, have become ever-more confining. She is restless, growing more distant from Oliver by the day. A trip to see an old friend in Santa Fe prompts Diana to remember the woman she used to be: an aspiring artist; someone devoted to creativity, spontaneity, sensuality. In her pastespecially with Jasper, the dashing photographer with whom she once had an unforgettable love affairDiana let herself fantasize, she let her body lead the way. She was wholly . . . alive. Returning to Dallas, Diana decides to rediscover the deeply feeling woman she once was. She begins interviewing other women, painting their portraits as they speak. She encourages them to give voice to their secret desires as she captures their deepest, innermost fantasies. But is it possible for Diana to reclaim her more sensual self and maintain the marriage she committed to? What if connecting to her own desires means dissolving the safe life shes so carefully cultivated? 0
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- Random House -
13.77 EUR 14.49 EUR
Random House The Traitor Queen
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780593975213
MPN: 9780593975213
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Traitor Queen (978-0-593-97521-3) de Jensen, Danielle L. (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. NATIONAL BESTSELLER An epic, action-packed tale of love, revenge, and betrayal.Jennifer Estep, author of Kill the Queen In the second novel of the heart-pounding Bridge Kingdom series, one woman fights to win back her throne, her people, and the love of the man shes betrayedfrom the New York Times bestselling author of A Fate Inked in Blood . A queen now in exile as a traitor, Lara has watched as Ithicana is conquered by her own father, helpless to do anything to stop the destruction. But when she learns her husband, Aren, has been captured in battle, Lara knows there is only one reason her father is keeping him alive: as bait for his traitorous daughter. And it is bait she fully intends to take. Risking her life on the Tempest Seas, Lara returns to Ithicana with a plan not only to free its king but to liberate the Bridge Kingdom from her fathers clutches, using his own weapons: the sisters whose lives she spared. Yet not only is the palace inescapable, there are more players in the game than Lara ever realized: enemies and allies switching sides in the fight for crowns, kingdoms, and bridges. But her greatest adversary of all might be the man shes trying to freethe husband she betrayed. With everything she loves in jeopardy, Lara must decide whoand whatshe is fighting for: her kingdom, her husband, or herself. Includes a brand new, never-before-seen bonus chapter from Sarhinas point of view Dont miss any of Danielle L. Jensen's Bridge Kingdom series: THE BRIDGE KINGDOM THE TRAITOR QUEEN THE INADEQUATE HEIR THE ENDLESS WAR THE TWISTED THRONE (April 8, 2025) 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
13.25 EUR 13.95 EUR
Random House The Waves (vintage Classics Woolf Series)
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9781784870843
MPN: 9781784870843
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Waves (Vintage Classics Woolf Series) (978-1-78487-084-3) de Woolf, Virginia (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. The Waves is an astonishingly beautiful and poetic novel. It begins with six children playing in a garden by the sea and follows their lives as they grow up and experience friendship, love and grief at the death of their beloved friend Perciva 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
13.25 EUR 13.95 EUR
Random House The Years (vintage Classics Woolf Series)
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9781784872236
MPN: 9781784872236
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Years (Vintage Classics Woolf Series) (978-1-78487-223-6) de Woolf, Virginia (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY SUSAN HILL The Years follows the lives of the Pargiters, a large middle-class London family, from an uncertain spring in 1880 to a party on a summer evening in the 1930s. We see them each endure and remember h 0
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- Random House -
13.25 EUR 13.95 EUR
Random House To The Lighthouse (vintage Classics Woolf Series)
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9781784870836
MPN: 9781784870836
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: To The Lighthouse (Vintage Classics Woolf Series) (978-1-78487-083-6) de Woolf, Virginia (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Libros Clásicos .. Mr and Mrs Ramsay and their eight children have always holidayed at their summer house in Skye, surrounded by family friends. The novel's opening section teems with the noise, complications, bruised emotions, joys and quiet tragedies of everyday f 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
13.25 EUR 13.95 EUR
Random House The Ascent Of Rum Doodle
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9781784875299
MPN: 9781784875299
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Ascent Of Rum Doodle (978-1-78487-529-9) de W. E. Bowman (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. W. E. Bowman (1912-1985) was a civil engineer who spent his free time hill-walking, painting and writing (unpublished) books on the Theory of Relativity. He was married with two children. 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
12.82 EUR 13.49 EUR
Random House An Event In Autumn
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9781784700843
MPN: 9781784700843
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: An Event in Autumn (978-1-78470-084-3) de Mankell, Henning (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. Encuadernación: Rústica Kurt Wallander's life looks like it has taken a turn for the better when he moves into a new home with his girlfriend. Then he uncovers the skeleton of a young woman in his garden. As he attempts to find her killer, he's called to investigate a second tragic case. This beautiful gift edition of a never-before-published Wallander novella is a wonderful treat for fans and new readers alike. 1
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- Random House -
12.11 EUR 12.75 EUR
Random House Reacher: Persuader (mti): A Reacher Novel
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780593984215
MPN: 9780593984215
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Reacher: Persuader (Mti): A Reacher Novel (978-0-593-98421-5) de Child, Lee (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING JACK REACHER SERIES The inspiration for season three of the hit streaming series Reacher ! Gripping and suspenseful . . . Child ratchets up the suspense to new heights. The Denver Post Jack Reacher lives for the moment. Without a home. Without commitment. And with a burning desire to right wrongsand rewrite his own agonizing past. DEA Susan Duffy is living for the future, knowing that she has made a terrible mistake by putting one of her own female agents into a death trap within a heavily guarded Maine mansion. Staging a brilliant ruse, Reacher hurtles into the dark heart of a vast criminal enterprise. Trying to rescue an agent whose time is running out, Reacher enters a crime lords waterfront fortress. There he will find a world of secrecy and violenceand confront some unfinished business from his own past. 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
11.88 EUR 12.51 EUR
Random House The Children's Act
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780099599647
MPN: 9780099599647
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Children's Act (978-0-09-959964-7) de McEwan, Ian (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Otros Idiomas .Novela y Narrativa en Inglés .. Encuadernación: Rústica Fiona Maye is a leading High Court judge, presiding over cases in the family court. She is renowned for her fierce intelligence, exactitude and sensitivity. But her professional success belies private sorrow and domestic strife. There is the lingering regret of her childlessness, and now, her marriage of thirty years is in crisis. At the same time, she is called on to try an urgent case: for religious reasons, a beautiful seventeen-year-old boy, Adam, is refusing the medical treatment that could save his life, and his devout parents share his wishes. Time is running out. Should the secular court overrule sincerely held faith[unk] In the course of reaching a decision Fiona visits Adam in hospital - an encounter which stirs long-buried feelings in her and powerful new emotions in the boy. Her judgment has momentous consequences for them both. 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
11.88 EUR 12.51 EUR
Random House The Death Of Mrs Westaway
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9781784704360
MPN: 9781784704360
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Death of Mrs Westaway (978-1-78470-436-0) de Ware, Ruth (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Libros para niños .Libros Ilustrados para niños .. Ruth Ware is an international number one bestseller. Her thrillers In a Dark, Dark Wood , The Woman in Cabin 10 and The Lying Game were smash hits, and she has appeared on bestseller lists around the world, including the 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
11.54 EUR 12.15 EUR
Random House The Party
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780593704080
MPN: 9780593704080
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Party (978-0-593-70408-0) de Preston, Natasha (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Otros Idiomas .Novela y Narrativa en Inglés .. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER #1 bestselling author Natasha Preston is back with another pulse-pounding, twisty read! Are you invited? In the heart of the English countryside, Bessie and her closest friends gather at a remote castle for a secret party destined to make this the best spring break ever. But when the first of them dies, the party takes a lethal turn. As the body count continues to rise, Bessie and her friends must contend with a deadly storm and growing internal suspicion, all while trapped inside with a killer. Set against the backdrop of a sprawling English estate, Natasha Preston's latest thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat until the partys over 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
10.93 EUR 11.51 EUR
Random House The Ball At Versailles
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780593498361
MPN: 9780593498361
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Ball at Versailles (978-0-593-49836-1) de Steel, Danielle (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Four American debutantes attend a renowned Paris cotillion in Danielle Steel's captivating new novel. It's the summer of 1959 and the Palace of Versailles is hosting an event that will make history. It is an exclusive dusk-to-dawn ball in which a select group of American and French debutantes will be presented to international society and royalty. Four young women, all with something to prove, receive what some see as the invitation of a lifetime. Amelia Alexander, who hopes to eventually attend law school, hesitates to participate in what she sees as an archaic and privileged tradition. But her indomitable widowed mother, Jane, who's struggled financially and sacrificed for a career, encourages her to attend. Jane would do anything for Amelia to have the chance at a happily ever after. Felicity Smith is equally uncertain about the ball. Although her family is prominent in the Dallas social scene, Felicity prefers to keep to herself, avoiding the older sister who torments her. But to get out of her sister's shadow, Felicity decides to accept. If it's a success, the tables will have turned at last. For Caroline Taylor, the beautiful ingnue and daughter of Hollywood legends, the ball is an irresistible opportunity. But an unexpected heartbreak just before she leaves for France gets things off to a bad start. Then there's Samantha Walker, an art history major with an overprotective father. Her excitement about the invitation is overshadowed by the emotional and physical effects of a past tragedy that still haunts her. For all these young women, Paris and one transcendent night will change their lives forever. Bestselling author Danielle Steel extends an invitation to all, in The Ball at Versailles . 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
10.93 EUR 11.51 EUR
Random House Second Act
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9781984821973
MPN: 9781984821973
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: Second Act (978-1-984821-97-3) de Steel, Danielle (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Inglés .. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER In this gripping novel fromDanielle Steel, a top Hollywood executive seeks a new beginning when his career takes an unplanned turn. As the head of a prestigious movie studio for nearly two decades, Andy Westfieldhas had every conceivable professional luxury: a stunning office on the forty-fourth floor, a loyal assistant who can all but read his mind, access to a private jet and company cars.The son of Hollywood royalty, Andy always put his career before his marriage, and now, besides his daughter and young grandchildren, it's the only thing he truly loves. But then Andy's world is upended. The studio is sold, and the buyer's son demands the top seat. Out of a job and humiliated, Andy spirals. When his head clears, he decides to get as far away from Los Angeles as possible until the dust settles and he can find a new way forward. Andy signs a six-month rental agreement for a luxurious home in a tiny, forgotten coastal town two hours from London. When he arrives, he hires a local woman to help get his affairs in order. A former journalist,Violet Smith is at a crossroads as well, and this temporary job is exactly what she needs to tide her over. But when Violet leaves the manuscript of her unfinished novel behind after work one day, Andy lets his curiosity get the best of him and is captivated by a story that begs to be adapted for the big screen.Could this be the miracle they've both been looking for? In Second Act, Danielle Steel presents a heartening tale of how challenging times give way to opportunities and an original outline does not always contain the perfect ending. 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
10.57 EUR 11.13 EUR
Random House The Other Side Of Dark
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9780385739818
MPN: 9780385739818
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: The Other Side of Dark (978-0-385-73981-8) de Joan Lowery Nixon (Random House ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. EDGAR AWARD WINNER For fans of Gillian Flynn, Caroline Cooney, and R.L. Stine... 0
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Random House in Libros y revistas

- Random House -
10.4 EUR 10.95 EUR
Random House Rh20 The Inn
Transporte: 2.95 EUR

Brand: Random House
EAN: 9781787462458
MPN: 9781787462458
Categoría: Libros y revistas

Libro: RH20 THE INN de Patterson, James, Fox, Candice Random House 978-1-78746-245-8 p. 10,40 EUR Comprar Libros de Literatura .Literatura en Otros
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