Brand: Springer Science Business Media
9783540679028MPN: 9783540679028
Categoría: Libros y revistas
Libro: Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces (978-3-540-67902-8) de Mnch, Winfried (Springer Science Business Media ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Ingeniería .Ingeniería Mecánica .. Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces deals with structural and electronic properties of semiconductor surfaces and interfaces. The first part introduces the general aspects of space-charge layers, of clean-surface and adatom-induced surfaces states, and of interface states. It is followed by a presentation of experimental results on clean and adatom-covered surfaces which are explained in terms of simple physical and chemical concepts. Where available, results of more refined calculations are considered. This third edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. In particular it now includes an extensive discussion of the band lineup at semiconductor interfaces. The unifying concept is the continuum of interface-induced gap states. 0
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Springer Science Business Media in Libros y revistas